Agreeing WIth YourSelf In Life's Mirrors

Who is someone you think 'knows what they are talking about'?

Is it someone who shares the same religious beliefs as you (atheism and agnosticism being also religions)?

Same political affiliation?

How about the same skin color?

Are they the same ethnicity as yourself?

Have you noticed how some ideas are very agreeable when they come from people you, by some default [definition 2.1] manner, already agree or identify with?

For example, someone says they are a ______________ (your favorite ideology / identity), and it is almost as if you're talking to yourself when hearing them speak.

They repeat the same sentiments you already know or agree with.

So usually, anything else they would say (whether opinion or fact or falsehood) you may be apt to accept and agree with.

How about the opposite of your value set are expressed from, for example a _________________ (fill in your favorite villain or 'enemy')?

It is very easy to disagree with what seems to be an opposite side of what you think is true, right or good.

I remember a lunch with a very dear relative years after I overcame the racial and prejudiced notions I grew up having.

This person had yet to overcome their personal prejudices, and when they said something quite out of line that identified their fear, distrust and dislike for someone of another ethnicity, I was quite shocked.

I was initially shocked because I had not been around someone who openly shared their thoughts in such a way.

The other shock was in what I learned.

I learned that it was me, and only myself, who had journeyed the path to overcome prejudice, not my dear relative.

I was somewhere else, and for that moment I was reminded that this was where I had come from, and my relative was still there!

The issue was clearer than ever before.

It was almost like looking at myself in a mirror and seeing an old image of myself from years prior...prior to my rebirth.

With my rebirth came many growing pains, some of which I am still experiencing even many years later.

I had to learn how to walk, read, speak and think all over the light once again...for I had adopted darkness and rebellion as my road signs, instead of the stepping stones they are.

I had to wash away all the garbage that was sown in as 'true' and 'real'...and the washing has continued.

The seeds are still being sown, and it is sometimes a work of labor allowing the seeds to be planted and watered...but the harvest is always a time of celebration!

The temptation to judge others by mere appearances has not completely been pruned, and many other weeds still exist that need to be dealt with...but I do see a process having taken shape.

It is easy to continue with labels (black, white, rich, poor, conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, good, evil, saved, condemned, etc.).

It is the process of life and of love to consider others better than yourself.

It is a surrendering of sorts to allow all of humanity reflect yours.

When one accepts the humanity of others, then one can hope to see their divinity...if not now, hopefully in the future.


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