Default Idols

Society's rhythms revolve around constants.

Constants are in existence prior to any given person being born.

There are thousands of constants that can be defined as idols, idolatry, or default idol worship.

Whether ideas or actual physical things, many are the constant idols man has come to know.

The influence of constants is inescapable, yet there is hope for those who journey through life desiring to learn, to realize, to grow up and away from the constants that are detrimental to the self and society.

One detrimental constant is how money is viewed.

Money in itself is not 'bad' or 'evil'.

It is how money is viewed, understood, and perceived that causes harm to people.

Putting money before people is detrimental, yet is a societal constant difficult to psychologically or spiritually break away from for many people.

When people view their lives and the world through the narrow lens of earning and chasing after money and all things derived from its concept, there you may find many issues and detriments.

When life is defined through a particular lens that places money ahead of people, then one can define how detrimental such a persistent constant is... and see how money is likely a default idol.

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 
- 1 Timothy 6: 6-10
To be born into a society which admires those who are wealthy or that measures human success or wisdom by wealth accumulation is to recognize a default position of idol worship.

This fact, however, is largely ignored or not perceived due to its constant influence.

People make decisions based upon such constants.

Another constant worth mentioning is identity, whether interlaced with money or not.

Identity plays a major role in any society's existence, value system, and way of life.

Identities are reinforced and repeated regardless if they are detriments or praiseworthy attributes to the self or society.

Often times, only from the outside can a constant be understood as a detriment or highlight of any given person, or people, or society.

Just as often are such judgments measured against one's nearsighted (and biased) judgment of themselves and their own society or identity.

We have a centric view of others and the world at large.

We have a default position and a taste of idolatry in considering our thoughts and our point of view as being 'right' and 'correct' when looking at others and other societies.

What a person views as something 'good' or 'necessary' or 'important' is likely what that person may idolize by default, or on purpose... their society's constant.

These constants are defined by government, by religion, by philosophy, by art, etc..

The constants are learned from observation and imitation of society, naturally.

An idea widely repeated, whether true or false, is besides the issue of it being a default idol of any given society.

This is how myths and legends have been (and continue to be) spread regardless of myths and legends being proven to be such (myth and legend - untrue).

What are some things popularly idolized but often times not identified as idols, Today?


People make a big deal about their religious ideas and views of the world.

Whether their views are based on an atheistic or theistic model is besides the issue.

Their manners and modes of thought are, by default, religious (adhering to a particular view of the world often opposed to other views with the assumption their ideas are correct and others are incorrect).

Naturally, any certain reader of this blog and this particular article may argue that the author is, himself, biased and blinded by his particular religious view of the world.

They may argue that the author funnels all his efforts through a single, and they may also likely accuse the author as being narrow-minded.

They may be right.

My excuse or reasoning?

I did not choose this view, but rather God / the Truth chose me.

Sure, sounds arrogant and ridiculous... and I would be quick to agree with you...

If only you have also heard and seen and experienced (and continue to) what I have, then perhaps you too would dare make such statements easily construed as arrogant and ridiculous, but knowing they are factually based on Truth and His will (and not one's own).

I hope for this reality for all readers of this blog.

I hope for this reality regardless of your current state of heart and mind.

For those who desire a just world, and whether they perceive a Just God or the responsibility of being the example of justice on earth, consider this mention of religion:
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 
- James 1: 26-27
It is a wonder how people who say they desire nothing to do with religion are often times the most religious when it comes to social, economic, and humanitarian justice.

They truly have a religion that is their own, and somehow their sentiments reflect exactly what God desires to bring about on earth - to be aware of and considerate with their words, looking after the defenseless, and not being worsened by this world's detrimental constants.

Life is replete with paradox and things called into view that should be obscured and unclear... but somehow and for some reason are not.


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