A Single True Line Can Iron Out Many False Ripples

Although not all the colors are the 'same', they do have this in common:
- they are all colors
- they all are part of the garage door
- their 'differences' reveal that colors exist

If a full body of agreeable testimony is pondered, does a single iota of disagreeability cause the entire body of information to be false?

Perhaps only to those with eyesight at arm's length.

For those who can see past indifference and recognize truth, what is agreeable can be appreciated and what is not agreeable can be rationally discussed.

Information, knowledge (knowing information) and ideas have spread across the globe.

Is all information true?

There is much information shared on the street, on the internet, and in the home which is absolutely false or misleading or replete with fallacy and ignorance.

Many false ideas have been repeated and believed as 'true', and it is difficult to break legendary and ancient ideas long-held and tied to identity and religion.

Both true and false ideas have been kept, adopted, forgotten and invented.

The 'truth' of man's heart has been messaged through the minds of mankind and stated in language.

Does a different manner of describing what is on humanity's heart invalidate what is true?

Does speaking in a different language somehow make 'wrong' the message being spoken?

The human language is not like the language of math (which interestingly is also another human language), yet not every mathematician is able to understand all the intricacies of math.

Although math is a universal language, not all mathematical equations are understood by those who can 'speak' or 'do' math.

Much the same not every English speaker is able to comprehend messages expressed in English.

The same goes for all previous, current, and future languages of man.

Almost every religious group claims to be the right one.

Religious ideas are expressed in language, yet they are exemplified in people's lives; how people live.

The 'truth' of any man's religion can be 'seen' by the way they not only speak to others, but how they treat and act towards others... especially those considered their 'enemies' or 'against' them.

It is what one does that determines their religion, not only what they say.

It is how one treats one another, not how pretty one speaks.

Plenty of people have spoken pretty or compelling words, yet have been revealed to be murderous liars.

How right someone is .. is typically argued by the words they know (information) or express, and less by their actions.

Considering religious differences, the efforts of men is to put together a sound doctrine.

Often times, the human explanation sometimes walks away from the inspired sources.


Instead of simply quoting the believed-to-be inspired sources, men attempt to extrapolate meaning.

These efforts are not always correct, or eventually form contradiction (either factual or perceived).

For religious minds, even a single thought outside of official doctrine and dogma is cause for condemnation.

Within every religion you can see these divisions, some causing much strife and bloodshed...even until Today.

Consider how divided and spiteful and accusatory people can be over mundane things, and how much more emotional and irrational religious people can become.

Some religious ideas allow for the killing of others... and not because of one's actions, but simply because their thoughts and words sound disagreeable.

Yet those of us who know the love of Christ know that God is full of grace, and we rest in His peace...despite perceived differences in our ideas.

We recognize that religious people who claim that a Christian (one who follows and obeys Christ) is allowed to kill another human being is blind, very confused, and in great error.

We can understand why such arguments are made, because faith is lacking and temptation  to fight or defend one's self is a typical human trait.

We understand that Salvation is not dependent on perfect performance or perfect retention of information, but on God's Perfection upon us.

Where ideas have changed throughout the world, the life and death constant has not... and as Christ exemplified by word and deed to be at peace before God and mankind, even unto death, so has the Christian stayed faithful to God in the face of death.

Despite time and place, and the variety of notions that have developed into religions and ideologies throughout the earth, what has been made clear is this:

The individual will stand before God (or not be able to stand) and their life's actions, along with the secrets of their hearts will be judged and revealed.


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