Death Separates Eternal And Temporal According To Law

Parts of this Venus Flytrap began to die and decay.
Its decay and death was placed back into the pot to feed whatever else lives (and will live).
The energy that left behind decay went places unseen, to be utilized in ways only guessed at.
However, both energy and physical substance is fixed in this world's laws and avenues.
What is from Above is still very different, although it may on occasion exist / live in things material.

Is man able to break God's law as they are expressed through nature?

No, but this doesn't prevent men from trying.

Men are breaking God's law all the time.

All Ten Commandments are broken on a daily basis by men on earth.

The laws of nature or physical realities deny man's egotistical desire to be like God, or to break the bounds man is limited by.

It is through nature that God has clarified the laws and borders of His law.

A man cannot fly like a bird on his own, because man was not made to fly as a bird was made to fly.

Natural laws speak to how men do unnatural things (homosexuality, for example).

The law that speaks to morality, and these which man is granted choice, came through Moses.

Moses was not the law's author, but the messenger / deliverer / prophet of those laws.

Man's laws are those that change all the time.

God's law does not change according to man's whims.

One evidential example of God's law being realized in a physical way is death.

There is a soul / spirit in mankind and that reality does not die but continues.

Only the physical things pass away... yet somehow continue but never in a previous form.

Here is an example of continuation realized in two different ways:

Physical substances transform and translate from one form into another - a living thing eventually 'dies' and decays, and other things consume or come of that decay / death / consumption. (think of recycling, but material things never recycled into a previous form, but into something else)

[it is only man who attempts to repeatedly recycle previous forms] 

The spirit / soul continues despite its vessel decaying and becoming fodder. (spirit / soul not recycled, but continuing forward as before)

The laws of physics regarding energy is comparable to partially explaining the spirit / soul continuance (although energy is not spirit but something very different): how energy doesn't 'die' but simply changes its state, so also spirit / soul does not 'die' but the state it is found in does change.

Mankind has realized God's law not only in nature, but in very explicit and simple terms (literally written in stone and later other materials, and Today written on men's hearts).

Even with laws there are rare and unique exceptions.

Regarding the law of death that is to be experienced by every human being, the noted exceptions have been Enoch and Elijah, and possibly some others not clearly noted or factually affirmed.

What is even more unique is the continuance of, in a somehow miraculous and unexplainable manner considering human terms, the body's reemergence to house the spirit / soul once again for a time:
And when Yeshua had cried out again in a loud voice, He gave up His Spirit. 
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Yeshua’s resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people. 
- Matthew 27: 50-53
It is possible many holy people who lived in the days of Enoch and Elijah were some of those whose bodies were renewed and witnessed in Jerusalem.

Notice also how Yeshua 'gave up His Spirit' at the moment His fleshly vessel experienced its final breath - death.

Regarding the law of death, notice that it is bound by nature's laws (the material that eventually passes away - man's body being made of material 'things').

The concept of continuance, and eternity, of some things going on forever, has been revealed under heaven in the natural world.

Life after death has been remarkably and soberly proven by Messiah (and those who have risen since in Him).

Faith is believing this historical significance.

Believing this brings eternity closer to you, and leaves the material far behind in this world where it is bound.

What is the believer to focus on?

Which law is the believer to be concerned with most?
For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Yeshua Christ our Lord! 
- Romans 7: 22-25


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