When Policy Bites Like A Tick: Politics 301
In the U.S., although the Supreme Court is not supposed to be 'politicized' but objective regarding the law, notice how political the process really is.
Supreme Court justices are measured, in the public's eye, according to their stance on political issues.
Thus it is openly recognized that a human's value set directly impacts how the law is interpreted.
There is a concept that politicians are supposed to go along with whatever is popularly demanded or popularly desired.
The concept of democracy in simple terms.
A concept arguing that the vast majority of people somehow 'know better' than those who are wealthier, or more educated, or 'more' in whatever other way.
A successful business person, especially someone who started their own business(es), likely knows more about business than someone whose been an employee all their lives.
The same may be said about the variety of other occupations, especially politicians.
Democracy's premise is that the common man has a voice through their public servants.
Is this truly what happens?
I recall receiving an invitation to a political candidate's fund raiser some years ago.
I was very surprised.
It was for a barbecue on his ranch.
He was running for Lieutenant Governor of California.
I am guessing my name came up on a list shortly after I had incorporated a business.
I'm also guessing that from the box I checked when voting that year, I was affiliated with his party.
Thus I received an invitation to support his effort and, if I was able, to talk business.
The invitation included a meal and photo opportunities that would cost me a few thousand dollars.
I remember also, what seemed to me, a level of access dependent on the amount of money contributed.
The larger the check I wrote out, the closer I can be to them.
Receiving that invitation was an eye opener at the time.
I was not that politically inclined at the moment, but more focused on building a business.
To look back at that time 10 years ago, it seems like another life to me now.
What I understood about politics then was quite hysterical and suspicious.
I'm embarrassed at my thoughts from that time.
My interest was more about conspiracies that were unprovable rather than fact-based or measurable evidence of what is really going on.
It is no conspiracy the rich rule over the poor, but such a factual dynamic is easily portrayed as some robbery or criminal scheme.
Such things have happened, but democracy's aim has been to bring justice and equity.
It only seems conspiratorial that wealthy and influential circles run together.
Access comes at a cost... and this is the sad reality.
The cost isn't always the writing a big check, but within democracy the support of many people speaking a single message.
Therein is revealed a fundamental fact of this life's reality.
One must do something, either with their hands or with their mind, to feed themselves.
The amount of leverage you have within a society depicts not only your influence, but your benefit.
Everyone is to have a hand in the labor of keeping society, however specialized or rural, running.
Even the farmer who owns his lands outright must pick the fruit from the tree, put it in his mouth, and chew.
Even if he has someone do all that for him, it is still up to him to eat it... and then the body does the rest of the 'work'.
When it comes to those who are portrayed to voice the plight of the commoners, is there a direct and accessible communication?
Perhaps with the individuals most noisy or swaying support of many behind them.
Some politicians have this aim, and it is very similar to a theme much older to democracy.
I would equate it to the Christian walk.
Christ taught to focus on the least and the poorest in a given society... to look after the weak.
For religious people, it is easier to focus on religious matters and argue over words.
Physically helping feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, clothing the naked is a dirty job.
It is not one of luxury or ease, but hard work.
It tugs at your heart and conscience.
It is much more comfortable to talk about religious ideas than to put one's religion into practice.
I would not equate politics it to the Christian walk when it comes to managing money over people.
Yes, one has to work in the field and there needs to be a manager as the field's owner.
When priority is the field and its owner, instead of those who work in and later buy the field's product, nearsightedness if evident.
What democracy is attempting to accomplish was accomplished in the ancient Church long ago.
What people desire to see in a politician is a saint (someone without flaw).
Saint's confess their sins, showing in one instance their aim to be perfect as God is Perfect, but always recognizing their humanity.
How often do politicians fess up to their humanity?
How often does a politician confess and allow for public redemption?
Is the public one that allows for someone to be redeemed back into society?
With freedom comes responsibility.
The greater wealth and prominence that may bring a semblance of freedom, the greater greater level of responsibility is expected.
Responsibility entails an acknowledgement and adherence to certain moral and ethical values.
The valuing of human life, regardless of status or societal position.
Moral service to human beings, always considering others as if the roles were to be (or had been) reversed.
Morals and ethics slip and slide (or are demanded and expected) from one generation to the next.
Hope there is while breath resides in the lungs.
Humility is the fear of the Lord; its wages are riches and honor and life.
In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls,
but those who would preserve their life stay far from them.
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.
Whoever sows injustice reaps calamity, and the rod they wield in fury will be broken.
The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.
Drive out the mocker, and out goes strife; quarrels and insults are ended.
One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend.
The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge, but He frustrates the words of the unfaithful.
- Proverbs 22: 4-12To be continued...
Read Politics 101.
Read Politics 201.