One Winner for Every Hundred Losers

Only few 'win' in the capitalist model... and those 'winners' do almost anything to keep their 'class' in place.. as history has shown and has tried to narrate away from ( the ongoing class struggle in Amerika ). Murder, scandal, fraud, theft, deception.... are just some of the tactics and methods stemming from the greed we all have inside of us: the human condition.

The majority are instigated, marketed-to and propagandized to believe they too can live in luxury, drive fancy cars and wine and dine on the Rivera as portrayed in "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous."

This simply tempts the slaves into working their heart out all their lives, but really only keeps the machinations well-greased and those who either arrived at top position by force, by birth or other means... in their cozy and comfortable place.

The 'excuse' or 'justification' to keep the status-quo and the minions working is a ruse. It is a ploy and a well managed deception the masses have unwittingly swallowed up.... fed to them as perennial the "American Dream."

But with the realization of Globalization and the reality of slaves around the world, working for $1 or $2 a day ( accounting their local economy in USD, meaning: can you survive on $2 in your neck of the world? ).... the oppressive nature of the Machine goes unnoticed to the buyers of Nike, Coconut Oil and other 'things.'

But how many are content with their place in life? Content with their position? And they think they would be much happier if they were to 'cross the tracks' and be living on easy street?

Many musicians have crossed over from rags to riches only to hate themselves even more... for their hearts and minds never changed, only the size of material ownership and their bank account.... seems that the carrot needs to keep getting bigger and more interesting for the donkeys to keep trying to take a bite out of it, don't you think?

To escape the clutches of this Machine, visit and support the effort at


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