Tax Season Is The Reason To Learn About Taxes And Treason

Did you know you are the government you can pay taxes to?
Did you know that you are called to be a pass-through entity?
Did you know that you are called to be a political minister
as well as a minister of His righteousness?

Looking through the prism of definition 1.1 of the word treason:

- the action of betraying someone or something ('doubt is the ultimate treason against faith') 

I often write about secular government as wholly separate from God's kingdom of governance, while also associating one with the other, and also speaking of a blending of one within the other.

I 'see' this throughout all governments of men, since God's kingdom is within and has long been established upon the earth over all kingdoms of men.

It is through this greater prism I write about treason.

Not so much the conspiratorial argument 'against' the payment of taxes to government, but the deeper gradient of being treasonous against God's will through state / secular / this world's mechanisms.

Consider that all thing are subject-to, influenced by, and upheld through God's long-established kingdom.

When the Church peacefully and faithfully overcame the hostilities of the secular state (Roman empire initially, and subsequent kingdoms of men since then), a royal priesthood was established over the lawful concerns of the state.

Notice how all cultures have been influenced despite continuing to be either hostile or indifferent to the church throughout epochs.

Similar to how Greek culture influenced every place the Greeks conquered, or their writings were copied and learned from (Islamic conquests), so also Christendom has influenced every culture where the Gospel has sprouted from its seeding, watering, pruning, and harvesting.

So here I take another leap by equating the priesthood's administration of secular life in addressing the use of that same word in speaking to government leaders (ministers) in certain places on earth.

Regardless of the several other terms used for a government leader or public servant, the vocation is largely the same by the role's definition.

When considering the reward for executing the demands of a public office, how is one to be 'paid' and 'rewarded'?

Much how the priesthood forgoes all worldly ambitions, and holds a great public trust, shouldn't also public servants forgo worldly ambitions during their public tenure?

There is a notion, again influenced through Christian thought, that public / civic leaders are to 'serve' the public in a not-for-profit capacity - in a volunteer capacity.

Room and board (or food and clothing) being sufficient remuneration (reward) for the job.

The very premise of government is to be a funnel-through where taxes are properly redistributed to the necessary places.

The early Church's system, following the Hebrew priesthood's model of redistribution, set the stage for all subsequent efforts.

Where such efforts went far from the Path, there is evidence of sin and a loss of focus on Messiah.

When such efforts produced factions, which then became pretenders to the earthly thrones of God's kingdom of kings and princes, there is seen a greater abuse of high positions than what were initially opposed.

Ambition had already entered the halls of the physical church, and now that ambition was found among another clergy acting as legitimate.

No wonder we see today prosperity preachers living lives of luxury from the taxes / charitable contributions of their followers, yet the work of God is largely ignored for the puffery of preaching.

In other words: the protests and rebellions that desired to 'correct' the inconsistencies in the Church begot further inconsistencies in themselves.

It could be noted their human effort was well intended, their lack of love had a dishonorable outcome with a continual divisive attitude... and from where money flows is where men are drawn.

God's royal priesthood are not paid by the tithes of men which pay for luxurious trappings, but by God's hand in doing His good work.

No need for a private jet (leased or purchased) to preach some place far away when the monies from tithes are not building infrastructure for the earthly daily bread to be worked for.

The same goes for the political hacks who make a luxurious living from much talk and little action.

And now: imagine if all public officials, government employees in the highest positions, were to only accept room and board (or food and clothing) as their 'reward' for their efforts... similar to how the Perfect Model of Messiah had no rock to lay His head on!

Consider the human example of Paul, who would gather charitable gifts from one part of the Church to assist a subjected part of the Church and did not take from such offerings, but earned his own keep by the work of his own hands!

(a loose definition of the tax systems of governments of men)

Imagine if it would be a grave sin (and grounds for imprisonment) if a high official were to take any gift or monies prior to or while in office that may influence their work during their tenure.

To think a priest / minister / preacher / religious leader would accept a gift or bribe or contribution in order to look the other way, or reinterpret the Word of God in favor of certain groups of people (to placate their sin or depravity or greed), would be blasphemous in the least regard.

Yet this is what has continued to happen in EVERY religious group on earth, as is continually done within every government on earth.

So one group being 'more righteous' than another is not the issue, but the individual's choice of staying true to the calling of service... or fail by imitating the typical ways of this world.

Now to the more basic issue of tax season and reasons to be aware of spiritual treason:

15 April is a date every working person in the United States is familiar with.

It is as familiar as holidays signifying a time of year, or a certain day that is remembered.

A common idea is that working class persons in the U.S. work the first four months of the year for free.

In other words, the income from those four months are lost to taxes.

Is this true?

That is for you to determine when researching where the money goes, to whom (and in what amounts), and to what things.

The worker deserves his wages, but it is better to give than receive (again, the Perfect Example of Messiah... and the second-best example of Paul and his refusal to take advantage of this right).

Imagine a world where those, who would pursue public service, would do so only for a time (not as a career unless the position could not be influenced by a single personality for such long durations).

Imagine during that time they were more like Paul (or if possible, like Messiah).

Paul was religious previous to being born again (Paul was a Pharisee).

Paul was also a Roman citizen and aware of the Roman law and the business manners of that system.

Paul understood the paying of taxes fund civilization.

Regardless of those who take power by force or by intrigue, their manners was less of a concern than staying at peace with such people and paying whatever tax was demanded by pretenders to earthly thrones.

The sons and daughters of the kingdom are tax exempt, but due to faithless atop certain positions of the apparatus of earthly kingdoms... the believer gives to Caesar what is Caesar's since it is Caesar's likeness on the money and likely not the likeness of the children of God.

The employee / individual knows very well about withholding (the monies taken out from their paycheck).

They feel that take-away that sometimes is returned, sometimes not after tax season.

They also understand the necessary cost of a civilized society... despite the hypocrisy of a war effort to further civilized society where civility is still defined through blood shed and less lawful temperance.

There are few tax breaks for employees / individuals, depending on their occupations and other details.

But for those who learn their citizenship's benefits (like Paul), then may they also learn the responsibility to be good shepherds over those who know and understand less.

There are many tax breaks and 'allowances' for those who take responsibility and play the tax game according to the rules in a wiser and shrewd way... but for the benefit of the poor and needy.

One sobering reality is that business owners pay tribute / tax to the government for the right to employ citizens.

When one looks at the reality of how money is viewed in contrast to people, it is like paying U-Haul to rent their truck.

The asset is the truck (employee) and the renter (business owner) is paying whomever has the first-position over the asset... in the case of employment, taxes and business, the U.S. government holds that first-position lien on the citizen.

Nothing has changed since Adam was evicted from the Garden and the earth bore thistles... and men then started to make cities and draw subjects to support their city kingdoms.

Yet, the rules of the tax code allows for allocation of monies into other ventures and pursue certain efforts instead of them being paid directly to government (the default manner outside of knowledge).

And what can such monies be directed towards?

Perhaps feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and clothing the naked - eternal investments paying eternal dividends.

Who is to stop you and fellow citizens from establishing an honorable non-profit entity to pursue a real-world effort to help the poor?

I mention 'honorable', because we see plenty of dishonorable examples of so-called 'volunteer' non-profit employees gathering great wealth from such charities, and discharging the work of their vocation in a still cold manner towards those in need.

We see plenty of people who learned how to receive charity only to make themselves a high-paying do-nothing job.

This is done due to the imitation of this world's charity model... instead of the charity model of the Church (again, room and board or food and clothing) that actually feeds, houses, clothes the needy.

Chalk it up simply as the way of this world... and a reality we are all subjects since the kingdom of God is within.

Although all mechanisms of man are subject-to His kingdom, His kingdom does not reside in the hearts of all men.

It was a notable, and often ignored or belittled achievement of God, when His priesthood came to rule the secular governments of men in the 4th century.

Although God had already established His kingdom firmly on earth physically and overtly through Abraham and his son Isaac... coming to fruition with David and his progeny, in the 1st century the kingdom's spiritual reality was revealed through Messiah and its physical evidence was recognized and brought to full fruition three centuries later.

His kingdom continues to be unseen while evidence of its arrival and establishment is seen in the Church and the world where the Gospel has reached - all four corners of earth.

This is why I encourage folks to pursue their own business of some kind (like Paul) so they may have a greater understanding of the weight of responsibility such a position has... not a selfish ambition, but a greater service provider to mankind.

This is why I encourage people to learn more and take more control of their lives, and play the game in a better way and according to the rules... not a passive way as a consumer and person subject to withholding and the treachery of false teachers, or false leaders, or false ministers (priestly and political) who are only such in name but not according to the Perfect Example or His human reflections.

Not everyone is able nor willing, so it is the responsibility of those who know their calling.

The calling is not to take advantage of the less capable... but realize the responsible position of being good shepherds.

This is the balance.

This is the calling of the disciples of Christ.

I suggest to be more like Paul considering human examples, while always focusing on the Perfect Example found in Messiah.


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