Fictions Forming Future Facts
Galatians 5: 15 |
Do you remember seeing the television show Knight Rider?
In that show, a car drives itself and conveys up-to-the-minute information to its driver (passenger).
A generation later, that fiction is quickly becoming a reality.
Take a look at some of the similarities here regarding what that show's car inspired into reality.
Here is a short list of 10 other inventions inspired by fictions written from the ideas of others.
Visionaries and dreamers...and now doers and realizers.
It is a testimony to what people can do when pursuing an idea and get inspired.
Some of the inspirations from that list of 10 were from words on paper, others from 'things' portrayed in material form (like the self-driving car from the show).
Imagine now if more people were to follow inspiration from an 'idea' seeded long ago.
There was an 'idea' of people acting as one...yet this idea was not like an invention or innovation as these physical products depict.
We can look at physical examples of unity (being as one) in science and realize all of mankind is factually related!
Every human being on earth is biologically related; we are truly brothers, sisters and cousins.
We have the physical reality of an 'idea' of being united as one people.
This became the church; comprised of all people from all nations.
What is quite astonishing is that this 'idea' of unity was spoken of very long ago...but not everyone believed it...and sadly still not many believe it today, although it is a fact.
This 'idea' is actually not an idea like those fictions that inspired facts we have today.
The 'idea' was, in fact, a message confirming what has been long mentioned, and disputed, for ages.
As time rolls by, this message is becoming more 'real' as humanity comes closer to one another.
The walls of indifference are coming down, yet people struggle with the walls still standing in their hearts.
Some of these walls are simple misunderstandings or ignorance of fact - like the scientific reality of our human family.
Some of the walls are religious, causing some to say “that person is wrong, they say things that I don't agree with”, and judgments are justified with condemnation being openly voiced.
I see this sadness every day on my social media wall, and I can only scroll by in silent prayer for the issue being raised and those raising it.
I pray for the walls to continue to come down...but sadly they won't come down for all, and this too was spoken about long ago.
People judge by external appearance, or according to some words coming out of another person's mouth, yet the human judges cannot see anyone's heart, nor if in fact that person is sealed.
The human judges fail to see how they are wrong...and they lash out if you try to show them.
What I refer to as 'spoken long ago' is disbelieved by people who wonder how those who claim to 'believe' lash out in condemnation at other human beings.
If we are called to love others, even our supposed enemies, how constructive is attacking and condemning complete strangers?
For the religious, they have a landslide of did these religious people long ago.
The religious love to quote their religious texts, and speak from their favorite doctrinal perspectives, as a soap box to preach down to others who fail an expectation.
How easy it is to rant online at strangers when most of what is online about those strangers is ugly, negative and instigating.
Yet there is always some truth hidden within the faux.
The religious zealot repeats what this Latin phrase mentions: damnant quod non intellegunt
Shouldn't one first place themselves in that person's shoes?
Somewhere it talks about specks of dust and planks.
If it was you who was considered 'deceived' and if it was you proclaiming a popular message (that is widely decried as false), how would you desire your opponents to approach you?
By attacking you?
Or lovingly and patiently?
This isn't about ignoring the obvious wrongs, but in how to love people and seeing the bigger picture.
There is One who is watching all of this, even our hearts, and people are confused when thinking they are 'right' when vilifying strangers.
The man writing this article is not blind to the emptiness preached by pretenders, and this article isn't about defending any particular man nor his thoughts.
But if all things exist because they are either purposed or allowed by an all-knowing God, then pretenders also have a role to play in this world.
Those who protest against the pretenders also have a role, for these protestors reveal what is really in their hearts...also revealing how their minds don't perceive what was also spoken of so long ago.
What is the teaching regarding pretenders and those who are poor, or false, examples of Christ?
It is this...yet the temptation to judge righteously is an easy void to fall into, for one is actually not being approaching the wayward according to Christ, but simply following a similar pattern set in motion by previous accusers...similar to what is written here.
We judge ideas, people and our own thoughts all the time, don't we.
There is a manner and method to openly 'judge' those we perceive as being incorrect.
Openly judging (or condemning) another person's ideas, words and actions is a personal affair.
It is clearly explained here...and I am not sure if social media has yet bridged the space between strangers, although we are all related.
The divisions in the early church, the church being yet another spoken-into-existence reality, were instigated by lack of love...and those divisions later became walls, initially in the hearts of men, then becoming physical walls dividing nations (a perceived reversal of what was initiated, yet somehow allowed for a greater purpose).
Today many claim to be a part of the original church, yet they reveal how they damnant quod non intellegunt when looking at their fellow brother, sister, and cousin.
The righteous are called to also love the heretic, the wayward, the impostor, the liar.
How can one express their love when all they do is condemn...and confuse unbelievers that Christ is Lord and the definition of Love incarnate?
Allow room for God's judgment, and show yourselves to be examples of mercy, grace, patience and peace.
You have been called to be like Christ, not like the prophets of old, so put away the old wine and drink of the new.