The Governed Can Become The Governer

Consider how the idea of solar energy will be the new standard of the world's energy.
It has taken time and effort, but it shows how ideas,
the business world, and work brings forth government change.

There was a time I railed against government.

Any and all aspects of government.

I was quite confused and hurting at the time.

My earliest blog posts reflect this hostility.

I'm quite embarrassed by my manners and choice of words in those rants.

Some of the rants and arguments reflect the internet content I was consuming at the time.





Mob-like mentality.

Very embarrassing.

I've considered deleting many posts from the past, but doing so would not be honest.

Deleting them would also remove the contrast between a prior time and a later time.

I personally recognize a change in the condition of my mind and heart.

This change both preceded and followed personal choices I've made.

Much how I am not proud of the foul things I have done and said in times past, I cannot change the past.

I can be sobered by my past and also grateful for God's grace and His patience in teaching me clarity.

God precipitated my choices and comforted me even when I was avoiding such comfort.

When I would verbally lash out against government (as a whole and its employees), I was doing so out of ignorance and lack of understanding.

I was partly venting my frustrations at myself; my mistakes, my ignorance, my lack of understanding regarding the greater world and how it 'works'.

Not that all ignorance and misunderstanding has been removed from my person, no.

It is necessary to have a prior time to reflect upon.

When I read my past work I realize a different person... a different state of mind.

Now, I don't simply ignore or dismiss government employee sins.

Instead, I recognize that at least in some places on earth, reckless government people can be replaced in a peaceful and orderly manner.

I recognize their humanity and that humanity's frailties, because I too am shrouded in humanity and share similar frailties.

What is more, in some places on earth there are mechanisms which can alleviate government corruption or ineptitude.

I think people are generally appalled by the business aspect of government.

However, in the U.S., the People are also empowered by business.

The People can either participate in politics or circumvent it altogether.

Local council chairs are there to be occupied by those who plan a strong effort to get elected by their peers.

There is also an open platform to address the council openly and freely without fear of repercussions.

Words are very powerful and are sometimes underestimated by their true strength.

As with all things in this world, we see a level of responsibility for both those who serve in a government seat and those who address that seat... and words spark thoughts in others.

A double-edged sword of sorts.

The dynamic of business within, and besides, politics is a leveraging tool the People have.

This dynamic is not present for all people in other places on earth... but it is becoming a reality.

Thus why mob riots and uprisings are utilized (sadly) to address tyrannical and incompetent governments, whereas a simple set of words can bring an avalanche of change in more ordered societies.

In some places, there is an orderly and peaceful manner to pursue change, adjustments, corrections, and complaints from the People to those who supposedly serve the People's needs.

If anyone has ever run for local council, they may know the challenges of trying to please everyone.

They may understand how some individuals, according to their influence (by wealth or popularity), have a louder voice than the common citizen.

Yet, any individual is able to pursue a council seat... which may lead further up the political food chain.

The individual who today is upset about certain government policies can become the person to change those policies tomorrow by sitting in a government seat.

This is a key difference unavailable in many places on earth: the concept of self-governance.

The concept of 'voting with your dollars' goes beyond a simplistic concept.

Consider the immigrants who come to the U.S. (or elsewhere) knowing / believing if they work hard, they can build something.

They believe their efforts can grant them a sense of freedom they couldn't enjoy wherever they came from.

The development of economy empowers the people.

This may grant insight to why there is an argument for government to own more and individuals to own less (the public vs private property argument).

The rise of the merchant class centuries ago answers this.

There is a balance in all things.

For those unhappy with their place in society, depending on where they live and their desire, they can access much learning via the free libraries of the internet.

With enough effort, in addressing greater financial mechanisms beyond the purview of the common man, ideas today can become the laws and standards tomorrow.

For example: a law pegging wages (or minimum wage) to inflation (back adjusted for damage already done from the disparity of rising costs and stagnate wages) may be a move in an equitable direction.

When the time arrives that more individuals will make their own money in resembling a barter system, the demand for learning and responsibility will further the building of trust.

The concept of value will go away from the intangible and once again be found in the tangible.


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