History Tellers Telling Stories
In my readings and research of secular and church history, it is easy to follow the manner in which history is written by others. Sometimes an objectionable point of view is difficult to find. Most of history highlights the negative things mankind has done to one another. I am starting to see that I cannot view these developments as 'for the better' or 'for the worse.' I have to read between the lines of what history's authors write. For many of the Egyptian kings for example, only the triumphs and positive highlights are recorded, never the disastrous failures or defeats in battle. I have to carefully recognize the priorities of historical authors and their bias. I have to also see the bias any particular culture puts out. I have to rather see the telling of history through the eyes of God, not my own physical eyes. I have to 'see' through the perspective that all things happen for a reason, that all things are according to His will and reality that He knows what He is doing. I have to look for what is not seen. I have to look for the bigger picture that transcends time and place.
We need to see history through the eyes of faith.
Some of the developments I see are largely misunderstood Today. Regarding church history, we see how the departure of purely scriptural living ( previously living by the letter - legalism - of the Mosaic law of Judaism ) mutated into a secular lifestyle ( the freedom of living by faith in Christ ). This belief became a lifestyle and permeated the many cultures and peoples of the world. A byproduct of this lifestyle was yet another religion built by men. Does this mean things have gone wrong or the truth has been lost? Some religious people would argue this point. I used to believe this point too. However, I have come to find out, as with many things I heard and believed from others, I was absolutely wrong. Most dissensions are rooted in faithlessness, doubt and controversy. Love is almost always lacking when no two people agree. It was the lack of love which has given rise to the divisions among all those who claim to call on Yeshua as their Lord. It is this same lack of love which has given rise to all the several divisions in the religions of the world.
The focus of the Way Yeshua exemplified is to focus on others, not self. This Way says to love everyone, despite their shortcomings. This Way says to forgive everyone regardless if they do or do not apologize for wronging you. This Way says to serve all others, putting them before you in every way. This Way is not a religion. For two centuries many have attempted to form a religion after these three basic examples of the Way... and have failed miserably, turning faith into cults and control systems. This Way is one of personal choice, according to Who is speaking to your conscience. The Way cannot be administered or made legalistic... well, maybe one could try, but then you would simply have an organization with rule after rule telling you 'how' to be righteous... while this righteousness is by faith and faith alone.
Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.
- Genesis 15: 6
This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness - for us who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
- Romans 4: 22-25
We need to see history through the eyes of faith.
Some of the developments I see are largely misunderstood Today. Regarding church history, we see how the departure of purely scriptural living ( previously living by the letter - legalism - of the Mosaic law of Judaism ) mutated into a secular lifestyle ( the freedom of living by faith in Christ ). This belief became a lifestyle and permeated the many cultures and peoples of the world. A byproduct of this lifestyle was yet another religion built by men. Does this mean things have gone wrong or the truth has been lost? Some religious people would argue this point. I used to believe this point too. However, I have come to find out, as with many things I heard and believed from others, I was absolutely wrong. Most dissensions are rooted in faithlessness, doubt and controversy. Love is almost always lacking when no two people agree. It was the lack of love which has given rise to the divisions among all those who claim to call on Yeshua as their Lord. It is this same lack of love which has given rise to all the several divisions in the religions of the world.
The focus of the Way Yeshua exemplified is to focus on others, not self. This Way says to love everyone, despite their shortcomings. This Way says to forgive everyone regardless if they do or do not apologize for wronging you. This Way says to serve all others, putting them before you in every way. This Way is not a religion. For two centuries many have attempted to form a religion after these three basic examples of the Way... and have failed miserably, turning faith into cults and control systems. This Way is one of personal choice, according to Who is speaking to your conscience. The Way cannot be administered or made legalistic... well, maybe one could try, but then you would simply have an organization with rule after rule telling you 'how' to be righteous... while this righteousness is by faith and faith alone.
Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.
- Genesis 15: 6
This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness - for us who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.
- Romans 4: 22-25