Give Greater Gratuity

2 Thessalonians 1: 3-4

It is when having recovered from a severe cold or sickness that the individual reflects on their gratitude for breathing now with ease, walking now without pain and eating now without issue.

When times are great, rarely does one reflect on what is not usually called into question.

But when a sickness occurs, or something considered 'bad' happens, the heart begins to ponder beyond what is typically expected.

People usually have an expectation of 'good' things to happen, day after day.

Food being on the table, a roof overheard, a means to stay warm when it gets cold and to stay cool when it gets hot.

There are many criticisms for the modern world's trappings, but also many benefits that complainants usually take for granted.

Speaking to people who do not have running water, or potable water, or have to travel a long distance to bring home water than needs to be treated before being used, one can get a sense of gratitude for what has been established where they currently reside.

Maybe it isn't so much that healthy people take their health for granted, but that there isn't anything to complain or be worried about most of the time.

But oh how easy it is to complain about the little things, the insignificant and petty things.

Where there is a need or something to cause worry, consideration and gratitude may not be too far off.

Just as a change in health or an issue arising may cause a change in perspective, words also change over time, along with their meanings.

Etymology is a great word that explains what words currently mean and have previously meant.
The term 'gratuity' previously meant 'pleasing, thankful' when Latin was the predominant western language.

From here many other terms have been derived.

'Gratis' means 'free' and still means 'free' in Spanish.

Later Latin's 'gratuitus' (same word today spelled 'gratuitous') means 'done freely, without charge', similar to 'gratis'.

When looking at today's 'gratuity', the current meaning being 'tip, gift, reward' is now the thought of money given (to a server) above the restaurant's bill has developed.

To me, it seems that the worded idea of being grateful has gone beyond a sentiment and has turned into an action.

The term 'grateful' has its Latin origin with 'gratus', earlier 'grate'.

'Grateful' currently means 'feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful'.

We see in many instances gratitude being played out in a physical effort; people expressing their gratitude by what they do besides what they say.

These and other words began from a root and blended into certain specific meanings, yet these meanings have migrated into further explanations of the same meaning, or quite a bit different meaning.

Cultures play a role in the mutation of the meanings of words.

I can't help but notice how gratitude has spilled over into good works, being now something beyond a verbal expression or internal sentiment, but a manifested sense of gratuity.


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