From Hebrews To Hebrew-Like Gentiles Part Two
From one man He made every nation of men... |
Is it any wonder that the world Today is led, inspired and ruled by what is termed a 'Judeo-Christian' influence?
What are the chances a small and arguably insignificant tribe's descendants would eventually have so much influence over the world?
If it was a tall tale to be told, surely it would be considered fictitious and a far reaching exercise of the imagination.
Yet we are all witnesses to the fact.
The further fact is that this extraordinary significance is widely misunderstood and sometimes attacked as fraudulent and has been achieved by intrigue.
A closer look at historical detail and objective research reveals a different recollection.
Identity, and fear of identity loss, is a major factor in the obscurity of the facts and appreciation for the good that has been established.
The recounting of the past (world history) tells us how certain peoples came to power, usually through force or through direct influence over governments after forceful attempts.
This has usually been the case for many a lineage of royalty, typically initially established through military power with subsequent infighting between other families and pretenders to the throne.
It is by force ancient legitimacy or relevance was attained and kept.
But this is not how the particular people I am talking about came to rule the world as we know the world today...and the manner 'rule' is understood needs explaining.
I should also clarify that when I speak of 'people', I am not speaking to a particular blood line in absolute terms, but perhaps a remnant of such a lineage.
Unlike carnal royals, this 'people' I speak of do not argue over blood lineage, nor the purity of such regarding ascension to earthly thrones set by the Highest Authority.
Adoption, conversion, and the blood of another sort binds them all as a family; an ever-increasing royal family.
This is a people with a history that has become the legacy of a variety of other peoples not directly related, but now unified and grafted into this family in immeasurable ways.
This people's manners have been imitated and adopted and praised in business, art, ideology, ethics, morality....the very foundations of culture and society and civility.
The certain places where these ideals have been ignored you can find despotism, strife, mass corruption and irrational platitudes considered ideal and true.
Unclear is the manner intermarriage between one prior identity and another played out.
The 1st century account has little information regarding the intermarriage of ethnic Jews who came to believe in Christ, and their Gentile neighbors.
But as the faith spread from initially Jews to eventually Gentiles the world over, so did the intermarriage and lineage most likely also spread.
The law and concepts and ideas derived from this people Today echo throughout courtrooms and town-squares the world over.
Although some family members (again, by blood and also by adoption of principles) do not identify with Christ as the Lord their God, they still forward the precepts found in Christ in their daily lives.
This speaks to the ethnic Jew who may (or may not) believe in God, but still acknowledges the moral codes that the law of Moses long having been firmly established through Christ.
This also speaks to the atheist of any ethnicity who may (or may not) believe in God, but still acknowledges the moral codes that the law of Moses long having been firmly established through Christ.
Whether someone believes Yeshua to be the Lord their God is besides the fact that His dominion, rule, influence and heritage has been long established in the cultures of the world.
A particular people was derived from a man named Noah...and through his son Shem.
From Shem came a man named Abraham, and through his son Isaac.
From Isaac came the culture of a people named Israel.
From and through Israel came centuries of conscience development that taught this people the world carries consequences.
The consequences were explained exhaustively through Moses; the law.
Either by direct mistake or by efforts beyond one's control, trouble arises.
Yet there is a way out and free from trouble, possibly physically in literal terms or spiritually in eternal terms.
The body of laws that gave rise to worship of a God and dramatic sways from doubt, disobedience, denial and eventual deliverance from these pitfalls.
These paved the way for Messiah.
From Messiah came the message that all of mankind was acceptable to God, so long as mankind did their little part; faith.
Being faithful to what had long been established: heart-centered relationship with God.
Obedience to God when people were not looking.
Obedience from within.
Where there was perceived division, now no division exists between man and God.
The perceived division was to clarify and identify initially who was God from the ideas and notions that are not of God.
The confusion persists Today, in order for what is true can be clearly seen above the backdrop of what is false.
Continued in Part Three.