Human Capital Solutions Are Possible Through Godly Investment

Follow His brushstrokes.

Life wasn't initially established as a 'business' or something to be run impersonal.

Existence in this world seems like a constant struggle for some, a welcomed challenge by others, a thorn in the side for still others, and other summaries.

Man was 'born' into a lush garden already providing edibles and comforts of all kinds.

When man deviated from the one law / demand put on him, that man learned the hard way how important obedience is.

That man also realized how disobedience's consequences can be overwhelming.
To Adam He said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ 
“Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” 
- Genesis 3: 17-19
It could be said that man continues to curse the ground by his actions.

By man's inability to always decide and choose the good because he temptingly entertains the bad does man suffer.

The world continuously promotes the bad as beneficial, since default idols are pervasive.

Politics promote ancient manners and justify them, even to the point of convincing many people to hate one another over exterior nuances, while deep inside they have been created in the image of God.

Before man was convinced by his wife (who was convinced by temptation) to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man and his wife were ignorant of what was evil (or bad)... much how a child is ignorant of things detrimental.

Temptation somehow persuaded man that the outcome of disobedience (death) would not happen, but instead they would gain something of great benefit (being like God knowing good and evil).

Consider for a moment how life would be much more pleasant if firstly you didn't know what was wrong / bad / evil, and secondly if such notions didn't exist for others to perpetuate!

Prior to this, man was not tasked with having to differentiate good from bad or needing to wrestle with such thoughts.

Man was free in a sense.

What was set in motion was a legacy of good and bad words, thoughts, activities, and character traits..

Thus man often times imitates, by default, things unsavory and detrimental to himself and his environment.

Today when man litters the earth, trashes the natural environment, poisons the water and air in pursuit of wealth or methods of production, it could be argued that the earth continues to be cursed because of man's bad choices.

Man also curses his fellow man when listening to bad ideas... and disobeying very simple laws... and failing to be his brother's keeper or protector, but instead pursues a triumph over another person.

Today when man repeats bad words and bad actions towards his fellowman, without considering what it is in fact he is saying and doing, he is furthering trouble instead of dealing with trouble and overcoming it within himself.

But notice how resilient God has made creation!

God has enacted grace and healing in nature and in ourselves.

After the human body is sickened or harmed, there is a healing process that makes the body whole once again.

We see this same reality in all of nature.

If only man would allow for times of healing to do and finish their work.

If only every person can keep from harming what has been healed (or being healed), perhaps man will reach that elusive 'evolution' or 'maturity' some minds ponder.

If only every person can be disciplined enough to keep from harming themselves and others by rebuffing the good that God has established, enacted, provided.

As human consciousness continues to permeate all facets of life, there is evidence of ancient manners being redefined when it comes to the business of life and how best to treat one another.

It is sometimes challenging to write about money or economics.

Mainstream ideas and ideologies about money / economics are overladen with so much political propaganda that it is difficult to see the good from the bad (again, the knowledge of good and evil).

The same goes with ideas of how to best manage the world and how to best serve one another (politics).

Instead of service to one another, ideas of people management by force and intimidation seems to be a comfortable norm for some minds, while many feel the brunt of such an approach to life and have a sense of desperation. (helpless and harassed)

What is also quite bothersome about the knowledge of good and evil is how outright evils are argued and believed to be good.

This is why Messiah clearly defined politics in very simple terms using parables.

The confusions and emotions and strife found in and among political themes are quickly dissolved when the parables are considered from the heart.

When the individual puts themselves in the shoes of both sheep and shepherd is when the individual can see their role and responsibility in this life.

Perhaps some individuals realize they are, in fact of word and deed, the wolves or the hired hands.

We are our brother's keeper, but it is easier to deny this responsibility and simply pursue self interests.

We are called to be obedient to God, but it is easier to do as one pleases regardless of rebelliousness' fallout.

God provided redemption for the first man.

He also provided for a way out when the first man who murdered contemplated such an evil act.

The trespass of both the first man and the first-born son of that man shows that man has choice and the freedom to choose either the good or the bad.

If only we can be like little children and only see the good, or not have notions of things 'bad'.

Realize, there is opportunity for this!

There is provided a redemption from one's bad manners and previously corrupted way.
You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 
- John 3: 7
Starting over... recognizing what has truly been bad and wrong, and increasing with what is truly good and right.

When God created the first man, He modeled a physical landscape after the spiritual reality that is the kingdom of God.

Since then, mankind has battled with notions of what and who is greatest.

Instead of being solely focused on God and what is greatest in His eyes, man has chased after tempting ideas and notions finding their origins in this world.

But even for this there is a solution and a human investment to be harvested:
At that time the disciples came to Yeshua and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to Him, and placed the child among them. And He said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in My Name welcomes Me.
- Matthew 18: 1-5


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