New Wine in New Wine Skins

One alternative is: remove all current term bureaucrats, fill seats of the house and senate with locally elected, recently out of work regular people needing at least 30 non-related individuals to vouch for them.

Another is to outlaw lobbying, outlaw any for-profit ventures performed or planned during tenure in office , and doing so being grounds for immediate dismissal.

Another is a median salary without bonus or outrages benefits, etc.

Another is one-term office, no reelections, only progress reports and dismissal after first progress report ( biannually ) if campaign promises aren't met within first six months.

From here on out a reduction of government tasks and nitpicking should be reduced, not increased. Same goes for the ever-increase of laws and statutes and such. From now a streamlining of government, decrease in federal and state employment with a decrease in federal power and increase in state sovereignty.

An eventual privatization of many tasks, thus further reducing the stamp that government has on the public dynamic, especially if the federal government has a mirror image or opposite state law already in existence, and where a state law doesn't exit, the federal government shall not need create one.

Here's a just a few alternatives the people can call for and hold their public managers accountable.

To learn why the removal of lobbyists, check out THIS SITE!


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