If You Do What Is Right, Will You Not Be Accepted?

Be Legitimate... it is best for all parties involved.

Propaganda news and irrational opinions of some people make what is clear quite obscure.

Any given issue is never one dimensional, yet the popular arguments are largely one dimensional.

When something is argued to be about color or clan, it is more about class and culture.

Color and clan is the outer layer, but class and culture is the subtlety ingrained, the sown indifference widely programmed.

That last sentence seems quite conspiratorial, but it isn't.

It is simply yet another rendition of the human factor; the fallible strewn into our daily lives.

Most of the time any single individual is largely unaware of why they think and act as they do.

The moment they identify an influence from childhood or their specific society, there is likely a few other influences they are blind to.

I liken this to you staring into the mirror... being close enough to see your entire face in focus.

The longer and closer you look, the more details are noticed.

A quick glance shows the obvious (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.)... and specifics are missed or quickly forgotten.

But if you patiently take the time, you'll notice maybe a scar, or a certain mole / freckles / blemishes / the wide array of unique details that make you you.

In due time your eyes will likely notice the many pores, tiny hairs, and perhaps even the very small but straight lines between the pores.

Such is the journey when we reflect on our lives and our character.

The more we discover our very selves (our human nature - frail and fallen), the better we can understand the fears, struggles, and nearsightedness that others may have with themselves and may have towards others (and possibly us).

Class difference, whether perceived or according to behavior, is one reason confrontations arise.

Class does not equal wealth, although some may perceive such.

Beauty does not equal class, although some may suggest such.

Intelligence does not equal class, although some may assume such.

There is plenty of evidence in popular media depicting individuals having amassed or inherited wealth, or being idolized as someone 'great', or being so smart that their every whim is touted as genius... but showing themselves having little to no class about them.

Class in this sense means dignity, ethics, moral bearing, and consideration for other human beings.

Many people reveal an internal strife yet to be conquered.... and their lives are lived on the outside.

This is a reality going beyond the 'color' tones of people's skin, or their ancestry, or ethnic heritage, or cultural associations.

The ethics of a civil society expects a certain level of etiquette and behavior from its people.

The level of a people's internal spiritual grace is reflected in their culture's norms.

Of course, individuals are the exceptions to the rule... and when more individuals rule and influence a culture, that culture reflects the attitudes and values of those dominating individuals.

Money nor fame nor notoriety is able to purchase these virtues, although people try these using these methods.

One has to grow into a respectable adult in order to be respected.

One is not born such, although certain upbringings do contribute greatly to such a mold... but that child has to be willing to participate.

Demanding respect from others, when one is not themselves respectable, is a futile effort.

When one acts with integrity and shows respect for themselves by the way they treat others, respect not received is second to the issue of being respectable in the first place.

There is a teaching that transcends time and place, culture and class perception... and reveals a class of one based on love, peace, and surrender to the world's nonsense:

'... in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you...'

It is a very simple teaching to understand, but oh so difficult to follow in 'every' circumstance.

Yet when this simple and timeless teaching is followed, concepts that on their surface may look like effective efforts are seen for the problematic shortcomings they are.

In place of protests that often turn violent or spark more problems, the better and more effective channels are often ignored... like diplomacy, influencing new laws, disciplined economic decisions, learning to speak more directly to the foundational problems, etc.).

In place of arguments over ethnic groups or the colors of skin or the boasting of heritage that often sparks more problems, the better and more effective manners are often ignored... like showing love for others and speaking with them as walking in their shoes.

When addressing, speaking to, and treating others as you would desire they treat you (if roles were reversed or somehow uneven), one experiences the legitimacy that is desired... and justice is not too far off from this point.

This 'justice' is not as man defines and determines justice on this earth... but that is a topic for another article.


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