The Earthly Kingdom Is Hidden

I asked someone how "Jesus is Lord" is written in their native language.
I wrote the phonetic of what I heard.
Legitimacy is something that anyone who wants to be 'somebody' desires to achieve for themselves.

Many people throughout times have claimed to 'be something great', or 'someone important', or 'having a value within them' that motivates acknowledgement from others.

This is most obvious with earthly kings, but also with those who have claimed religious tenure or spiritual standing.

In the majority of cases, those who have resorted to violence in order to achieve their ends have revealed themselves to be mere impostors or pretenders instead of legitimate heirs of a throne or a high position in society.

A very interesting point between peoples and cultures: the knowledge held in ancient Israel was not an effort to spread over distant peoples at that time.

In contrast, history depicts almost all peoples constantly attempting to spread their ideas, their culture, their military and their 'legitimacy' (along with religious ideologies) across ever-changing political borders.

There was little focus of proselytization or expansion beyond certain areas in ancient Israel, but rather a focus on what had already been 'revealed' and the effort continuing to build upon further revelations.

Ironically, it was through punishment and trial (Egypt) and struggle (neighboring peoples) and vanquish by foreigners (Assyria, Babylon, Greece, Rome) that knowledge of the God of Israel was clarified in those distant places outside of Israel proper.

Yet the Israeli peoples kept to themselves, and despite some autonomy among foreigners in foreign places, the employment of certain Hebrews would cause a ripple of influence that continues to reverberate Today.

This same theme of collective and individual Jewish influence among pagan / secular peoples is patterned (repeated) Today with collective and individual spiritual Jews (Christians) having influence among pagan / secular peoples.

How interesting that the world Today has come to acknowledge and learn about the presence of an ancient and small (and arguably insignificant when compared) tribe... called Israel... and their God.

The furthering of this acknowledgement came about again not by external force, but was forwarded through punishment, trial, struggle and vanquish by hostile peoples upon the followers of Christ.

The list of contention against the Way is long, but to identify certain obvious historical highlights: ancient Roman government, Muslim conquests, and continual heretical intrigues and rebellions fashioned as religious reformations.

Despite these efforts of bloodletting at the hand of aggressors within and beyond the sanctum of faith, the testimony that the God of Israel has visited earth as Messiah (the Old Covenant's testimony fulfilled) has been established near and far in places universal.

The most famous Hebrew, Yeshua called Christ / Messiah, is the One who sent the first Hebrews who became like Him (Christians) to spread to all mankind not only the legacy of God's fulfilled promises to Israel, but the promise of an intimate relationship with the God of heaven and earth through Yeshua.

The completion of the ages, the desires of other peoples, the claims of religious affiliates who reached towards the heavens for answers, the fact and promise of life after death, and the invitation into a family that transcends bloodlines and all legacies, was established on earth.

Since this mission was achieved largely by peaceful means and accompanied by miracles, signs, and wonders (even still Today), the manner the Gospel message has been continually legitimized is quite extraordinary.

This mission of forwarding good news, love, peace, reconciliation and unity among peoples of all backgrounds and creeds, continues to reach into the last bastions where humans reside.

As predicted by the prophets mentioned in the Old Covenant, affirmed and furthered by Christ, the knowledge of Salvation has gone to the north, the south, the east and the west.

Earthly Jerusalem has expanded into spiritual Jerusalem - into the furthest fields on earth.

From the old city of Jerusalem, the mountain of the Lord's Temple has risen above all other mountains and has been established in Temples built by God's Hand the world over.

There are countless parts of this Jerusalem throughout the world Today in which God lives by His Spirit.

Countless peoples have streamed to this mountain that is found Today on every continent and corner of the earth.

Peoples continue stream to this mountain because living water streams from it.

Upon and as the mountain of the Lord is the saints; the body of Christ, the living stones, those who reflect the Light of Christ, the royal priesthood, God's ambassadors, the living sacrifices.

Countless prophets of Christ have forwarded the message without knowing the manner the words from their hearts have reached the hearts of those chosen to hear.

Some of these prophets have held either publicly recognizable titles or have been clandestine.

In contrast, many who have openly claimed to be prophets or openly claiming special gifts to themselves have been humiliated by their grandiose assumptions, or have been revealed to be presumptuous and motivated by typical carnal desires; fame, notoriety, honor, praise, wealth, power, popular acceptance, etc..

Those who humbly seek to simply serve others as they serve the Lord have likely been those whom God has utilized in extraordinary ways, unbeknownst to themselves and possibly those served.

Whether these would or could be considered 'prophets' is not their aim nor their desire.

Similar to the account of Joseph and the earthly king presiding 'over' Joseph.

Joseph was revealed to be more honorable (according to insight), more chosen (in regards to nobility) and more powerful (he knew God and God knew him) than the earthly king...and it was through Joseph that God 'saved' an entire empire and its people.

And how was Joseph's demeanor and character?

Impeccable and in humility towards man and God.

External posturing during Joseph's time was continued for the sake of a surface legitimacy regarding an Egyptian ruling over Egyptians, but that king knew very well who was in control; not Joseph, but the God that Joseph knew...or better stated, the God who knew Joseph and whom Joseph served.

Power, and who held it, was clearly revealed and acknowledged.

This pattern has been repeated throughout times, yet in manners clandestine.

People are easily tempered by news reports, or political arguments, or religious intrigue, yet has not God repeatedly proven such distractions as doubt-filled and debilitating?

Such distractions remove focus on what God has long established.

Throughout history seemingly ordinary people have been used in extraordinary ways, and their initial lives were not always in pursuit of things 'great' or of positions of great import.

God has plans that are never thwarted and a person, or situation, or calamity can be forever changed in an instance by God.

There have been 'pagan' and 'hostile' kings whom God has spoken through or allowed dreams to be given through... to serve God's purpose and also to exalt those who God chooses.

This is how God brings glory to Himself and shows that nothing is outside His Sovereignty and control.

Consider the account of how a wayward and rejected king (Saul) was utilized when God's Spirit spoke through him at a certain time.

That account regarding Saul is quite revealing, for it shows how no man can resist (or even know) when God desires to work through them, or speak a certain message, or utilize them.

If this is how God is able to work through children rejected from a certain high position in society, how much more does God speak through His children who do not seek public acknowledgement nor desire a title next to their names?


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