Don't Get Low

I somewhat regretted clicking on a five minute video a FacePlant friend shared this morning.  No detailed information was listed other than a reference stating it was 'funny' and the video's still image being of a guy talking to a girl with her face blacked out.

I watched this guy attempting to get the girl's phone number while she passed out coupons to the eatery she worked for.  He approached her like a nice guy with a nerdy appearance, in a nerdy and nice manner, somewhat bashful and not saying much other than he finds her attractive and would like to have her number so he can call her some time.  He did look a bit creepy with his insistence and the way he looked at her with his head down over the rim of his glasses.  She was turning him down every offer he made.  After handing him several coupons asking him to move on and enjoy the freebie the eatery was offering, she eventually handed him the rest of the coupons in an attempt to have him leave her in peace.  She had repeatedly said she had a boyfriend and that she wasn't particularly interested aside from having a boyfriend.

The screen cuts to black with titles stating four hours had passed.

It's the same guy, approaching her once again, but now with a swagger and a look reflecting his attitude.  His clothes are different and he is wearing sunglasses.  He now speaks in a certain tone, using certain words while consistently complementing her on her looks.  She begins to laugh at the manner which he speaks and how he begins to be sexually explicit in his complements.  He asks for her number and she says she has a boyfriend, but he ignores that and continues his barrage.  She is receptive and he can tell.  He then convinces her to walk with him a short distance near a less public place behind a tree.  They begin to kiss and do other things.  She cautions him that she has never done what she is now doing with him.  Lust takes over and it is quite a deplorable public scene by two people who moments earlier were complete strangers.

I'm wondering what in the world I am actually watching.

To conclude his hidden camera capture of cinema verite, he states that he in fact is the guy she rejected hours earlier, reveals his disguise and begins to talk down to her.  He berates her how she rejected a nice guy but instead followed the persistence of a 'thug.'  She returns the same attack and attempts to offend him, returning to her view and judgment of him from before telling him to go play video games somewhere.  He believes he has triumphed and says he has exposed her for what she really is and has her on video.  He seems to be proud of himself for having captured her hypocrisy.

Perhaps he believes he has exposed her as a tramp, a liar, a morally loose person with low character and other things.  Yet, he seems to have failed to realize he too is the reflection of what he believes to be judging her to be.  He too is a tramp, a liar, a morally loose person with low character and a hypocrite, for although he put forth an act, both in the nerdy approach and then in the thug approach, that was still him the entire time.  He is the one who led her into all that they said and did.

This video was a simple reflection of today's society, but isn't a far cry from societies and cultures from times past.  It is the openness to depravity which this woman allowed herself to be led into... and it is this same openness to depravity the man led that woman into.  I believe the precepts of what they were in agreement to ( the depraved culture ) would be evident to some but perhaps is not too evident to these two individuals and others watching this ridiculous video.  How else did they both participate if they didn't somehow idolize or admire the depraved culture in which they are participating in?  This depravity is glamorized in movies, trumpeted in music and repeated every single day by both young and old people of various ethnic backgrounds.  It is a detrimental program.  It is a lethal form of social conditioning.  It is considered 'normal' by society's standard and for some, the most modern form of courtship.  It is the badge of honor for both men and women.  

I reflected on how I too was engulfed in this depraved culture of playing games, of lying, of gaming the opposite sex because I believed there was some societal expectation which beckoned my pride to do so.  After watching this video, I recalled some very hurtful, time wasting and damaging relationships I was involved in that did nothing but embitter my heart further and hurt those I was involved with.  I realized what a miracle it is for me to have found a decent woman who wasn't participating in this depravity which I am now ashamed of having participated in.  I realized what a miracle God had achieved in cleansing my heart of this nonsense and death-wish.

Watching this video affected me in such a strange way I had to immediately pray to get my senses back together, in praising Him for releasing me from the madness of this type of activity and gratitude for His grace in putting me on a brighter path.

May those two people and all who watch that video wake up to the true love and joyous plan God has in store for them.  May they also be released from such an empty and exhausting lifestyle I was freed from. 


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