When Science Supports The Bible, Walls Come Tumbling Down
The rebranding of human identity is what politics is all about.
Can you, as an individual, see past that rebranding?
Can you identify the subtle programming and promotional ideas emanating from whatever political intrigue you pay attention to?
This article isn't about taking pride in your ancestral heritage, nor is it about vilifying the ancestry of any other group.
We are all one people, one humanity, separated only by time and place and, sadly, bad ideas argued as 'true' or 'good'.
Regarding political intrigue, how else is the effort to legitimize any people's rule and legacy done?
After reading this article, please take a look at the link at the end of this article.
It is very insightful and eye-opening (as well as heart rendering - or at least it should be).
What is shameful, for me, is that I too was programmed to despise all things 'Mexican'.
Then God sent me a Mexican queen whom He ordained to be my wife since the beginning of time... to help me get past that faulty program of men.
The same with all things black.
Then God placed me in a predominantly black church group and pulled out the hate and suspicion that had been sown by man's ideas.
There is a longer list of faulty programs, bad ideas conceptualized by mankind.
Where did I pick these things up?
From the news, movies, radio, advertising, and social dynamic everywhere I went outside of my homogeneous neighborhood.
Such things are born out of fear, of bad parenting, of religious nearsightedness, of pride in things earthly.
Although the U.S. had a policy of not allowing immigrants to congregate or make their own neighborhoods (for good reasons in effecting assimilation), there are drawbacks to good intentions.
The link and video below will show the detriments of such assimilation when it comes to a program encouraging people to be suspicious of, instead of open to, others.
This is not isolated to the U.S..
This is the status quo for all regimes, nation-states, governments, religions.
This is typically human... this pride and arrogance.
When the Arabs went west into Egypt and north into the caucuses in the 7th century A.D., they brought their ethnically branded religion as supreme, along with their pride.
The Persians brought their pride when they expanded west and met the Greeks in the 5th century B.C..
The Greeks returned the favor a century later, bringing their pride and all things branded theirs as 'superior'.
This is one constant found throughout the world and its history.
Thus, this should not be interpreted as an attack on a single group or particular ideology.
The problem is when any particular group and / or ideology markets itself as inclusive, considerate, and loving of its neighbors and its enemies... yet is not.
When it is not, then clearly it fails to represent Christian (Christ-like) values... the overriding advertisement of what America was built upon since its inception.
To speak in sobering terms, any government of men is largely a business.
Religious ideas are used to justify bad business practices.
Although America pursued the separation of Church and State, notice it was not built, according to law and practice, as such.
Christ was very much at the center of the American effort, at least in intention and influence, law and policy.
Yet, as with all other governments of men, it is also beholden to foreign gods... also according to practice, law and policy.
Relentless paradoxes.
This is evidenced in every single human being, every single group of people, every religion, every thing man has touched.
It is what people have been interpreting.
When people interpret the world through the faulty ideas of men (prideful political labels, religious indifference, and similar hostilities), is when people fail to realize what has been accomplished.
I introduce the Gospel of the risen Christ, and proclaim that He has demolished this wall of hostility and has made the two groups (the 'us vs them') into one.
I am your brother, whether you like it or have been convinced to hate it.
It is better for you to submit to His will rather than learn the consequences of denying it.
Notice Christ is not a Jewish-centric idea.
Notice that the world's Christians are from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Thus there is no single Christian ethnic group.
Christ is truly universal as His Spirit fills the Universe.
His teaching is love, His will Sovereign, His Word prescient and the basis of Law (natural and supernatural).
It is a shame how state sponsored propaganda brainwashes people to build walls in their hearts... walls that Christ has already demolished.
The linked article and video (please read / watch) that shows how some walls were demolished in people's minds and hearts using science.
The science that states all mankind is a descendant of a common ancestor.
That scientific discovery supports the Bible's testimony that all mankind is related.
The science that states all mankind is a descendant of a common ancestor.
That scientific discovery supports the Bible's testimony that all mankind is related.