It's Nice To "See" You

 A blind person may 'see' the world in ways those with clear eyesight cannot.

God's timing is always “on time”, never a moment too soon nor too late.

His timing is not like our timing, since He is patient and gracious while the human being can be quite impatient and sporadic.

There is a woman who lives across the street and two doors over.

I've noticed her only in recent months although I've lived on that street for over four years... and she longer.

She was waiting for a small van to pick her up when I noticed she was blind.

Having seen her some months ago, I have wanted to say hello ever since, but silly me if I'm a bit unsure and apprehensive about speaking to someone with a handicap.

But as God's timing would have it, and realizing how fruits are born from His timing and how such timing meets prepared faith in the individual (me in this instance), that meeting finally arrived this week.

I was at a coffee shop at the other corner of the city from where I reside... and there I notice this woman being walked in by someone.

I immediately thought to myself now is my chance to say hello and finally make her acquaintance.

After letting her finish what she was eating, I walked over and introduced myself by explaining I'm actually her neighbor and had recognized her.

We had a great chat and she was glad I had said hello, as was I.

After saying goodbye and that I hoped to run into her again, I made my way back to my table.

As I'm sitting down, a woman at a table near me exclaims how nice it was for me to say hello to that blind woman.

I responded that she was actually my neighbor and that I had not made the effort previously, but I did just now.

I begin to chat with this woman, and she invites me to sit with her.

We begin a heart-felt journey of things ethereal.

During the chat she determines that our meeting and discussion was not a matter of chance.

I agree with her.

I say that all things are purposed, even things we may not like.. but surely all things enjoyable and edifying like the topics we discussed and explored in that sitting.

I can tell she was not afraid to go 'deep' into things spiritually minded, yet I was careful in how I proceeded in making the effort to speak according to her needs and worldview.

The inspiration I received from speaking with my neighbor carried over into another opportunity to express His light... and I praised the Lord in heaven at how He opens doors.

All this happened yesterday morning [12 June 2018].

This morning I had an earlier start than usual, arriving at the laundromat the earliest I ever have (a few minutes after it opened at 6:30am).

I was not sure about going to the laundromat so early since it may be nearly empty and part of my work is to be around people and interact with them whenever possible.

Besides the few people I saw there, and the interactions I had with those present and the experiences which drew my heart to pray for those I saw in need (one being a homeless woman, possibly struggling with addictions, crying in the back corner that she doesn't want “live like this anymore”, and what seemed like a boyfriend that jealously asked her to stop talking to certain other men – and that warning me not to get verbally involved), I realized a further purpose of this early rise and yet another timing of perfection directed from Above:

On my way back home from the laundromat who do I find making their way outside?

My new neighbor friend!

I excitedly say hello and call out her name.

Her face lights up in remembering my voice and name.

She was surprised, as was I, at the 'timing' of this early morning crossing of paths.

We had a short chat.

What struck me was the words we shared as we parted.

In my effort to be careful and sensitive in choosing my words wisely and lightly, I noticed one cannot help but speak from experience regarding vernacular and figures of speech.

I said “hope to see you soon” and she echoed the same sentiment.

My overcritical mind heard that exchange and when walking away I realized that this figure of speech goes beyond the literal as does so much of the human language.

She did 'see' me that morning, as she did yesterday... but the ways in which she witnessed me, although being different due to the physical world, is likely the same as I see her... past things physical, whether the lack of sight or all the other external and temporary things.
Yeshua heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” 
“Who is He, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in Him.” 
Yeshua said, “You have now seen Him; in fact, He is the One speaking with you.” 
Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped Him. 
Yeshua said, “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.” 
Some Pharisees who were with Him heard Him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?” 
Yeshua said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. 
- John 9: 35-41
If you can handle the deeper things, read the entire 9th chapter from John for the insight and clarity of the preceding passage's conclusion.

May your eyes see beyond the physical, and may your eyesight be restored beyond all things physical.


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