Were All Created Equal in the Constitution?

One must see, that if all things were let alone when the U.S. Constitution was initially written ( without further amendments ), then the class distinction in Amerika would be defined by ethnicity ( I don't use race because we are all the same race and running the same race ). A quick glance at the Constitutional definition of who has voting rights ( land owners of Caucasian descent ) shows a fixing of a class structure thought only to exist in places like India ( as world history books showcase, yet ignore the reality in Amerikan culture ).

A prime example of the phenomenon "nationalism," which I think is a direct product of government propaganda ( again, early voters and financial supporters of government being of one particular class and ethnicity ), could be clearly seen in the movie "Gangs of New York." This dramatic fiction ( based on true events ) shows the nationalistic conditioning at its best: a first generation, born from Irish immigrants business man, is now wealthy and at the top of his social circle and yet is racist, resentful and hateful against the newly arriving Irish immigrants. He drives the local political climate using his leverage in the community by any and all means necessary.... virtually being above the law which he depends on ( and even influences ) to subdue his newly arriving cousins.

Somehow, the identity shifts. We see this til this very day in Amerika. I personally think this occurs due to the nature of man when he falls into greed, selfishness and arrogance and other dark character traits which plague every human being, but are magnified due to the gains found in building wealth. Surely, it is possible not every person who realizes a windfall of success is subject to such a fate... yet this is warned about in scripture ( to you who believe or care to know this insight ).

So one sees that most likely the ills which are produced from greed comes down to man's heart and this basic repetitive happenstance in life.

Could it possibly be that, just like when the Israelites were punished for turning from God to worship a golden calf after Moses disappeared up Mount Sinai for 40 days while he received the commandments, that today too the world is still worshipping a god made by man? I dare say yes.

Isn't it interesting that one of the central forms of wealth is still gold? And this thing 'gold' can not be used for any other useful purpose like clothing, food, shelter... but can only be used to create trinkets of adornment and as a component in such as cell phones and other obscure applications. Isn't it interesting that at one time all 'value' was based on this inanimate object?

And today the paper / fiat money we all must work for, use and pay for things of necessity or need, is also something even further useless, is it not? Are we worshiping or made to toil for / after another man-made idol without truly knowing it / understanding it?

Find out for yourselves at SmartPeopleSmartMoney.com and support the cause, for I too have to somehow scratch out a living while still living among the living... and I have yet to find any other means of sustenance outside the paradigm of pushing paper.


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