What Kind Of Weapons Do You Use?
I am not a gun advocate.
This doesn't mean I am unable to reasonably argue points in favor of, or opposed to, guns.
I think it is possible for people to discuss a subject and aim at objectivity when considering all sides of the argument.
Allowing one's emotions to cloud logic, or to argue about only the side one agrees with is unreasonable.
You wouldn't want your points, or your thoughts, to be dismissed or ignored... so why do that to others?
I used to own weapons, but not anymore.
I purchased them during a time of doubt in my life.
I was listening more to the news media than what God had planted in my heart.
When I doubted God's protection over my physical body, fear had crept into my heart.
I had forgotten His promise regarding my soul despite what may happen to my flesh.
I realized my lapse in judgement was a matter of faith and a measurement of it.
Any 'thing' could be turned into a weapon.
An expert martial artist can use a single finger as a deadly weapon, a tool to cause bodily harm (examples).
It is that which is within a man's heart that compels them to harm another.
The means to cause harm is another factor.
It is confusion that justifies such harm, argued as either defense or needed offense.
Confusion of 'who' they are, of 'how' other human beings are related, and 'why' God has done as He has done.
Any weapon can be used for either defense or offense, but the reasons or motivations behind the temptation to harm others is usually not fully explored in media... but do individuals explore their hearts?
The issues are ever-present in one's heart, despite the weapon used.
It is temptation that sparks desire to harm another person, a 'weapon' being a tool, a means.
Is, then, such a tool or weapon the issue?
Is it a weapon that motivates someone to harm others?
No, but possibly yes.
Part of the 'yes' answer is because of the ease of using a weapon.
Such ease may further fire the motivation.
Whereas, if the effort was difficult, perhaps the temptation can be wrestled away instead of one being overcome by it.
These are logical arguments, since one's logic concludes that humans have been, still are, and will likely continue to be hostile towards one another into the future.
The hostile obviously are overcome by their temptations, regardless of their justifications.
The hostile are weak, although they believe themselves to be strong because of the use of weapons or by their exuding physical 'force' over others.
Just like the animals and a pecking order.
But are they not simply weak?
Their character and moral fiber is weak, or possibly non existent.
I speak to those who are not granted, by laws of men, no reason for having a weapon while proclaiming to believe God's protection.
The laws of men, in invoking a right to bare arms and a government empowered with weapons to enforce laws, is something done the sake of weakness of faith.
This was exemplified in the manner the ancient Church, however for several centuries subject to brutal attack, eventually came to overcome and rule above the kingdoms of men.
If a finger can be used as a weapon, then any thing outside the human body can also become a weapon.
A small or large piece of wood, or any sharp object, or any object that can be used in a manner to cause harm can become a weapon.
There are modern examples of certain individuals, who are assumed to be the more rational, mature, exemplary, and noble individuals in any given society, to have influence over government since they are employed to run government... yet fall into chaotic temptation to cause harm.
Notice these examples in modern society and how individuals use any available 'thing' as a weapon against one another in Turkey, Uganda, Italy, Russia, Japan.
There are some places where even though emotions flair, and tensions run high, only words are used in the 'fight'.
Words are powerful.
Words can be used as weapons, for good and not so good efforts.
Yet the use of words is the more noble manner to 'fight' battles.
But with the use of words, especially strong words, responsibility must be adhered to in consideration of the weak in society... those who are easily overcome by their emotions and temptations.
Words, when used correctly, have defined what is right from wrong, good from bad, and the light from darkness.
With words men have build great civilizations, and with words men have been instigated to destroy great civilizations.
Words are used to write laws that allow and restrict certain activities.
Freedoms and rights carry with them inherent responsibilities of maturity, consideration for others, honor, and dignity.
The cultural climate of the world, as it is popularized in media, is one of immaturity, irresponsibility, and inconsideration.
But is this the true representation of all people?
I don't think so... but to a passive observer, they may be convinced that the world's people have lost their minds.
Some have lost their minds, in accordance with the manner some who are deemed 'leaders' in their societies have spoken, acted, and inspired others.
The fool is believed a leader, the jester a king, the slave one of noble birth.
Consider how words in law are applied, and their importance, and how ignoring the very basics is a recipe for eventual disaster:
We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which He entrusted to me.
- 1 Timothy 1: 8-11Has there ever been a perfect state of being for a human being?
Perhaps only when the first man and woman were ignorant of good and evil, and had yet to disobey the only 'law' or restriction given them.
Since then, some people have matured and carried a great weight of responsibility, forming governments and systems that are continuously perfected today.
They've learned how to preserve God's Word (and law), but also to use proper words in addressing life's concerns.
Others have rebelled and continuously confuse what is wrong as right, what is evil as good, and what is false as true.
These others have forgotten God's Word (and law), or have made laws for themselves that contradict or deny God's Word (and law).
This is why there are some people that believe they know and follow God while thinking that killing others is somehow allowed by a loving and gracious God.
Each and every one of us have experienced such confusions and battles within ourselves (if we are honest).
When the confusion is a constant dribble on television, the internet, movies, music, or in religious circles, universities and places of 'learning', and every aspect of secular life is saturated in such a way... it is not surprising such confusions have also entered places called 'churches' or 'sacred'.
But has such confusions entered the factual Temple of God now on earth?
The individual believer is that Temple of the living God - His Spirit - His Word speaker.
What is being mentioned is the human condition, our flesh, our collective battle within... and also the role that God has made for those who reveal Him still Today.
When this battle within us escapes us, we are likely a law breaker and a violator of peace, but God is gracious.
Words are the most powerful weapons the human has.
The righteous are to only use this weapon that is word.
The Spirit carries words that can move mountains, heal ailments, bring refreshment, even salvation.
Words formulate ideas, and can compel people to good actions, to love, and to peace... and the opposite is true.
The most powerful weapon on the face of the earth is the Word of God.
This particular weapon is called a 'sword' due to its lethal nature; the manner it can cut into the deepest recesses of humanity's soul.
It is a 'sword' because it separates the light from the darkness, thus defending those in the light from the intrigues of darkness, while vanquishing the things of darkness by illuminating the light over and through all things.
When this sword is wielded properly, it pierces through the most profound places in the human psyche.
It is this sword which compels the faithful to lay their life down for God and for others, even enemies... in the hope these enemies will become friends and believers.
Interestingly, it is this same sword which compels the wicked to oppose its message, sometimes quite violently.
The stirring of spirits bound to patterns of darkness is nothing new.
It is the sword, the Word of God, which created all things visible and invisible, known and unknown, throughout the world, universe, and eternal omniverse.
It is this weapon of spiritual war that destroys all strongholds.
The physical and material world is no match for this sword, since the material plane was born from the Word of God... and by the Word of God the physical plane will be forever altered.
Instruments of war in the hands of those proclaiming to follow Messiah are signs of doubt.
Such individuals and their ideology reveal how little they trust God, how little they believe God is able to protect them.
They have their eyes (and likely hearts) set on this world, but not Above.
Such individuals actually fear death and resist the path God may have for them, a path similar to what Christ mentioned to Peter after asking him if he truly loved Him.
If and when harm does come, even upon the faithful, a greater reality should be considered.
Consider if such harm was intended, or allowed, by God.
Consider how God is behind all things, either in purpose in by allowance.
“See, it is I who created the blacksmith
who fans the coals into flame
and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc;
no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and this is their vindication from Me,”
declares the Lord.
- Isaiah 54: 16-17Although the human body may be 'killed' by such physical weapons, can such physical weapons destroy the spirit?
So why fear the second death?
There is a death that is our fate, whether through trials on earth, or in the obvious death the majority of mankind shall experience, but that spiritual death is not promised to the faithful... but the wicked.
When considering 1 Timothy's verse earlier, and laws that government make aligned with God's law, the faithful are demanded to submit and follow such laws.
But does the faithful also accept a right in the same manner a freedom is lived?
Think of the right to bare arms.
The human argument, that recognizes and fears tyrannical government, is yet another issue of faith.
The argument to demand a right to defend one's self is actually far removed from the message of love, peace, submission, and resolving to be given up to death that Christ exemplified.
This is where weapons in the hands of the citizens, in order to protect themselves from wayward government, is logically argued.
Yet the faith in God's protection does not fit into the logical conclusions of mankind, the flesh, nor most historical realities.
Weapons in the hands of the people is a litmus test to correct a wayward government... at least that is the premise and the argument.
For those without faith, or very weak faith, I think they 'feel' the need to have a tool that allows them a sense of security... as I did when I bought such items.
But such a stance is largely based on the desire to prolong this physical life, a life we know very well will end one day.
But to do any and all things possible, including killing another human being so the self can live, is an illogical argument when we consider not only Christ, but all those who went to their death in confidence of His salvation.
The martyrs.
The martyrs of Christ are not those who use weapons of this world to 'fight' or defend themselves.
We saw the one and only example of such an attempt when Peter was chastised by Christ, yet that incident was for a fulfillment of prophecy, a proper person providing an example of holiness.
The martyrs, according to definition in Scripture and historical Christian records, are those who sacrifice themselves in peace - not war, in submission - not resistance, in loving their enemies - not fighting against them in any way.
It is quite a revising of the historical term 'martyr' to fit a very foreign religious ideology that proclaims a 'martyr' to be someone who kills others and then happens to die in battle.
What a wicked confusion.
The martyr is innocent of anyone's blood on their hands.
A martyr does not blow themselves up (suicide) in attempting to injure government, or some other group of people perceived as not being 'believers'.
This is why a religious war, in the clear context of who and what Christ is (and what a Christian is supposed to be) is not only offensive for Christians, but an slanderous argument.
True religious wars have been, and are, only fought between pagans in the new age of Christ.
The Christian 'fights' a spiritual battle.
Those who are actually Christ-like do not fight nor use weapons of war.
Those that do, are confused and their faith is very weak... but God is gracious.
So much wicked confusion and hijacking of the Word of God and the clear words used to explain such spiritual matters.
Some of our fellow human beings on this earth will always see this world as the end all, their home.
This world is all they will ever enjoy, thus they fight with weapons to injure, instead of the weapon of words in widening the heart and illuminating the minds of others.
To fight and kill over the things of this world makes logical sense only to the faithless or those confused or those whose religion is focused on all things material as 'signs' of God, but are empty of the spiritual teachings of holiness and righteousness.
The wayward will always justify violence for violence (eye for an eye), measuring and desiring justice in the immediate, which is a blasphemous thing because they enter into God's realm.
Judgment belongs to God and God alone... and to pass judgment on another human is the domain of the Church over those belonging to the body of Christ, not those outside.
God will judge those not a part of His body.
Those outside the church who pass judgment of the matters of God do so in ignorance.
This is a fact that is bothersome for my heart, but is a fact to be accepted as part of reality because it is not going away until all things come their end and renewal.
This is why the arguments for gun reform / control are in large part very illogical from a spiritual point of view, but very logical from the worldly point of view (both sides of the argument).
Those calling for deletion of guns, or more restraint on access, seem to lean towards the desire to lesson the possibilities of violence... yet again, violence is spawned within while manifested without.
It is possible for a society to be armed to the teeth (completely - all people having weapons of war), and yet they are never used towards one another, or do not harm one another in any other devious or depraved way.
This would be an example of a mature, peaceful, patient, and kind society... which doesn't exist.
The same could be imagined in a society without any such weapons of war.
Would either extreme example prove that weapons are themselves evil, or their removal would curb violence or injustice or murder among humans?
Not when considering, again, how any 'thing' can be used as a weapon.
What of those places where the population has nearly zero access to or ownership of firearms.
Are they all peaceful?
Are there zero murders occurring in such places?
The statistics reveal that people have a tendency to be wicked regardless of the tools at their disposal.
People will use their fingers and even toothpicks if that is all they had.... that is, those people who are not at peace and do not trust in the Lord their God.
Free will.
God has granted mankind the freedom to choose right from wrong, the good or the bad.
You have the choice to obey or disobey, either God's law and also man's laws, or whatever you perceive as proper for you.
There is an ancient record that shows in detail how a certain people began to disobey God's law and instead adopted the laws and practices of other people... and the record shows trouble, times of confusion, and much suffering having come upon such a people.
For those who proclaim to follow the Messiah into heaven's abode, they are called to submit to God and men in all things.
This is the manner the kingdoms of men have encapsulated and have both attacked and defended the Church, yet the saints have triumphed.
Consider what God has done.
The new age in Christ has built a system of world government that has subdued the world... and this for the benefit of all mankind.
It all depends how one views the facts.
The facts can be read through the faithful eyes of God, or through faithless and instigating media.
God established an invisible kingdom among, within, and throughout the kingdoms of men.
This is our world Today.
One man believes and understands that God's kingdom rules throughout the entire earth; no stone is turned over without God knowing about it.
Where God's laws are trespassed, and the innocent harmed, God surely knows... the issue is understanding why God allows such things to occur.
Perhaps to bring swift judgment in many forms, or to correct those He desires to refine, or a variety of other reasons.
Yet another man sees the physical representation of the Church, but considers the Church (and the members of that body) as separate, or subject to, the kingdoms of men... and the world having no order.
Such a man sees only just beyond the tip of his nose.
But what does the Word of God say?
Does God 'work' or 'act' according to man's perceptions and understanding?
In some cases, yes... for our sake.
In many other cases, there is no earthly understanding capable of conceptualizing God's wisdom.
Has not God always acted beyond man's imagination and without man's clear understanding of His ways?
We have been given a glimpse in what is described in the Bible and what has been given to us in historical accounts over the centuries.
It is the manner such things are interpreted and understood that may grant a glimpse of God's hand in all things.
The issue of weapons is a double edge sword.
One lesson calls the faithful to set their hearts on things Above, and not in the tools in their hands, or even secular government.
This is evidenced in what happened to ancient Israel when taken into captivity.
Despite their efforts, God's will was to happen.
Yet Israel found protection even among a foreign people, in a foreign land.
God was revealed to hold the hearts of any men He chooses, even a so-called pagan having been used an as instrument to protect His flock.
Let us see things as they've been fashioned by God, not the faithless.
In closing, may God stretch your heart's bounds of love, your mind's limit of understanding, and may God bless the peace He has granted you and the grace that encapsulates you, His chosen:
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
- John 16: 33
To the one who is victorious and does My will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from My Father. I will also give that one the morning star. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
- Revelation 2: 26-29
To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with My Father on His throne. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
- Revelation 3: 21-22