Standing On Truth - A Difficult Article
There is Light behind the darkness... there is hope, and faith is gifted to those who love God. |
If a man thinks he is a bird, is he now a bird according to what he thinks?
What if he removes his arms and replaces them with the wings of a large bird?
If that man does everything possible to 'look' like a bird, covering himself with feathers and all the rest of it, can that man now be called or acknowledged to be a bird?
Why not?
Is it not enough that he thinks, and demands, that he is a bird?
Hasn't he done everything necessary to resemble a bird?
Is it wrong for that man to demand to be called a bird?
Is it considered hate to not agree with that man's thinking and wishes?
Is it wrong to point out to that man or others that he is suffering from some mental affliction?
In this world of imitations and imitators, another man is likely to follow the bird-man's efforts... and this is how a sub-culture or fad or movement (and specifically depravity) usually comes about.
This example of a man who thinks he is a bird is obviously ridiculous, but what about the subtle ideas that have convinced people they are something they are not? or have convinced people to believe, or allow, or defend other things considered ridiculous.
How does one navigate the world when many people in the world have gone mad?
The world outside the walls of the kingdom of God is a confusing, cold, cynical, inconsiderate, compulsive place.
Mental challenges are coddled as normal (sexual dysphoria, gender confusion, surgery to match mental deficiencies, etc.).
Truth is dispelled as a lie, and the lie marketed as truth (certain scientific opinions and theories, arguments of how humans are to be valued or viewed).
Synthetics are promoted as natural and harmless (genetically modified foods, non-seed bearing crops).
Pollution is argued as a necessity in order to facilitate the market.
Criminals are viewed as victims, and victims considered accusers or being inconsiderate to criminals.
In the media (news, social media, etc.), the first narrative to be promoted is quickly believed as 'fact' and lies spread faster than truths.
Journalism is not journalism, but a reflection of irrational biases and pandering after popular consensus... critical thinking is absent and fails to decipher fact from fiction.
Music and movies reflect irrational and depraved behavior and critics call it art, expressions of genius.
People are instigated by mainstream and social media and react accordingly.
When the truth is eventually meted out, the lie persists and minds continue fixed on the lie... and / or make up their own legends and suspicions.
Those lovers of truth (speaking Gospel) and lovers of God (obedience to His Word) are accused as being haters of people, and this too is a grave misunderstanding and pervasive lie (calling the lovers of truth haters).
A clear mental disconnection is noted when looking at man's laws.
Considering logic and rational conclusions, clear hypocrisy is noticed in many of man's laws.
One aspect of law restricts the killing of any human being.
Simple enough it seems - killing another human being is forbidden, outlawed, not to be done.
Sadly, there are caveats and clauses that allow for the murder / killing others.
One hypocritical point is capital punishment - when men have decided according to their laws the justifications of killing a human being.
Men use certain terms in law to allow for the killing of another human being, calling it an execution.
If a man decides to kill another man, it is called murder, but when a group of men with titles next to their names decide to kill a man, it is labeled an execution and called justice.
Another hypocrisy already mentioned is abortion - when a woman decides to avert responsibility and the eventual consequences of her sexual activity (besides the justification in the case of pregnancy from rape - yet, does one crime committed by a criminal justify a crime against an innocent?).
For the mad minds and corrupted hearts in the world, anything is justifiable.... even killing innocent people.
People play God all the time when killing either a violent murderous criminal (the case of certain capital punishment instances) or the killing of the innocent and defenseless unborn.
When a woman decides to murder the human being growing inside of them, it is called her right and a freedom of choice.
Part of the justifications for abortion and capital punishment is a financial one, besides the evidence of a lack of apathy for humanity.
The cost of raising children and holding criminals in cages is high.
Considering how money has been taught as an idol, a thing of worship, something that must be pursued at all costs, it is made a reasonable argument (meaning it is used and argued as reasonable) to justify clear hypocrisy and even things gravely immoral for the sake of either making money, or saving money.
The world's madness is often supported because people worship money, besides the litany of other things people tend to worship.
What is noticed is how some people (echoed through cultures) have systematically eschewed responsibility.
The responsibility that usually leads to maturity is widely avoided.
It is no surprise, then, that many so-called 'leaders' are immature, their emotions often reflecting an infantile nature, a lack of self control, a leaning towards childish tendencies instead of the maturity some people in society expect from people in influential positions, either public or private.
It is no surprise some 'leaders' are reflections of the very depravity being expressed in this article... and they are applauded as 'heroes' or 'brave' people... and their political views are somehow acceptable, despite their conflicts with reality and natural laws and moral laws.
There was a time a fool would entertain the king, and the fool would bring a valuable insight of hidden or ignored struggles in the realm.
The fool was careful not to insult the king when sharing things honest likely ignored or avoided or not realized by the king.
Today, the fools think themselves as kings, and those who are truly kings and princes on earth are called fools.
The manners and tastes of the fools are reflected in popular culture... and the fools are honored.
It is then no surprise to point out a people's collective immaturity, or that of their 'leaders' or those holding sway and influence over society, written into the laws of men.
When foolishness is reflected in a person made famous, it is no surprise foolishness is then reflected in the populous... and the arguments and sentiments only grow more foolish.
To placate greed, certain laws have been passed.
To feed generational hatred and racism, certain laws have been passed.
To pamper fear, certain laws have been passed.
To avoid criticism, certain laws have been passed.
Everything is easily politicized.
A political argument is necessary to support such wholesale madness.
For the sake of people's feelings, the beguiling expectations of being politically correct are now a mainstay.
When mental issues have been written into law as rights, this is evidence of how cultures ebb and flow when people can be easily convinced of anything.
Sadly, truth is secondary when it comes to mankind and their feelings and prevalent prejudices towards things of God.
Many of the world's governments fail to realize when moral laws (the Ten Commandments) are allowed to be transgressed, they cause harm to everyone.
In other words: men are responsible for the depravity found in the world.. because they tacitly agree, or purposely allow, or have in fact promoted depravity by not only their life, but their writing of laws and arguing for things contradictory to God's law.
When a man begins to believe he is a bird, he steps outside what has been clearly recognized as true and factual (natural laws - laws of nature - God's moral standard: Messiah).
History's lessons on order and chaos, and what leads to either side of the spectrum, are ignored and seemingly promoted in either direction.
When a man perceives himself to be a bird, or desires to be a bird, there is a major problem in that man's heart... not only his mind... and a society that allows that man to believe and do to himself what his mind / heart has convinced him, is an irresponsible society hiding behind the guise of freedoms and rights.
It is a society led mostly by cowards, besides God haters and truth deniers.
Here is the unadulterated truth which the wicked and depraved rail against whenever it is mentioned:
History's lessons on order and chaos, and what leads to either side of the spectrum, are ignored and seemingly promoted in either direction.
When a man perceives himself to be a bird, or desires to be a bird, there is a major problem in that man's heart... not only his mind... and a society that allows that man to believe and do to himself what his mind / heart has convinced him, is an irresponsible society hiding behind the guise of freedoms and rights.
It is a society led mostly by cowards, besides God haters and truth deniers.
Here is the unadulterated truth which the wicked and depraved rail against whenever it is mentioned:
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
- Romans 1: 18-32