Israel Is Not Judah

Recently a friend via social media contacted me asking for my thoughts on the Zionist agenda.  It’s a touchy subject to put it mildly.  Some who discuss this issue are quickly called anti-Semitic if they don’t agree with the popular agenda.  The Palestinians and other peoples in that region are also Semitic people, but attacks against them either verbally or physical is rarely identified anti-Semitic, although by fact of definition they are.  This is a product of media conditioning. 

I considered how I would respond by either speaking to the various arguments or speaking above those arguments.  I chose to speak above them.

According to the fulfilled Old Testament Scripture, the nation of Israel divided soon after the death of king Solomon due to his idolatry.  In keeping with various promises God made to David and his descendents, the blessing of God’s kingship was retained in the house of Judah.  It was from the house of Judah that Yeshua of Nazareth descended, thus completing the effort of bloodlines revealing the King. 

The northern tribes became rebellious and called themselves the Kingdom of Israel.  The southern tribes became the Kingdom of Judah.  This division and their collective destruction were prophesied and came to fruition within 100 years after Christ.

Efforts in the Middle East by the social and economic hierarchy of Jewdom reintroduce a national identity previously outlawed by Rome’s Empire and today outlawed by Jewish orthodoxy.  Realize this national identity calls itself the nation of Israel, not the nation of Judah.  This reflects how God’s Word is sovereign over all things while precisely identifying the factual reality.

The Zionist effort is rooted in secularism, having little or nothing to do with God and obedience to His Way.  Mount Zion is Today a spiritual state ( of mind and peace ). 


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