When Policy Bites Like A Tick: Politics 501
What if God utilized man's rebelliousness in order to bring about a necessary change that ultimately affirms His Sovereignty?
Despite men making governments fashioned after their own ideas, notice how God still reigns in the heart despite confusing language (politics) and Truth thrown to the ground.
Even through rebellion God brings forth reform out of religious man's corruptibility.
Even through the godless and arrogant can God reaffirm His righteousness.
God is revealing man's foolishness in order to pour out His wisdom.
Democracy's experiment has been developing for several hundred years.
It matters not what men call themselves or their governments when God's Law is repeatedly reaffirmed.
Some politicians today resemble little children.
Sadly, not the kind of children who inherent the kingdom of heaven:
He called a little child to Him, and placed the child among them.
And He said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever welcomes one such child in My Name welcomes Me.”
- Matthew 18: 2-5
Some politicians resemble the kind of children who get mauled by bears.
Like rebellious and spoiled children, some adults attempting to represent the masses fight, bicker, act disorderly, and justify their disorder by pointing fingers at other immature adults.
From there Elisha went up to Bethel.
As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him.
“Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!”
He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the Name of the Lord.
Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.
- 2 Kings 2: 23-24
Although such a response from Elisha is not the Way under the covenant of Christ (the final and eternal covenant of God), there is a lesson to be learned from such a violent response allowed by God.
It is within the will of the saints to unleash power and influence from Above... but that power is now only through love, grace, peace, and submission (as exemplified by Christ).
That response of Elisha reveals that God does not allow His will to be ridiculed.
It was in Elisha that God wielded His will and many realities... even a sharp rebuke to wayward children mocking His prophet.
It should be no surprise, then, that news media reports on deplorable antics from all involved in political wrangling.
Although some portions of media desire to bring attention to only one side of the political divide, notice that deplorable manners are evident on the other side as well.
Hypocrisy... no one is immune.
If someone chooses sides with mankind, instead of with God, they can be blinded by their own hypocrisy and that of the people they dubiously believe in.
Instead of doing and saying what is right (morally and ethically), some adults make excuses and follow the crowd.
Instead of allowing the Word of God to clarify things, whether in convicting the heart of sin, or encouraging one's guilt through remorse, God is publicly ignored and denounced.
People's freedoms without responsibility have beguiled them.
As in times past men were free to do as they pleased... and paid a great price for such freedoms argued as a freedom to mock and rebel against God.
Instead of allowing the Word of God to clarify things, whether in convicting the heart of sin, or encouraging one's guilt through remorse, God is publicly ignored and denounced.
People's freedoms without responsibility have beguiled them.
As in times past men were free to do as they pleased... and paid a great price for such freedoms argued as a freedom to mock and rebel against God.
Immaturity is to be expected in a child, granting opportunity for learning and character building.
Unfortunately, some children have not been raised to be respectful... neither to adults or other children.
When adults, who are blindly honored by their followers, reveal a lack of morality and manners, they surely represent democracy in following the crowd.
The premise of democracy is that mankind is mature and civilized enough to rule themselves.
Shall we wait another few hundred years for more 'evolution' to occur in man to bring about a fruit of perfection?
The premise ignores the foundation of how civilization has been built.
God's Law.
God's Law, regardless of how it has been written, or who has attempted to alter it, is the foundation of what is right from wrong.
To obscure or ignore this reality is akin to denying we exist.
To obscure or ignore this reality is akin to denying we exist.
Time and time again, men have attempted to do as they pleased instead of firstly pleasing the Lord their God.
Throughout history mankind has fashioned gods to resemble man's ideas, instead of fashioning their hearts around God's heart and will.
As in times past, those who were led astray after such earthly ideas were grievously injured and paid a grievous price.
God has established an order of kings and nobles and subjects on earth.. yet this order is unseen and not easily identified through human ideas or fleshly eyes.
Since God is not elected, nor can be fired or asked to renounce His Titles, notice how patiently God has endured the experiment of democracy and man's notion that he can rule his own heart.
Notice how, even through democracy and the good things that have been produced, how corruptible man's heart has continued to be.
And since man's heart continues to be corruptible, thus God's Law is reinterpreted to allow for man's depravity to be viewed as 'normal' or 'natural'.
Despite man's so-called 'enlightenment' of how the material world works in the subatomic realm, the ignoring of the spiritual realities has kept men puffed up on knowledge.
Carnal man is in a lurch yet believes himself to be on a precipice of greatness.
Thus why and how pride comes before a fall.
And since man's heart continues to be corruptible, thus God's Law is reinterpreted to allow for man's depravity to be viewed as 'normal' or 'natural'.
Despite man's so-called 'enlightenment' of how the material world works in the subatomic realm, the ignoring of the spiritual realities has kept men puffed up on knowledge.
Carnal man is in a lurch yet believes himself to be on a precipice of greatness.
Thus why and how pride comes before a fall.
Man still trades away the natural order for lust like the animals, and he has the audacity to call himself 'evolved' and 'modern'.
It is no surprise that the Lord, when appearing on earth, was revealed to be the King of kings.
What have some earthly kings and now some politicians been, other than hired hands and bad shepherds?
It is no surprise that the Lord returned to mankind in the form of the Wonderful Counsellor / the Advocate.
When men desire to ignore His kingdom, God still answers man's arrogance as the Advocate speaking from the mouths of the faithful.
To be a lowly subject in God's kingdom is unlike being a lowly subject in the earthly governments / kingdoms of men.
Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position.
But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower.
For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant;
its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed.
In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business.
- James 1: 9-11
As I've stressed in previous articles, political intrigue desires you to believe there exists a 'left' and a 'right'.
However, when looking at Christ and His teachings, we see what is often considered 'left' and 'right' ideas.
It is interpreting the things of God through a political vernacular that causes confusion.
What I've also stressed in previous articles is that the world's reality is a top - down dynamic.
I don't point this out in arguing that it is 'good' or 'bad', but simply the reality and order of things.
Wealth is not inherently 'wicked' unless it veils the heart from God's love and generosity for others.
Christ has taught how to maneuver peacefully and righteously through this dynamic.
If such is not possible, Christ taught the rich young ruler how to best live life (by disposing temporal wealth for the wealth of God's kingdom).
If such is not possible, Christ taught the rich young ruler how to best live life (by disposing temporal wealth for the wealth of God's kingdom).
Democracy has provided inroads to address hypocrisy and outright villainy, but not all things democratic or political is beneficial, desirable, or even 'good' when considering all of mankind.
Again the moral code.
When looking at one's self and one's fellow man, to consider the moral code as archaic is to justify an animalistic approach to people.
People made in God's image and likeness.
People made in God's image and likeness.
Just as God is the Highest and occupies the highest place (throne in heaven), so also He occupies the lowest place (filling the entire universe).
The issue with politics is that it has confused language to such an extent, that when men read the Word of God they may see things through that confusion, instead of the Light of Christ.
Cease your favoritism according to media's suggestions... or according to your religious or national identity.
The symbiotic nature of the world's order should not be construed as a 'versus' dynamic.
Politically, the world is expressed as such in order to beguile minds and foster support for imposters.
To use the phrase 'upward mobility', the further one rises temporally the greater responsibilities are demanded from them.
Such responsibilities are often ignored, avoided, or shifted onto others according to worldly arguments.
Although some men still rule by might and fight, using riches and lies, the righteous need not act as the wicked.
To assume the U.S. to be a 'Christian nation' is to deny God is Sovereign over the entire earth and holds dominion over the hearts of all mankind.
To realize the world is under God's control is a faithful perspective.
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;
for He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.
Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in His Holy Place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.
They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior.
Such is the generation of those who seek Him,
who seek Your Face, God of Jacob.
- Psalm 24: 1-6
To only see certain regions and cultural developments as 'proof' that God is there (or not), is a very doubt-filled perspective... it is judging by the surface of things.
Can you tell what so-called leaders spend their time doing?
Can you recognize the litany of idols that so-called leaders bow down to... and those who follow them also do so by default?
Consider, and repent:
While Paul was waiting for them in Athens,
he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols...
... (All the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.)
- Acts 17: 16, 21
Notice how some politicians spend their time talking about and listening to the latest ideas, yet proven realities are somehow ignored or contested.
Notice how some politicians jump onto the latest new idea in order to keep their job, or to sound 'relevant', yet the things of God (loving your neighbor, no matter how near or far, and even your enemy) is less their concern.
Where is the moral code in most politicians?
If they resemble one, are they brave enough to confess from where such a code emanates?
It is time to recognize hired hands for who and what they are.
If you desire political pandering to change, then become the change you yearn for.
You can also run for government office.
Only be forewarned of the fact that bad company corrupts good character.
Not everyone can run with the wolves without becoming a wolf themselves.
Notice how some politicians jump onto the latest new idea in order to keep their job, or to sound 'relevant', yet the things of God (loving your neighbor, no matter how near or far, and even your enemy) is less their concern.
Where is the moral code in most politicians?
If they resemble one, are they brave enough to confess from where such a code emanates?
It is time to recognize hired hands for who and what they are.
If you desire political pandering to change, then become the change you yearn for.
You can also run for government office.
Only be forewarned of the fact that bad company corrupts good character.
Not everyone can run with the wolves without becoming a wolf themselves.
Read Politics 101.
Read Politics 201.
Read Politics 301.
Read Politics 401.