Yeshua / Isa / Jesus Explained

It takes faith to 'see' what is unseen and to understand what is hidden.  The person who believes what God says has not only their heart but also their mind opened to what is spiritual within, besides and beyond the material.  This is what frustrates many scholars and 'geniuses' who look into these things but don't believe it to begin with. 

Yeshua ( called Isa in the Quran and Jesus in some English bibles, which is a name derived from a Greek translation of the Hebrew name Yeshua ) is the main theme and focus of the Gospel and letters in what is called the New Testament.  Depending on who you ask, the Old Testament is filled with references, inferences and predictions about Yeshua though not naming Yeshua directly.  

It takes faith ( believing the Word of God ) to see and understand these things, but once you do, it is quite amazing the world that God opens up for you.

Yeshua / Isa / Jesus / Word / Spirit of God is mentioned in the Quran arguably more than any other person or prophet.  This is quite remarkable. 

Here is a paragraph of what I would call the most accurate view and definition of Yeshua.  This description of the Mystery answers many of the questions within the three major religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  The person who wrote this did such a great job I won't bother changing or writing something myself:
Making use of the New Testament's distinguishing between Jesus, Son of Man - being the physical human Jesus - and Christ, Son of God - being The Holy Spirit of God residing in the body of Jesus - The Holy Spirit, being immortal and immaterial, is not subject to crucifixion, for it can never die, nor can it be touched by the earthly nails of the crucifixion, for it is a being of pure spirit.  Thus while the spirit of Christ avoided crucifixion by ascending unto God, the body that was Jesus was sacrificed on the cross, thereby bringing the Old Testament to final fulfillment.  Thus Qur'anic passages on the death of Jesus affirm that while the Pharisees intended to destroy The Son of God completely, they, in fact, succeeded only in killing The Son of Man, being his nasut (material being).  Meanwhile, The Son of God, being his lahut (spiritual being) remained alive and undying - because it is The Holy Spirit. - Louis Massignon  source
Further research can be done from the other citations at the link above.  That particular paragraph was written by Louis Massignon and is found in the Encyclopedia of Islam. 

Peace be with you who seek, may you find.


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