Recognizing Information From Knowledge, Nonsense From Wisdom

If the sand represents information,
the table knowledge,
and the jewelry box wisdom,
understanding would be distinguishing between all of these
and knowing how to open the box of wisdom.

To summarize this article's message:
All this I tested by wisdom and I said, 
   “I am determined to be wise”— 
      but this was beyond me. 
   Whatever exists is far off and most profound— 
      who can discover it?
         So I turned my mind to understand, 
      to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things 
         and to understand the stupidity of wickedness 
      and the madness of folly.  
- Ecclesiastes 7: 23-25

The internet may seem to have a treasure trove of important information.

Some of this information is cloaked as 'knowledge', or something worth knowing.

However, despite the fact that moments of indisputable Truth can be found among pages of nonsense and poor opinions, not every person is able to decipher Truth from nonsense.

Why is this?

This is due to their personal and relative truth, among other shortsightedness.

Relative truth is an example example of a scheme intended to replace wisdom and understanding from Above.
“Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered: 
   “Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things— 
      while I was still searching 
         but not finding— 
      I found one upright man among a thousand, 
   but not one upright woman among them all. 
This only have I found: 
   God created mankind upright, 
but they have gone in search of many schemes.” 
- Ecclesiastes 7: 27-29

Observation of things visible only grants a surface understanding of reality as it actually is, not reality as men would ponder it to be, desire it to be, or limit it to be according to their perceptions (observations).

Here is a short scientific (observation and tested qualifiers for truth) article that about patterns seen, patterns perceived, and patterns denied.

I share this with my own caveat: just because others say that a pattern exists (or does not), or what one mind perceives as 'happening', does not mean that 'thing' is not happening (or is).

In other words: just because one person agrees or does not agree with another person's perceptions does not mean such perceptions are incorrect when it comes to truth and fact.

There is Truth, and then there is relative truth... and both cross paths because of our human condition.

Truth is not dependent on a democracy (or even a single person's agreement / acknowledgment) in order to be validated.

This is the entire issue regarding all aspects of life (politics, economics, philosophy, etc.) and especially God.

Many people, throughout history up until Today, have had real-life experiences with things supernatural, metaphysical, spiritual, et al.

Many others, throughout history and up until Today, have not and unfortunately never will.

Yet some people who have not experienced anything mystifying actually believe somehow, while some people who have experienced things beyond somehow do not (and vice versa).


This shows that experience (or the lack of it) as a basis of something actually 'being' true or a fact as acknowledged by the individual, is not always certain. (yet this is how man's logic desires to verify some thing or idea or notion)


Because any particular individual has to agree with both their experience and the thoughts / ideas / testimony of others that have preceded them in order to arrive at their relative truth.

And again, the Truth doesn't need anyone's agreement to be the Truth... and while one man's relative truth contradicts Truth, another man's relative truth may come close or simply repeat Truth's evidence.

If anything, the Truth (reality beyond the veil) is a constant.... despite man's experience.


Because man's experience is largely illusion (not mystically an illusion, but ideas built upon other ideas of men... these ideas being largely either lies or outright short-sided opinions of what 'is').

Thus by the ideas of men and their relative truths have presumptions led others astray and into the mire.

A rudimentary example is the bogus notion having been popularized once again that the earth is flat.

Absolutely ridiculous to doubt that the earth is a spherical shape after centuries of human experience through circumnavigation via ocean vessels, and last century into outer space.

To question a difference now made evident by simple observation that the earth is spherical similar to all other celestial bodies, any digression from this fact is made into an argument conveyed and presented in such a way that it can be made to sound 'true' and convincing.

Besides mass optical illusion and further paradox in space and time, the question then, for those believing this nonsense, would be: if they were to go up into space themselves and see for themselves not only the curvature of the earth... but travel far enough to see the entire 'circle' of the earth as we see the sun, moon, other planets, would they continue to hold onto the previous idea that the earth was flat?

Sadly, not all will be convinced.

There will always be those who are thoroughly convinced BEFORE facts and experience (going into space) teaches them.

They will continue to argue that the earth is flat.

They will likely introduce the argument of the coin.

No matter how much their space craft travels to another coordinate to 'see' the earth from another vantage point (for example, at 45 degrees from previous point), they will come up with another excuse / rationale to argue their already pre-determined idea.

Their inability to accept their first-hand experience reveals their delusion.

One reasoning for this is possibly that they hold onto their thoughts out of fear or turmoil in accepting new information that will dismiss their pre- and ill-conceived notions.

This is why both scientists and religious persons 'see' things differently despite being beholden to the same swath of information and being adherent to the same modes of thought.

I see a sharp response from the doors of the internet being opened to the masses.

I too had my time of comprehending not only the crimes of mankind, but also my place in the world and how to go about life now knowing things high and low.

There exists since the beginning with the first man and woman the temptation of rebellion / disobedience.... and the supposed euphoria from perceiving another way, or certain solutions towards resolving problems caused by rebellion and disobedience.

We each find ourselves among the noise.

I think it all comes down to this:

The human being is subject to the rudiments of this world.

In time, the human being realizes he is a slave to this world's apparatus.

The human may blame other humans, but doing so is not accurate since those others are also subjects, not free at all (perhaps only 'free' in their minds, but their life and soul reflecting things honestly).

This is why blaming others (or killing them as some religious and political elements suggest) does not change reality nor the self, because the struggle is actually and always has been within.

The issue and battle is spiritual, things unseen and found within despite their outward manifestations.

It is what occurs within (and those battles) that determine what comes about without (outside).

The world seems like mass chaos and destructive to some minds because they primarily focus on these matters... and they have a difficult time seeing or experiencing anything lovely, honest, peaceful.

Secondly, such realities reveal that mankind has to deal with the consequences or their choices and that of others.

For other people (and various points in between the two extremes), the world looks like a wonderful place full of beautiful things, amazing realities, and teaching things beyond the surface... despite the obvious turmoil.

Somewhere in between the two extremes are all of us found along some point.

The great thing is that we can shift along the axis points... most people sliding across the "x" axis, while some either finding or being shown the "y" axis.

To summarize this article's message again:
All this I tested by wisdom and I said, 
   “I am determined to be wise”— 
      but this was beyond me. 
   Whatever exists is far off and most profound— 
      who can discover it?
         So I turned my mind to understand, 
      to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things 
         and to understand the stupidity of wickedness 
      and the madness of folly.  
- Ecclesiastes 7: 23-25

The internet may seem to have a treasure trove of important information.

Some of this information is cloaked as 'knowledge', or something worth knowing.

However, despite the fact that moments of indisputable Truth can be found among pages of nonsense and poor opinions, not every person is able to decipher Truth from nonsense.

Why is this?

This is due to their personal and relative truth, among other shortsightedness.

Relative truth is an example example of a scheme intended to replace wisdom and understanding from Above.
“Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered: 
   “Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things— 
      while I was still searching 
         but not finding— 
      I found one upright man among a thousand, 
   but not one upright woman among them all. 
This only have I found: 
   God created mankind upright, 
but they have gone in search of many schemes.” 
- Ecclesiastes 7: 27-29


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