How Living Is Thy Word

Upon the arrival of the kingdom on earth...

...the Light illuminated all places on earth...

...and clearly distinguished the Path from all other things.

Consider how it says in one of the Gospels that if all things Christ did were written, the world would not have space enough to hold all the books.

In the Bible we have a snapshot of what God has done and provided.

We have a clear view of what God did in a certain place, through certain people.

We also have stories, historical records, accounts religious and mythical, about what occurred in other places on earth.

As time past, what was believed to be fact was shown to be more myth, while what was tied to religious ideology has been understood having hints of truth with elaborated efforts of man's ideas.

Yet the fact of civilization, or organized peoples and their writings and the ideas behind their writings, have shown to what extent God had blessed certain places, or allowed certain places to be swallowed up by their ideas and activities.

In some places, insights to life flourished, and in other places even the very simple was diminished.

Understanding past cultures and ancient peoples and their experiences through a religious perspective renders a particular view.

When looking at them according to humanity's typical manners, another view is seen.

From a political view, yet another understanding can be seen.

Archeology renders yet another understanding.

And all of these are bound with each other; none are exclusive since meaning is derived from previous notions of people and their world is intertwined with other ideas.

The native to a land will view a native plant they use in a different manner than will a visitor view a plant they've never seen before.

This is how the mirroring affects of pagan ideas have been found to be a reflection of God's provision from times past, some ideas coming close to keeping orthodoxy, some others falling far beyond the bounds of clarity.

What is clearly compatible for one mind, is contradiction or confusing for another mind.

So it is a greater complex to consider what is truly incorrect with what is a matter of proper understanding according to perception and use of words in describing things.

A symbol understood in one manner may have meant something very different as the same symbol adopted by another people is understood today.

The swastika is an example of such a symbol's changing perception, and thus understanding and meaning behind it.

It was formerly understood to mean 'conducive to well being or auspicious' and other positively related ideas in certain places on earth.

Now in other places on earth, that symbol carries with it negative connotations of racism, hate, indifference.

It is about interpretation, and people interpret ideas dependent on their current landscape and what they've been told.

The Christian cross comes in a variety of designs and has become a symbol of victory over death, among many other ideas to those who believe in what it represents.

Yet for some people aligned with other religious and secular points of view, the cross is a hostile idea and a point of great contention and confusion.

Considering that the world could not contain all the books about what Christ has done, let us read:
Yeshua did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. 
- John 21: 25
Since the Word became flesh, and we are the living stones of the church established by Christ, it is 'we' (believers in the risen Christ) who are the living sacrifices.

The testimony of God is written on our hearts, and expressed through our lives.

This is why it is warned not to curse others, but to bless them.

We are called to love others, not hate them.

This is why by our mere thoughts we will be judged, not only our actions.

Since our lives are hidden in Christ, our journey is one of spiritual ponderance within a material world.

This is why the disciple of Christ is called to love all people and work towards peace with them, whether they are religious or righteous, sinner or good, considerate or blasphemous.

This is why by the individual's words (whether believer in Christ or something else) the individual will either bring condemnation or justification onto themselves.

For those in whom's flesh the Holy Spirit does not reside, then it is clear why they would continue being unrepentant and in furthering accusations over those who aim to love and unify others.


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