What Is In Your Words?

The power of words is quite phenomenal.

Words can clarify an idea... or obscure it.

It is very important knowing and properly defining words, searching out their etymology.

Words, and their meanings, change over time.

A word in one context has a different meaning when rendered in another context.

Some words have completely changed in meaning through popular cultures.

Some other words have retained their original meaning (for example in a lawful context).

Even with clear definitions, the manner one understands a word is dependent on their individual interpretation and current understanding.

You may be surprised to find out not only where a certain word started, but what previous definitions were attributed.

No two people see eye-to-eye on every single issue, but perhaps on a certain issue they may completely agree... and often times the conflicts are according to words... their understanding and their misunderstanding.

Words have changed meaning according to their sound, or how their sound was similar to another word in a hearer's native language.

In this manner, the word was 'adopted' into the vernacular while the meaning may not have been fully adopted, but instead altered.

Often times the past definitions are lost, and with them the previous understanding.

The next word you care to ponder, take some time looking up its etymology.


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