Choosing To Love The Purpose

Have you known someone acknowledging their attraction to the same sex, but choosing to deny that attraction for the faithful pursuit of the Gospel?

There is a passage saying "with man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” Contextually, it speaks about leaving all things behind (family, business, secular pursuits, identity, etc.) for God and His kingdom.

I have friends who, despite their same sex attraction, have chosen to deny themselves of that impulse. Some of these friends are married (their wives know and support them). One friend has chosen to be single (eunuch) but has an extended spiritual family.

This comparison will fail for some, but I don't know how else to make this point: Perhaps much like an alcoholic has no power to cease drinking unless he/she acknowledges their drinking and relinquishes themselves to a higher power (A.A. persons can relate to this example), thus a 'miraculous' result is realized when the alcoholic puts themselves aside (denies themselves), acknowledges the Higher Power and their powerlessness ("what is impossible with man") to change.

Again, perhaps a poor comparison, but I mention it to put the point across, not to offend anyone or even to say that one is like the other.

Aside from the debate whether it is a choice or not, most people can agree that the adult/mature person has a free-will choice.

Repentance should be mentioned, for every human being has at least one thing to repent from. I don't think God made a mistake or purposely burdened someone. All things are purposed and exist for a reason. The apostle Paul, in striving for perfection (in thought, word and deed), shared about a 'thorn' that God was unwilling to remove. The 'thorn' kept him humble and dependent on God's love and grace for him.


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