Laws Built On Ancient Principles Can Be Ignored, But Never Change

There is never an end to man's laws.
Men derive their income from making, editing, promoting, enforcing laws.
However, the Law of Love succinctly encompasses all other laws.
Love keeps no record of wrongs, while Love does request obedience to Love.
God is Love.

With every invention of man's mind, new laws are adopted to address those inventions.

Consider the growth of new laws dealing with computers / internet / technology.

Man's mind is a universe of activity that can be harnessed towards solution-oriented efforts spurring health and blossoming ideals.

Man's mind is also a space prone to deserted spaces plagued by drought and death.

The laws of nature and science have been built upon observation, and acknowledged patterns have been formulated into laws, principles, guideposts.

So also have the laws of business, religion, criminal and civil codes, been developed from observation and acknowledged human patterns.

Although laws may vary from one corner of the earth to another, the basic principles are quite the same despite cultural differences.

Religious laws have similar and unique standards regardless of their ethnic origins.

Every law authored from man's mind has often been edited, updated, revised or reinterpreted to adapt to current or popular ideas by another man's mind.

We see this every aspect of life where laws exist, including religious places besides the obvious secular places.

Notice how science has its set of laws and theories based on experiment.

Notice also how what was believed-to-be a sure law of science is edited or clarified when new experiences are acknowledged.

Here is a list of such changes.

Looking at how concepts in secular law has developed and changed, either from the present to the past or vice versa, it is possible to notice departure of previous practices and the adoption of newer ideas.

Change has sometimes been slower than the seasons, but change is as often as generations are repeated.

The constant throughout man's history has been the interpretation of the law by those holding or exercising power, influence, strength or popular opinion.

Someone who has been paying attention to America public sentiment and discussion about all things politics can recognize the change in attitudes after the 2016 Presidential (s)election.

I personally do not fear or am anxious about such changes, but I once was quite affected by the noise.

I suggest focusing on finding the positive changes and less on the spoon-feeding of scandals and intrigue.

Those in seats of judgment usually define the interpretation of law... and these interpretations reflect current tastes rather than the ancient principles those laws were based on.

Is it possible that the manner an old law was authored many centuries ago is interpreted in a very distinct (and perhaps indifferent) manner today?

Happens all the time.

Or the law is changed, erased, altered.

When speaking of mankind being 'equal' regarding an individual's value compared to another individual, concepts like 'all men are equal under the law' find their origins in a mirrored concept.

The mirrored concept is a carryover from an earlier notion that all men are equal beforeGod.

Thus, to bring the concept of equality before God into a secular vocabulary in order to include all people, whether believer and heathen, religious and pagan, righteous and wicked, all men are considered equal under the law... and thus are held to individual account according to the law.

Sounds good.

However, something else quite interesting has happened in some places on earth.

With the adoption of all men being equal under the law now fully echoed throughout certain societies, the very basis of the law has been edited and altered to fit popular notions.

Instead of God (besides, of course, 'who' is defining God) being the basis of law, it is law itself that is the basis of law... or the sentiments of men.

Not much of an issue for those beholden to ancient laws and obvious facts represented in nature ... until more laws reflect popular sentiments the natural evidence of law is abandoned.

Like a ship without a rudder in an ever-shifting sea.

This interesting phenomenon is nothing new regarding past civilizations or cultures of people.

It is simply the revealing of yet another pattern in human existence: the swinging pendulum.

Nature reveals that balancing occurrences usually correct what is imbalanced.

Disease is one example of something naturally occurring that culls a particular overgrowth of something, or an unnatural accumulation of certain organisms in one place, etc..

A very basic example of man's alteration of nature (which also speaks to man's alteration of nature's laws and thus man's understanding of their role in the world) was the elimination of the wolf as a predator animal into Yellowstone National Park in 1995.

Previously, for the sake of the financial interests of farmers surrounding the park wolves were systematically removed.

Previous to that effort, other issues plagued the natural environment due to man's inability to live according to natural laws (overhunting).

It could be argued that man is earth's top predator, but this is not the role man was made to fulfill.

The human effort of removing wolves caused a cascading effect that rippled throughout the forest.

The animals that were feed for, and fed from, wolf predation began to both increase and decrease.

The wolf, like every other creature in nature, has its place and role to play.

Mankind also has a role... a role most important since man is nature's manager and shepherd.

An interesting sentence from this government website about the wolves in Yellowstone says the following:

But this was an era before people, including many biologists, understood the concepts of ecosystem and the interconnectedness of species.

Actually, the knowledge of working with nature and not against it has always been known... but not widely or popularly acknowledged in all societies.

There existed in the mindset of people who previously largely resided on the landmass called America this understanding of natural balance... and living according to it.

Management and shepherding is a complimenting effort, is sustainable, and allows for further flourishing of nature and people.

The predatory subjugation of nature is non-complimentary, unsustainable, and causes further detriment of nature and people.

A book I've started reading, entitled Changes in the Land, explores a bit of the ancient knowledge and lifestyle (and laws) derived from the natives living according to nature's cues in pre-colonial America (and the early changes in the land).

There is an assumption (and a persistent arrogance) in popular minds that the ancient ways are archaic, outdated, steeped in ignorance, and thus should be expelled or reinterpreted into a new ideal.

This popular notion is like that 'great idea' of killing off all the wolves... or excluding the notion of God from public schools, or from public spaces.

It is nearsighted and it is the ideal steeped in ignorance, not what nature has already authored for man's observations to make note of... and develop his concept of laws that should be not only respected, but followed.

The arguments to remove religiosity and overbearing dogmatic efforts is noted, and this article's author does not acknowledge those humanly religious efforts who lack love as complimentary to 'do to others as you would have them do to you'.

Much how it takes great discipline to do what is right, and to obey all the laws of any society on earth, so also does it take great discipline to humbly accept the order of the world and not try to change it.

As most birds have been made to fly through the air, man has come to understand how to also fly through the air ... but only according to what ability he has learned fro the laws of nature (and has built machines that carries him through the air).

Man isn't preoccupied today with a wild notion of growing feathers in order to imitate the birds and their flight, although these were some of the initial efforts with man imitating nature.

Those birds have inherent talents and were made with flight in mind... and they don't need to know the laws of physics in order to fly.

Man may not yet realize for himself his many inherent talents, but for the man who considers jumping out of a window in a bird suit to do exactly like the bird... is a case of insanity in the age of aviation.

Have you, then, noticed many people consistently jumping out of windows hoping to make fly their unique ideas about love, the law, authority, nature's cues and endless perversions argued as 'right'?

Have you noticed how the cultures who have made an effort to exclude any consciousness of God in public spaces, schools, and open dialogue even in political discussion, are the same cultures plagued with things obscure and obscene argued as clear and correct?

Any individual who has lived long enough has gone through their own personal times of rebelliousness, so this pendulum swing is not only a communal fact in all humanity, but also an individual reality.

Yet the ancient Law, although largely ignored or denied, simply has not changed because it is ignored or denied.

If anything, that Law's reality is consistently revealed and proclaimed time and time again.


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