Tyranny Rears It's Ugly Head in Amerika... & Congress Has No Shame

This week the Senate passed a bill with almost unanimous consent ( only seven voted against it out of 100 ) to clearly ignore the Constitution, alienate Amerikans and subject the citizenry to military jurisdiction and the same fate of those folks who ended up in Guantanamo.... indefinitely.

What is revealed is yet another clear chapter of history reminiscent of the gulags in Russia and Nazi concentration camps. Same concentration camps rose up in Amerika during WWII when Japanese Amerikans were sequestered and imprisoned simply because of their ethnic heritage, regardless if they were dissenters, Japanese patriots / insurgents or otherwise.

Today in Amerika, you don't have to fit the narrative / propagandist lie of what we've been told a 'terrorist' is: A Muslim, middle-easterner, extremist, religious zealot, and a few other 'types.' No, today in Amerika, simply having a loud voice calling for Constitutional adherence will bring a red flag over your existence and you can be targeted a 'terrorist' or 'insurgent' or leading an insurrection.

Needless to say this is all too eerie and resembles instead the 1984 plot coming to fruition. Not many saw this coming compared to the masses being mesmerized by their professional sports, their shopping, their dramatic lives and other distractions.... for it is always this time of year the most ridiculous and heinous laws are passed by our hired hands in CONgress.... those who worship at the temple of a created god... that tool of enslavement we all must pass between one another as we pass the legacy of debt slavery like hot potatoes.

Read a mainstream media blurb about it.

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