Dismantling Faulty Identities

Notice the details and vast differences between the rings.
Notice also they are all rings (the same 'thing').
These rings can metaphorically be people from all walks of life.
The hands can metaphorically be God's hands.

Today is a time where some men think they are women, or women think they are men, and they are offended if others do not accept or agree with their dysphoria.

Lust for the opposite (or same sex lust) is argued as love and as something natural.

Some people demand to be called by things they call themselves or according to how they view themselves, but not according to reality.

A martyr is considered someone who kills others while killing themselves, thus a suicidal murderer is called righteous.

Right is considered wrong, and wrong is argued as right... and truth continues to be thrown to the ground by some people.
Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the Word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. 
- James 1: 22-25

I consider identity to be a very powerful concept.

An identity can be arguably the most powerful idea people hold in their minds... and the very thing that destroys them.

According to one's self identity (and how others are viewed via the same identity), hearts can either be opened or closed, blessed or cursed.

Through a certain identity people can be unified or divided, called to peace or called to war.

According to how one views themselves in relation to others, they may be apt to lay their life down for another person... or instigated to kill another person.

What is the most important thing or concept you identify yourself as?

What first comes to mind?

Is there room in your identity for someone who looks different than you, or was born to a different family, or in a different place, religion, political group, economic status, etc.?

Would someone have to 'convert' or be 'naturalized' or be 'qualified' in some way in order to be loved by you?

Does your identity make up rules in order for you to love (or not love) and be at peace (or at odds) with others outside your identity's circle?

Consider the following reality:
So God created mankind in His own image, 
   in the image of God He created them;  
      male and female He created them. 
- Genesis 1: 27

We are all the descendants of those first created in God's image.

This includes every single human being who has ever lived (and died)... and who now lives on earth.

This is special, unique, and very powerful.

We are truly brothers and sisters only separated by time and geography.

Notice how religions, politics, and at times your own heart may desire to battle against this truth.

There is a battle because many faulty ideas have infiltrated the truth that we are all related, and thus one big family.

Before the divisive confusions in political discussion about the roles of men and women, or what organization (political or religious or other) committed whatever crime, and any other ideas contradicting our collective brotherhood, the facts set in truth is that there is mankind - humans sharing God's likeness.

Before the variants have been irrationally argued as causes for difference or opposition or illogical demands, we have all been fashioned in God's image.

Despite the factual variance and differences between a man and a woman (which establishes eternal roles), or a pagan and a priest, or a career criminal and a newborn, we share more in common than in difference... so long as the poor ideas made by poor minds do not divide you internally from the facts set in truth.

The man is to consider the woman, and the woman the man.

It isn't an issue of power or dominance, but appreciating what one is and what the other is... and seeing the unity brought forth when the two come together and become one.

The pagan can admire and learn from the priest, coming to realize what has been destined for them to know and thus be fulfilled, while the priest can learn why the pagan thinks as he does in order to learn how best to serve and love them, also being fulfilled.

Both can learn how God has sustained them the entire time despite their views being at times conflicting, other times mirrored.

The career criminal is to be held accountable while room granted for grace and forgiveness and the opportunity to be born again, while the newborn protected and eventually taught what is wrong from what is right so they choose to avoid criminality.

Without a criminal, what is adverse is difficult to identify and define, and without a newborn a certain sensitivity and protection is difficult to identify and define.

All are to be loved while their variances addressed accordingly.

We are not to be in conflict but rather complimentary to one another, not in competition but rather in correlation with one another.

This speaks to every human dynamic.

And why?
“Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by My Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in, I needed clothes and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you came to visit Me.’ 
“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.’” 
- Matthew 25: 34-40

We see the teaching of true identity in that passage.

This is why for some people, they don't see a political label, or religious label, or person of high or low standing, but their brother and sister stuck in faulty identities.

Surface identities can be overwhelming, for we learn things (sometimes not good things) from what we see and hear.

All religious and political and ethnic labels are surface identities.

For those who know God, they see themselves in others and are able to appreciate (or see as adverse) what is on the surface while acknowledging what is internal and eternal.

It is only in Christ that the believer is able to see themselves (and God) in the face of another human being.

This doesn't mean everyone who identifies themselves as a 'Christian' is actually like Christ or lives like Christ.

You are a Christian (like Christ) by word and deed, not by word alone or by idea alone, nor by physical birth or by group association.

It is a shame that some people have contaminated the ideal of Christ and the idea of what a Christian is by their imitation of the world.

By imitating the world's religions and politics and the chasing of man's ideas instead of God's Word have men brought the Way into disrepute.

But this doesn't mean the Way has disappeared or is unattainable.

The Way has always been something not easily seen, much how the kingdom of God is unseen.

A Christian is not born physically as a child is born from a mother's womb.

A Christian is born again (made like and into Christ) spiritually.

This is why Christ taught that one must be born again, for the calling is spiritual and is only discernible by, and according to, the Spirit.

I dare say that many 'Christians', those only by name and label and outer identity, have not entered the kingdom although they have done all the rituals (or all the rituals have been done to them).

I dare also say that many not labeled 'Christians' (whether in ages past or the present age) have somehow entered the kingdom, although knowing little to nothing about God as revealed in Christ.


According to this (verses 14-16) and God's justice.

God is Just.

He does not judge people according to their ignorance, but according to what they do know and readily understand.

It is knowing and understanding that all mankind is called to love one another.

You are called to also love so-called enemies (again, faulty identities making you believe another human being is your enemy, or convincing that person you are their enemy).

You are called to treat all others as if they were Christ Himself.

And when you see someone in error, you love them and help them see their error as best as they are able to understand that error.

For some, sadly, they are shut out... their hearts and minds forever veiled no matter how clear God has made Himself to them.

It is this very teaching and warning about straying far from faulty identities... this lesson that speaks to the hearts of mankind called heavenward, that people will stand or fall before Yeshua the King, the Lord of heaven and earth, God Almighty, the Father, the One and Only true God.


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