It's The Beard

A recent morning I am walking to another favorite place to eat, to get on the internet and get some work done.  It's a Salvadorean place that also cooks Mexican and Honduran meals.  I usually sit by the window, plug into the power outlet at the wall and enjoy some pupusas.  As I am approaching the restaurant, a gentleman on a bicycle says hello as he passes me by.  I say hello back.  He then shouts out something and when I turn around, I see he has stopped fifty feet away and waves his hand for me to come near.  I hesitate, but then I go ahead walking with a smile.

As I approach, he asks if we've met before and if he knows me from somewhere.  I said it is possible.  I also say I don't particularly recognize him.  He says his name is Rajiq.  I tell him my name and we shake hands.  He asks if I live nearby.  I say I do.  He is looking me up and down.  I am wearing my usual sandals, khaki colored cargo shorts, a white thermal long-sleeved-shirt one or two sizes too big ( a hand-me-down from a friend ) and my glasses.  My black computer case is hanging from my left hand.

He then asks me if I'm Muslim.  I shaved my beard a couple of months ago and I've been letting it grow ever since.  He has a short beard, more similar to a long goatee and is wearing a short beanie on his head with clothes I cannot recall now, but something similar to urban street wear.  I consider the question and begin the response by defining what that term actually means.

Muslim / adjective / from Arabic muslim "one who submits" ( to the faith ), from root of aslama "he resigned."

I explain that by definition, everyone who believes in God and submits their will to God's will is by definition a Muslim.  I further explained that although this is the definition of the word, the mindset is quite different between those who follow the religious definition of that word and the mindset is also different for those who adhere to other terms, such as the term Christian.  I said the division is similar to when one classifies himself as either a Democrat or a Republican; conflicting views.

I told him that God sees Rajiq, He sees Ed and doesn't really see people according to the titles or terms people make for themselves.  God sees our hearts.

To answer his question honestly according to the popular definition, I said I am not what would be religiously defined as Muslim, but according to the spirit of what that word really means, I am a Muslim much like the many who submit themselves humbly to the will of the Holy Father; Abraham, Moses, Yeshua, etc.

I could tell he was just about done with what I had to say when he holds out his hand to depart while looking in another direction.  I bid him to have a good day and he likewise responds.  Whatever reason was his for stopping me and speaking with me, surely my response and message to him with that final question was reason enough for me to explain the purpose of us having crossed paths.


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