Breaking the People, Not Saving the Planet
This guy ( see video excerpt ) is not afraid to show his allegiance, the lackey twerp.
The elitist attitude is quite a problem, if not a core problem. I think the core problem is idol worship ( whether wealth, themselves, others, or truly some 'thing' created by man other than the Creator ).
I'd like to introduce a type 'negative-one' civilization within a civilization: a greedy, self-centered and narrow-minded people thinking they are so much more important and valuable than others, they stomp on the rest while unwittingly sealing their own fate.
This is an extension of that "think it and it will come" or "secret" with obvious disregard of other people. These dark hearts ( God haters / deniers ) really make this stuff up as they go along. How in the world can someone describe the 'types' of civilizations just out of thin air? Where are the references, the examples, the proof of any such evolving of the planet or human race?
None, they just make it up... and like any real scientist knows, they are proven wrong by time, nature and another scientist who is smarter than they are.
He mentions that those who don't understand fear the change / morphing of the present age. I wonder why? Is it perhaps because part of the plan is to murder / exterminate the vast majority of people on the planet so 'they' can rule now 'correctly?'
I have a litany of solutions, but it is difficult to reason with folks who have already decided what 'truth' is to them regardless of taking a good look around them.
How do I tie this into my repetitive message ( most men love money / wealth / their dreams more than God either knowingly or by default ), easy: If they didn't have the prestige, the notoriety, the praise from those richer than them.... they would see the world as it is instead of through a misrepresentation of life... they are blinded.
The message of the Buddha was one that THAT fat rich kid happened to get out of his rich family's compound and took a walk down the country road and realized the real world: that only when the many are subdued and put to labor, can the very few enjoy a lavish lifestyle ( as he was born into ) and he somehow tried to break himself from the bubble.
Are you also thinking you are better than others due to your 'wealth' or point of view? I know the temptation is strong with me at times.
Find out what a very elite ( the hegemony ) have done to Amerika, the money and your projected life at your comfortable life might depend on it.
The elitist attitude is quite a problem, if not a core problem. I think the core problem is idol worship ( whether wealth, themselves, others, or truly some 'thing' created by man other than the Creator ).
I'd like to introduce a type 'negative-one' civilization within a civilization: a greedy, self-centered and narrow-minded people thinking they are so much more important and valuable than others, they stomp on the rest while unwittingly sealing their own fate.
This is an extension of that "think it and it will come" or "secret" with obvious disregard of other people. These dark hearts ( God haters / deniers ) really make this stuff up as they go along. How in the world can someone describe the 'types' of civilizations just out of thin air? Where are the references, the examples, the proof of any such evolving of the planet or human race?
None, they just make it up... and like any real scientist knows, they are proven wrong by time, nature and another scientist who is smarter than they are.
He mentions that those who don't understand fear the change / morphing of the present age. I wonder why? Is it perhaps because part of the plan is to murder / exterminate the vast majority of people on the planet so 'they' can rule now 'correctly?'
I have a litany of solutions, but it is difficult to reason with folks who have already decided what 'truth' is to them regardless of taking a good look around them.
How do I tie this into my repetitive message ( most men love money / wealth / their dreams more than God either knowingly or by default ), easy: If they didn't have the prestige, the notoriety, the praise from those richer than them.... they would see the world as it is instead of through a misrepresentation of life... they are blinded.
The message of the Buddha was one that THAT fat rich kid happened to get out of his rich family's compound and took a walk down the country road and realized the real world: that only when the many are subdued and put to labor, can the very few enjoy a lavish lifestyle ( as he was born into ) and he somehow tried to break himself from the bubble.
Are you also thinking you are better than others due to your 'wealth' or point of view? I know the temptation is strong with me at times.
Find out what a very elite ( the hegemony ) have done to Amerika, the money and your projected life at your comfortable life might depend on it.