What Possesses You?

I found this sign a bit striking... asking the real questions can be difficult.

There are several definitions of 'possession', depending on the manner the word is used.

We are looking at one definition.



- the state of being controlled by a demon or spirit

One may argue a man 'possessed' is a man not in control of himself.

This may very well be true.

Some questions then could be asked:

- what has possessed that man?

- does a man possessed control his thoughts, words, actions?

Recently I have been challenged with a specific thing besides the consistent challenges of every-day life.

My challenges are many, although they are not as grievous as some challenges my fellow brothers and sisters are experiencing all over the world.

No one is currently trying to physically kill me, although attempts on my spiritual life is a constant battle front I face.

Although I am well fed, well clothed, and well sheltered, my challenges are seemingly petty nuisances if compared to the challenges of those in different mission fields.

My blessed upbringing and all its comforts had provided for a certain lifestyle that is currently being challenged.

The expectations of the past have me dealing with the changes which are meant to mold my character... and my character is usually responding adversely to such challenges, no matter how petty, insignificant, and small.

Some challenges, if not all, eventually tempt me to become angry.

Angry at myself, at someone else, at my past mistakes, or at the process that God has me going through.

One often and embarrassing temptation is to blame God directly, but this is a foolish and dark thought like all the other temptations.

How can someone tell if they, or someone else, may be possessed by a nefarious spirit, or instead lead by the Holy Spirit of God?

Notice how differently I describe the opposites.

Although a believer is sealed by God's Spirit, the believer is not 'possessed' or incapacitated.

God's Spirit does not overwhelm the believer to act a certain way, but is so gentle it is very subtle.

At the other extreme, a nefarious spirit compels wickedness as in the case of people raving mad, on a murderous rampage, spouting out hateful vileness, etc..

The Holy Spirit leads the believer along the lines of full capacity of choice, helps them hold rational thoughts, allows time to make clear decisions.

A believer is not compelled, nor is God's Spirit manipulative or overwhelming to a believer in an adverse way to push them.

The believer always has decision-making capabilities once noise is cleared, clutter is minimized, confusion is resolved.

The nefarious spirit acts very differently.

The person influenced (or possessed) by something nefarious is largely not in control of themselves, although they may spout they are in control, or they claim to know full-well their actions, and even arguing they know God and other such hypocrisies, madness is not far off.

Those under the influence of something nefarious are motivated / compelled; they are usually besides themselves or completely vacant of clear decision-making... and crimes, rebelliousness, and trespasses are excused and justified quickly.

The times that the believer is wholly lead by the Holy Spirit is when the Spirit speaks through that individual and the believer likely remembers not what was spoken.

What was spoken may be a mystery for some and an edification for others.

What was spoken was not madness, murderous threats, nor any bit of violence while dubiously 'praising God' as is seen among violent religious zealots confusing their evil deeds for God's goodness.

The times when a believer gives-in to temptation is when they cease humbly submitting to God's Spirit, and have instead allowed themselves to be overrun by things and thoughts nefarious.

They have given-in to the flesh.

God's Spirit is subtle, peaceful, quiet, and comes across very close in a comforting manner.

A nefarious spirit is overt, abusive, loud, and comes across very distant in an uncomfortable manner.

God's Spirit draws you near... while a nefarious spirit warns you to keep your distance.

The Spirit of Truth speaks kind and loving words... the nefarious sparks dissenting and hateful words.

Both may incite fear in someone, depending on where that someone is on the spectrum of light.

Someone not in the light is apt to fear both the Holy Spirit and a dark spirit, while someone in the light is drawn to the Holy Spirit (which is light) and senses a desire to avoid what is dark.

The answer to the question about telling the difference is usually only understood by an individual observer who is aware of such things.

This awareness is not from simply looking, but in experiencing the difference first-hand.

These are matters that can only be revealed by God and His allowance for experience in the believer.

Despite learning certain teachings or being overtly religious and holding many opinions while quoting many passages of the Bible, these matters are best understood, again, through experience.

Many go through their lives never experiencing an outright miracle, yet miracles are ever-present and continuous.

The miracle of life and how it is sustained in such a fragile balance is miraculous.

Surely miracles abound.

But the miracles of healing, of overcoming dark strongholds, of some thing appearing out of nothing, these are the kinds of miracles that are not observed or experienced by many of the faithful.

It is not that all believers need to 'see' or experience a miracle in order to believe in the rest of this miraculous life or what God has long provided and continues to promise - even redemption and eternal life.

These matters should not be expected to be understood by those who reject or deny God in Christ and in themselves... and neither should the religious zealot think themselves to 'know' by simply quoting Bible verses without actually experiencing these matters.

Yet we shall survey and explore what the earliest believers explained by the Holy Spirit to us, their posterity and co-heirs of His heavenly kingdom revealed on earth through us - His Bride and Church.
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of One Body. “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. 
- Ephesians 4: 25-27
Speaking truthfully, putting off falsehood.

On any given day, when the believing individual searches out their hearts and looks in the mirror, they are likely to find yet a new falsehood that was previously hidden to them.

This journey is never-ending until death rings us out from this world.

To focus too closely on how false we are can be overwhelming, yet there are times when such a focus is necessary to provide for growth, repentance, the breaking of bad character traits, low cultural constants, etc..

That growth is not about 'becoming perfect' now (although we are being perfected - thus God's grace) or reaching some 'state' of arrival (what empty religious practices promise), but rather a continued path of growth that places us in the path of service to others... where we are not self-centered.

Those who have truly left all things behind for the sake of the Gospel know this better than those who simply repeat words yet are still engulfed in the manners of the world.

It is not that all must literally drop their secular lives, but some must and some do indeed literally drop their secular lives.

For those who are called to uphold the apparatus of this world as Daniel and Joseph did (and the Church in all public and private spaces do Today), they do so as heart-felt shepherds and pastors in ways mysterious.

The paradox of His earthly kingdom found in all places on earth human-occupied.

The person who actually lives their lives in service of others, and not only in lip service, see miracles not so much in the metaphysical sense, but in the building of love, faith, hope.

These are also shepherds, members of the royal priesthood, servants found in high places (like Daniel and Joseph) yet putting others first - taking low positions when speaking interpersonally with others.

Why the warning of not sinning when anger is aroused in that verse?

Is the feeling of anger 'wrong' or a 'sin' on its own?


Any emotion the human being experiences is a gauge of what is going on around us, in us, and our interaction or reflections of such things.

It is the choices made which bring about sin - or - the avoidance of sin.

By emotions man can be swept away to make bad choices... one emotion being anger in this case.

It is about overcoming, or working through emotions that sparks growth or defeat in us.

If the believer's mind has been trained by the Holy Spirit, they likely reflect upon passages that are recalled to them via the Spirit when challenged or tempted... and / or they pray in their heart regarding matters they face.

It is by controlling one's thoughts and actions in the face of temptation that a 'possession' of sorts is avoided.

I am not suggesting that those sealed by the Holy Spirit can be readily possessed by a nefarious spirit, but rather pointing out the subtleness of the battle in the spiritual realms, being daily realized in our lives, our bodies, our physical plane, even our thoughts.

Notice the warning of not allowing the devil a foothold.

How can such a foothold take 'hold'?

A train of thought that may lead to bad choices is one example.

The flesh can be overcome with emotion to the point of dishonoring God and losing hold of peace.
Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. 
- Matthew 26: 41

When Yeshua's fleshly body was desiring food after a long fast in the desert, darkness saw an opportunity to place a foothold.

Darkness even employed the testimony from Above in an attempt to ensnare Yeshua in His own Word.

Have you ever found yourself in a heated discussion, or some kind of argument, and the other person turns the tables and begins to use your own words against you?

Perhaps you did fall into disgrace by what you said and they were pointing out your hypocrisy.

Or perhaps it was simply an attempt to now accuse you of things they were readily guilty of; their hypocrisy having been revealed and them going on the defensive - the practices of deception.

However the scenario, when we look at the drama that unraveled between Yeshua and darkness, we can rest assured that Yeshua was not in error nor was overcome by temptation, but rather was victorious through each and every human temptation.

This is the reason God became a man... to provide us victory over sin, death, and temptations leading to such.

We see Yeshua struggling with temptation (the flesh's weakness) yet always beholden to righteousness: holding what is right in heart, in mind, in thought, in word, in deed.

This is why the believer has their hope in Yeshua as Messiah, not in themselves or another human being.

This is why the believer follows the Example of Yeshua as Messiah, not in empty religious rituals or repetitive practices that put on a show of religiosity yet never penetrate into our soul and heart.

This is why the believer understands the true battle is always within, for it is from within that thoughts and words and actions reveal the kind of spirit within - Holy or otherwise.


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