A Rant Regarding False Hopes in Man, While Looking Beyond A Farce
I wrote this in response to a friend's request to find a viable presidential candidate, minimally edited with personal references removed:
I think you or any regular person would do a better job... if only you / they could decipher the liar from the honest man, see what actual reality we exist in ( land of slaves by law and those who manage them and the very few who own them )... and with the social conditioning by the media manipulating minds, this is very difficult to do.
Every person has a 'horizon,' as do you, me and dear ole Ronny... but he resides among very influential circles, while you and I have lesser influential circles ( or I speak for myself ). They too have a myopic view and unfortunately, struggle with ignorance of some things and selfishness if push comes to shove ( they will choose themselves over you and me, no martyrs from among them ).
If Ronny wins, I think we will truly see the wealthy class reveal their hearts even further ( keep the status-quo of capital being the cosmic divide between people; those considered money makers and those who must work for money / slave status ).. and the years and ill-attempt of government to level the playing field ( the communist experiment the majority have failed to realize ) between chattel and their owners would be even more evident.
I hope you have a stock pile of gold or various other 'real' assets, because that is what these types 'believe in,' isn't it?
Folks rate 'success' if whatever they do makes them money: prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers and even war makers and puppets hired to fool the masses with their kabuki theater ( the definition of a politician ).
If it wasn't for the communist government which is being revealed in Amerika, people like you and I would never have half the open doors into mainstream Amerika as we have had. We would be even further sequestered into our own ethnic groups. Sure, we'd be giants among our 'own kind,' but again the obvious exclusion from the 'majority' would be even sharper, for even in the Constitution, racism and favoritism is revealed ( read it where it speaks of voting rights and land ownership ). Obama mentions this in a speech of his, and he clearly identifies that reality ( which racists and other blinded people hate to admit ).
Heck, up until the 1950's in Los Angeles county, only white Anglo Saxon protestants could own property ( called exclusionary covenants ).... no Jews, no Latino, no Asian, no Black... none of the above.... and this BY LAW! Guess who wrote the laws at that time? While Anglo Saxon Protestants.
Those of his ilk, class and party worship at the alter of the golden calf. If they wouldn't or if Ron wouldn't, he would resemble something like a Ralph Nader ( advocate for consumers / chattel / the economic slaves I always mention - you and I ). He would NOT play the game, wouldn't work for corporations, vote no on bills yet write earmarks for his constituents ( and justify it later like a modern-day Robin Hood would ).
I sure hope Ron turns out to be the honest politician the public has been hoping for / waiting for, but I doubt it.
I sure hope he will keep to his promises... but how many times must folks be fooled? Just one more time and THEN the people will wake up? That's what many said with Obummer, and Bush before him.. and Clinton before him.... etc.
Here's an excerpt from an article revealing more than you may be ready to accept and which supports my tone in pointing out racism and prejudice:
"Anyone hoping the pace of the counterrevolution might slow is apt to be disappointed by the time the court completes its current term. If present trends persist, and there is little reason to believe they won’t, 2012 will be remembered as the year the court rewrote the constitutional boundaries between federal and state authority, severely curtailing federal initiatives on behalf of working people, minorities and the poor."
And another paragraph from that piece:
"When the 2010 census revealed that the population of Texas had grown by 4.2 million, the state’s Legislature was required to redraw congressional voting districts to comply with the one-person, one-vote standards of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But in a classic “oops” moment, the Legislature and Republican Gov. Rick Perry remapped the playing field in a way that minimized the electoral clout of the 2.8 million Hispanics who had migrated to the Lone Star State in the previous decade."
The racist themes in Ron's newsletters over the years reveals his heart, and his complicity with the above agenda.
Read the article yourself, please.
If you have learned anything from this blurb of mine, please visit and support site sponsors.. and learn your financial education at SmartPeopleSmartMoney.com.
I think you or any regular person would do a better job... if only you / they could decipher the liar from the honest man, see what actual reality we exist in ( land of slaves by law and those who manage them and the very few who own them )... and with the social conditioning by the media manipulating minds, this is very difficult to do.
Every person has a 'horizon,' as do you, me and dear ole Ronny... but he resides among very influential circles, while you and I have lesser influential circles ( or I speak for myself ). They too have a myopic view and unfortunately, struggle with ignorance of some things and selfishness if push comes to shove ( they will choose themselves over you and me, no martyrs from among them ).
If Ronny wins, I think we will truly see the wealthy class reveal their hearts even further ( keep the status-quo of capital being the cosmic divide between people; those considered money makers and those who must work for money / slave status ).. and the years and ill-attempt of government to level the playing field ( the communist experiment the majority have failed to realize ) between chattel and their owners would be even more evident.
I hope you have a stock pile of gold or various other 'real' assets, because that is what these types 'believe in,' isn't it?
Folks rate 'success' if whatever they do makes them money: prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers and even war makers and puppets hired to fool the masses with their kabuki theater ( the definition of a politician ).
If it wasn't for the communist government which is being revealed in Amerika, people like you and I would never have half the open doors into mainstream Amerika as we have had. We would be even further sequestered into our own ethnic groups. Sure, we'd be giants among our 'own kind,' but again the obvious exclusion from the 'majority' would be even sharper, for even in the Constitution, racism and favoritism is revealed ( read it where it speaks of voting rights and land ownership ). Obama mentions this in a speech of his, and he clearly identifies that reality ( which racists and other blinded people hate to admit ).
Heck, up until the 1950's in Los Angeles county, only white Anglo Saxon protestants could own property ( called exclusionary covenants ).... no Jews, no Latino, no Asian, no Black... none of the above.... and this BY LAW! Guess who wrote the laws at that time? While Anglo Saxon Protestants.
Those of his ilk, class and party worship at the alter of the golden calf. If they wouldn't or if Ron wouldn't, he would resemble something like a Ralph Nader ( advocate for consumers / chattel / the economic slaves I always mention - you and I ). He would NOT play the game, wouldn't work for corporations, vote no on bills yet write earmarks for his constituents ( and justify it later like a modern-day Robin Hood would ).
I sure hope Ron turns out to be the honest politician the public has been hoping for / waiting for, but I doubt it.
I sure hope he will keep to his promises... but how many times must folks be fooled? Just one more time and THEN the people will wake up? That's what many said with Obummer, and Bush before him.. and Clinton before him.... etc.
Here's an excerpt from an article revealing more than you may be ready to accept and which supports my tone in pointing out racism and prejudice:
"Anyone hoping the pace of the counterrevolution might slow is apt to be disappointed by the time the court completes its current term. If present trends persist, and there is little reason to believe they won’t, 2012 will be remembered as the year the court rewrote the constitutional boundaries between federal and state authority, severely curtailing federal initiatives on behalf of working people, minorities and the poor."
And another paragraph from that piece:
"When the 2010 census revealed that the population of Texas had grown by 4.2 million, the state’s Legislature was required to redraw congressional voting districts to comply with the one-person, one-vote standards of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. But in a classic “oops” moment, the Legislature and Republican Gov. Rick Perry remapped the playing field in a way that minimized the electoral clout of the 2.8 million Hispanics who had migrated to the Lone Star State in the previous decade."
The racist themes in Ron's newsletters over the years reveals his heart, and his complicity with the above agenda.
Read the article yourself, please.
If you have learned anything from this blurb of mine, please visit and support site sponsors.. and learn your financial education at SmartPeopleSmartMoney.com.
I give Ron Paul and his supporters a hard time not because he makes sober points and makes good arguments while the rest of them use smoke and mirrors, but because his desire to return to a gold standard would not be in the best interest of those who don't hold assets, especially gold.
Now, if he were to replace the Federal notes with U.S. notes / greenbacks, I would realize he is not in support of those who are well leveraged with capital and assets. A gold standard transition would cause massive and immediate inflation for everyone holding the fiat ( a liability ) and the introduction of a new currency would be the next step ( another thing he has proposed ) that would, I think, plunge those who work for their money into serfdom.
He is so close, but his career-long affiliation with the republican party ( knowing that a libertarian ticket wouldn't get much exposure ) still shows him as being a player in the game.
His hypocrisy in keeping a pristine record of not voting for excessive spending while at the same time placing earmarks for his district and constituency shows duplicity.
Another point is him being a career politician like the rest of the hired hands who work for their lobbyists and handlers.
He makes sense, I do agree. Better sense than the rest of them... and knows better of finance than Obama and all the other clowns on both sides of the same isle ( it is a single party after all ).
I hope he is the real deal... but I just can't lend myself to believe anyone who has been there longer than two years.