A King's Calling

The last few days I've been reading about the ancient kingdom of Assyria, the ancient kingdom of Babylon and the two books of Kings in the Old Testament.  It is quite revealing reading once again those two compilations of history in Kings this time around, for my political perception, the repeating of history and the condition of man's heart brings the collection in Kings into a clearer perspective.  I see patterns and I see evidence of God's far reaching grace alongside His promise in keeping to His Word, whether the outcome is favorable or unfavorable to His listeners.

King David was anointed to replace Saul because David would obey, to the letter, anything God would ask of him... and Saul failed in obedience.  Due to David's devotion in obedience, God promised him an heir on the throne for all eternity.  To the believer, this eternal promise was fulfilled with Yeshua Christ.  And prior to Christ, God still kept His promise to David.  The centuries following David right up to the revealing of Yeshua, the tribe of Judah always had a descendent of David as king over the people.

God also kept His Word in that He would expel the people from the land if they would fail to obey and follow His Way.  Reading Kings, one could see how patient God was with the people.  And the difference between blessing and curse came down to obedience.

The king, any king, over any people is the point man.  The king is the example for the people to follow, to rally behind and to support in times of trouble and to honor in times of jubilee.  The king has a full load of responsibility and has the weight of leadership attached to his vocation.  To be king isn't simply to enjoy a lavish life and indulge in the best the world has to offer.  To be king is to make the difficult decisions, to judge impartially and according to what is right and true.  The king has the responsibility to provide, to protect and to pasture his people.

It was also quite comforting to read how, among a disobedient people locked in their ways of imitating their forefathers and people around them, God would still bless a particular king who would revert to obeying the Way. 

In a bigger pictured perspective, God used foreign peoples to bring judgment onto the divided kingdom of Israel, firstly using the Assyrian empire / kingdom to conquer and remove the north kingdom of Israel, then secondly the Babylonian empire / kingdom to conquer and remove the southern kingdom of Judah.  The Assyrian empire was thousands of years in the making, yet the timing was right and the fields were ripe for the removing of a people whose hearts had turned cold towards God's Word and Way.

The theme I couldn't help but notice was obedience.  And the obedience had to begin with the king.  It was the king's obedience which obligated the people's adherence to God's Way.  It was the king's leadership and his physical example which the people could see and in turn imitate.  It was also the example of a disobedient king which led the people astray and brought calamity.

How much more is the example of a father in his home like that of a king over a kingdom?

How much more is the example of a head of state presiding over a nation like that of a king over a kingdom? 

How much more do you need to be an example to children, strangers and those searching for an answer to this broken world... or are you an example of disobedience?


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