Masonic Fact One of One
I used to be mysteriously fascinated with the organization known as the "Masons" or "Freemasons" or the like derivative. From the things one could read online, it seems like this organization is nefarious and likely dangerous. It is also interesting to read how many politicians the world over are associated directly or indirectly with this group. I've had my share of time exploring them from the outside, from afar and from the comforts of my virtual porthole ( my computer ). I went as far as to sneak into one of their lodges and take pictures of what I could find inside... aside from having a rapid heartbeat as I ran throughout their 'temple,' I didn't find much behind the unlocked doors. I had purchased a book some years ago, The Hiram Key ( read the synopsis at the link to see where the authors are coming from and what they are claiming ), which eluded to many 'mysteries' and 'secrets' that attempted to draw attention to the knowledge of building structures as the 'key' to the wisdom of Solomon and some other derailed narratives.
Well, today in my always seeking and always searching and always desiring effort to understand clearly the world around me... I found an interesting passage as I read the latter chapters in first Chronicles. I've read it before in times past, but that was years ago when I had a narrower view of the world. Reading these words Today brought things into a clearer perspective... a particular perspective which can only be derived from constant searching for the truth of the matter. Looks like what has become the organization of the masons is something like the effort to trump hierarchical leadership by unionizing ( organizing ). Has it worked? Is it a vain effort at fighting the world's design?
If I may preface with some context: at the time, the king was the man speaking directly with God. The king and selected prophets, much like Moses being the man of God, were the few God would speak directly to... and only to these unless they were to fail in keeping God's Word and sticking to His Way. Although the prophets serving king David were inspired, they were tasked with speaking to the king in revealing the will of God. The prophets were the vessels by which the Holy Spirit would speak through and to the king. As to the king, he was the boss of them all ( you can read in which manner the king was the boss throughout the chapters of Chronicles ). The king pretty much dictated, according to God's will, the direction the people would take ( them being consenting followers that is ). The king himself was God's instrument to lead the people as a unit. He was gifted with the great responsibility to lead masses of people, not to simply live aloof and revel in the splendor of riches; he had a big job and vocation to fulfill. And as to the workers and who they were... well, read for yourselves:
You have many workers: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as those skilled in every kind of work in gold and silver, bronze and iron - craftsmen beyond number. Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.” Then David ordered all the leaders of Israel to help his son Solomon.
- 1 Chronicles 22:15-17
It dawned on me this morning while reading several chapters in this book the role in which the king played among the people... and the roles of the lesser positions of all other people being subject to him. The king and his descendents wasn't supposed to leave God's leadership, but that's what eventually happened. God continued to speak through and to selected prophets, but He became silent when it came to disobedient kings. Yet, the prophets and priests, perceived to be 'closer' to God or beholden to a superior authority were themselves still subject to the king. And again, the role of the king wasn't as many kings are viewed as today; hidden away, enjoying a lavish lifestyle outside of working their responsibility to social affairs and social injustices. This king David, who was chosen, appointed and anointed by God, was a man after the Lord's heart. He was more than the earthly kings of today or of yesteryear. He is, in fact, a servant of the people. Who else is accountable for the climate of his people's heart if not a king?
If a king needs to quell and subdue his people he is not doing a good job as being an example, for his dictation of God's will has become tyrannic in nature and ungodly in approach. Most likely, that man has become wicked in deed and lifestyle. That man should expect no one to follow him other than those of his type ( wicked and disobedient to what is good and right ).
King David was revealed as being a man who held to God's Word with undying obedience. God and His Way was top priority for David. The desire to follow God's Way trumped fear, faithlessness and failure, and thus why he was dubbed a "man after God's own heart" [ 1 Samuel 13:14 / Acts 13:22 ].
Here's an excerpt from the historical account written by Flavius Josephus regarding the outcome of disobedience of the people to the king appointed by God and replacing the anointed with someone of the people's choosing:
"So the ten tribes of the Israelites were removed out of Judea nine hundred and forty-seven years after their forefathers were come out of the land of Egypt, and possessed themselves of the country, but eight hundred years after Joshua had been their leader, and, as I have already observed, two hundred and forty years, seven months, and seven days after they had revolted from Rehoboam, the grandson of David, and had given the kingdom to Jeroboam. And such a conclusion overtook the Israelites, when they had transgressed the laws, and would not hearken to the prophets, who foretold that this calamity would come upon them, if they would not leave off their evil doings. What gave birth to these evil doings, was that sedition which they raised against Rehoboam, the grandson of David, when they set up Jeroboam his servant to be their king, when, by sinning against God, and bringing them to imitate his bad example, made God to be their enemy, while Jeroboam underwent that punishment which he justly deserved."
One must ask themselves at least two questions:
- If God had set up a kingdom long ago with David, a promise to his ancestor Abraham fulfilled, and in recent times had manifested Himself in the flesh in Yeshua Christ, the "King of kings," why do people today rebel against the thought of having a kingship rule them?
- Is there an earthly king chosen and anointed by God leading the faithful and spiritually obedient Today?
If you desire to be 'great' or be a 'king,' guess what you must do?
Yeshua called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
- Matthew 20:25-28
Well, today in my always seeking and always searching and always desiring effort to understand clearly the world around me... I found an interesting passage as I read the latter chapters in first Chronicles. I've read it before in times past, but that was years ago when I had a narrower view of the world. Reading these words Today brought things into a clearer perspective... a particular perspective which can only be derived from constant searching for the truth of the matter. Looks like what has become the organization of the masons is something like the effort to trump hierarchical leadership by unionizing ( organizing ). Has it worked? Is it a vain effort at fighting the world's design?
If I may preface with some context: at the time, the king was the man speaking directly with God. The king and selected prophets, much like Moses being the man of God, were the few God would speak directly to... and only to these unless they were to fail in keeping God's Word and sticking to His Way. Although the prophets serving king David were inspired, they were tasked with speaking to the king in revealing the will of God. The prophets were the vessels by which the Holy Spirit would speak through and to the king. As to the king, he was the boss of them all ( you can read in which manner the king was the boss throughout the chapters of Chronicles ). The king pretty much dictated, according to God's will, the direction the people would take ( them being consenting followers that is ). The king himself was God's instrument to lead the people as a unit. He was gifted with the great responsibility to lead masses of people, not to simply live aloof and revel in the splendor of riches; he had a big job and vocation to fulfill. And as to the workers and who they were... well, read for yourselves:
You have many workers: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as those skilled in every kind of work in gold and silver, bronze and iron - craftsmen beyond number. Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.” Then David ordered all the leaders of Israel to help his son Solomon.
- 1 Chronicles 22:15-17
It dawned on me this morning while reading several chapters in this book the role in which the king played among the people... and the roles of the lesser positions of all other people being subject to him. The king and his descendents wasn't supposed to leave God's leadership, but that's what eventually happened. God continued to speak through and to selected prophets, but He became silent when it came to disobedient kings. Yet, the prophets and priests, perceived to be 'closer' to God or beholden to a superior authority were themselves still subject to the king. And again, the role of the king wasn't as many kings are viewed as today; hidden away, enjoying a lavish lifestyle outside of working their responsibility to social affairs and social injustices. This king David, who was chosen, appointed and anointed by God, was a man after the Lord's heart. He was more than the earthly kings of today or of yesteryear. He is, in fact, a servant of the people. Who else is accountable for the climate of his people's heart if not a king?
If a king needs to quell and subdue his people he is not doing a good job as being an example, for his dictation of God's will has become tyrannic in nature and ungodly in approach. Most likely, that man has become wicked in deed and lifestyle. That man should expect no one to follow him other than those of his type ( wicked and disobedient to what is good and right ).
King David was revealed as being a man who held to God's Word with undying obedience. God and His Way was top priority for David. The desire to follow God's Way trumped fear, faithlessness and failure, and thus why he was dubbed a "man after God's own heart" [ 1 Samuel 13:14 / Acts 13:22 ].
Here's an excerpt from the historical account written by Flavius Josephus regarding the outcome of disobedience of the people to the king appointed by God and replacing the anointed with someone of the people's choosing:
"So the ten tribes of the Israelites were removed out of Judea nine hundred and forty-seven years after their forefathers were come out of the land of Egypt, and possessed themselves of the country, but eight hundred years after Joshua had been their leader, and, as I have already observed, two hundred and forty years, seven months, and seven days after they had revolted from Rehoboam, the grandson of David, and had given the kingdom to Jeroboam. And such a conclusion overtook the Israelites, when they had transgressed the laws, and would not hearken to the prophets, who foretold that this calamity would come upon them, if they would not leave off their evil doings. What gave birth to these evil doings, was that sedition which they raised against Rehoboam, the grandson of David, when they set up Jeroboam his servant to be their king, when, by sinning against God, and bringing them to imitate his bad example, made God to be their enemy, while Jeroboam underwent that punishment which he justly deserved."
One must ask themselves at least two questions:
- If God had set up a kingdom long ago with David, a promise to his ancestor Abraham fulfilled, and in recent times had manifested Himself in the flesh in Yeshua Christ, the "King of kings," why do people today rebel against the thought of having a kingship rule them?
- Is there an earthly king chosen and anointed by God leading the faithful and spiritually obedient Today?
If you desire to be 'great' or be a 'king,' guess what you must do?
Yeshua called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave - just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
- Matthew 20:25-28