Science Still Unable To Measure Spirit
People are easily convinced by what others think, or point out as 'evidence'.
For the mind / heart that has already determined something to be true or false, usually no amount of evidence is able to open their mind / heart.
But not all minds are like this.
Not all hearts have walls built around them as safe havens or places of placid comfort.
In most scientific circles, new information is tested and if tests conclude, the new ideas are adopted and adjustments ripple throughout the scientific community.
It is by experiment that any 'thing' is 'proven' as true, false, or otherwise.
Thus, one can conclude that scientific minds are 'open' to new ideas pertaining to their respective field... and so long as measurement, observation, test, and result 'proves' an idea, it is accepted.
But there is a limit.
Consider the reality and factuality of this news article about previously secret government activities that used 'talents' and 'gifts' from very unusual and unique individuals.
In that article you'll read / view / listen to the factual results of people's ability to 'see' things in far away places, to 'sense' things otherworldly, and other seemingly fantastic and impossible things.
Scientifically, such things are impossible... yet there they are.
There is 'evidence' in the information gathering, the results, and the testimony of those who witnessed first-hand the results of secret knowledge being revealed by means of the supernatural.
However, because the scientific methods fail to wrap their minds around this new information, the facts are dismissed... and argued away as something else.
Since the effort is via special talents / gifts, and are thus immeasurable or perceivable by humans, it is scoffed at and dismissed.
Isn't this also the case regarding God, miracles, and the factual experiences of those who have seen and heard?
It is understandable that the skeptic refuses to be fooled.
I don't like to be fooled, taken for a ride, or beguiled into accepting something that my instinct, or my senses, or my very eyes and cognition dispels as false or myth.
Yet to see is to believe (and more so to believe it to see), to experience is to realize, and to 'be' the individual gifted from on High is to know where one comes from.
To deny one's self in this manner would be to also deny God.
Hopefully one day the scientifically minded, or the scoffing skeptic, would learn to see beyond their scientific methods of validation.
Perhaps one day the walls built along the lines of their methods will give way to gates that are revealed in places beyond the bounds of human senses and scientific rudiments.
When the unseen is revealed, and the scientific minded scoff, they actually only reveal their closed-mindedness.
They reveal their preconceived notions.
They reveal their bias.
They, and many other people who may believe in God but are, by word and deed, hostile and opposed to His Spirit, reveal they are in need of the walls around their minds and hearts coming down.
For some, this life's reality and the life beyond it continues to become clearer and clearer, for others... even what may have been a fleeting glimpse is erased... and all they see is the material world as the veil covering their hearts and minds.
When it comes to the things of the Spirit, it clearly doesn't matter what opinions say.
Since man's methods are limited to scientific measurement, only a portion of reality is made better known... but the rest of life and the greater reality is rendered unknown.