You Can Create Your Own Money; All Money is Debt.

The piece of paper you and I exchange for goods and services is a 'note.'

What is a note? An I.O.U.; a promise to pay; a debt instrument.

The difference between you paying with that piece of paper you think is money and paying with a piece of paper with the words "Consumer Bill" is only the fancy colors, the picture of a dead guy and some signatures ( not your signature ) and a few terms... but they function EXACTLY THE SAME... with another exception: everyone believes and puts their 'faith' in the fancy looking one, and not the one you can create and write for yourselves!

Take a look ( and read ) at this article, and also read the admission to this FACT / REALITY.. of which I have quoted here for you:

"Consumer bills can only be used to get goods and services for consumption, not for buying land or goods for resale. So the money he borrowed to buy his Orangeville house — now repossessed by the bank — cannot be repaid using a bill."

Please re-read the above quote a few times, especially the first sentence.

Here is the ARTICLE.

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