The Plumb Line From Above
What we see often times in social media
is a fixation on a very narrow (and detrimental) argument that
ignores individual responsibility.
I often write about identity, media programming, and other related subjects because I view these as very influential and deriving much meaning and sentiment to individuals.
The feeling of being part of a group is comforting.
This is why gangs exist and are so socially influential to some people.
A gang is viewed as a group of unlawful and socially detrimental individuals reflecting common values (or lack of).
A gang is tribal, as is any political group or religious group, or movement or ideology of any kind.
Notice how almost every single group of people has acted like a gang at some point or another... while some have always acted like a gang due to their carnal nature and their carnal origins.
Social media has largely become amplifications of mainstream media's programming, and all the nuances of personalities spouting their opinions that are largely narrow-minded and biased.
I've seen 'experts' called onto news media (paid for their time, by the way) and share their own bias and narrowly contrived ideas.
Of course, I am a man speaking from my perspective that another person may perceive as bias and narrow... and they are right.
Only those who currently agree with my sentiments are largely apt to consider my views as 'correct'.
Those who disagree will view them as incorrect, naturally.
A U.S. presidential candidate once suggested physical measures towards protestors, and those identifying with his political gang broke out with violence towards the opposing gang.
People in this political gang consider themselves and others of their group as 'Christians' (like Christ).
But do their words and actions reflect Yeshua?
People in this political gang consider themselves and others of their group as 'Christians' (like Christ).
But do their words and actions reflect Yeshua?
The same attitude was suggested by the opposing political party and those identifying with that political gang also broke out with violence against the opposing gang.
People in this political gang also consider themselves and others of their group as 'Christians' (like Christ).
But do their words and actions reflect Yeshua?
We see this with religious groups, even within a larger religious group.
Shias versus Sunnis within Islam, and Protestants versus Catholics within Western Christianity.
All this shows how easily people can be instigated, especially those inspired by emotions rather than peace, led astray by carnal arguments rather than spiritual teachings.
But the children of God recognize their fellow brothers and sisters despite group mentality or identity barriers.
The children of God realize their brothers and sisters are found in all groups religious, political, ethnic, and so on.
The children of God treat all others as if they were believers, and extend grace unto those who act wickedly... since this is the example of Messiah - the principle of righteousness in the face of evil.
But the children of God recognize their fellow brothers and sisters despite group mentality or identity barriers.
The children of God realize their brothers and sisters are found in all groups religious, political, ethnic, and so on.
The children of God treat all others as if they were believers, and extend grace unto those who act wickedly... since this is the example of Messiah - the principle of righteousness in the face of evil.
Grand ideas are touted, like patriotism, or religiosity and oneness with God, yet people act like wild animals when it comes to group think and group activity.
How are disagreements eventually reconciled?
After people grow tired of arguing over their perception of the truth, or what is right from wrong, or their version of morality and rights, where do people begin (or end) when it comes to being at odds with one another whether inside or beyond identity groups?
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
- 1 Corinthians 13: 12-13
Notice how a perplexity of disagreement was found even in the early Church.
Yet, the resolve is love despite the knowing of things in part.
This blog is authored for those who can hear, and whether a reader is a believer now or in the future, they are the intended audience.
The message of the Gospel is for all to 'hear', but not all will hear or accept its message.
We have a role to play, and our part is minute compared to what God orchestrates for us, in our lives, and for our sake, in this world.
What are the choices of the believer so they may be closer to one another?
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
- Ephesians 4: 2-5
Is it easy to be completely humble and gentle?
How about when violently opposed or when your life is threatened simply because of what you think or believe?
If we have made peace with God, then we are able to open our arms to peace with men... even the violent men who desire you to be dead.
This is the peace that God grants, a portion gifted along with faith in Him.
People's view of God has varied throughout time and history, and even today people may say there is only One God (amen), yet their concepts of God can vary and be quite drastic.
Despite people saying there are 'many faiths', they are correct according to their perspective.
Man's mind makes up all kinds of ideas to suit his feelings and his centric view... yet, in truth there is only one faith.
Love teaches us to patiently endure with those who are currently beholden to an odd faith while we live out that one faith in the Lord revealed from Above, so they may either see or be witnesses of having seen.
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I Am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My Name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask Me for anything in My Name, and I will do it.
- John 14: 12-14
It is very comforting the way that Yeshua revealed 'who' God is.
Messiah revealed God through love.
What were the works of Yeshua?
Did He act violently towards those who opposed Him?
Did Yeshua teach any justification for violence?
It is very comforting to read how God will do anything we ask in His Name; things having to do with His will and within His purpose.
Despite the world falling apart in certain ways and in certain places, the disciples of Messiah are continually doing greater things in His Name.
Although the world and its ways are passing away (like a neglected city whose buildings are continually turning to dust), God is continually building a town on earth that reflects His kingdom.
The temples that comprise the buildings of this town are continually being built up, in faith, hope, and love.
Faith in the salvation promised in Messiah, hope in life eternal after death, and love that binds all things and clarifies what is true from what is false.
Follow always the Way of Messiah, that is, the Way of Love, and remember to love and pray for even those who make themselves your enemies.
Do this, knowing full well you have been promised with a great reward that can never be removed, or refused, since He has chosen you and your faith in Him as been affirmed by your good confession and your love for Him... and your struggle against sin and the ways of this world.
Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His Voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.
- John 5: 28-29