Light This

Light's time, distance and reach is eternal.

The light visible to the human eye and what is measurable continues to travel from distant places in the universe.

It is quite amazing how all things are alight during the day, where even shadows cannot escape light's illuminating touch.

In a room with doors and windows closed and sealed to prevent light from entering, a small candle can reveal a room's contents quite easily.

Consider how around the time of a full moon, the reflection of sunlight from the surface of the moon.

One is able to somewhat 'see' by this reflected light during the night and see the moon during the day.

Light never dies or ceases to be, it simply is absorbed or reflected elsewhere.

Absorbed does not mean 'gone' or 'consumed'... but turning into something else, like heat.

There is invisible light; light unobservable by the human eye.

There is a measurable spectrum, but what about the spectrum and place beyond that measurement?

The manner light causes things to appear in different ways than they are is also quite interesting.

How light shining on a single object from one angle makes that object 'look' a certain way, yet when the light's angle is changed, that same object 'looks' different or slightly 'changed'.

Refraction is one manner light, for example through water, alters the manner objects are viewed.

Scientists have explanations on how light existed throughout the universe, and affected life on planet earth 'before' the sun existing!

To the believer in Yeshua the Lord thy God, this is no surprise.

Yeshua is the Light of mankind and the revealed Name of the Creator of all things seen and unseen.

Here is a great and extensive article about light, enjoy.

Enjoy also this mortal sonic blast and depiction of immortal light in imagery and material (visible):


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