Clear Waters After Confusing Currents
Love is so much more than the initial feelings one senses when seeing an attractive person.
I think far too many people never shed the fear of intimacy in reaching for the trust in weakness it takes to open up one's heart.
Nobody likes or enjoys rejection.
Many people, I think, live in the shallow end of the pool and are only getting their feet wet.
People usually mistake sexual attraction for 'love' and other such things that mislead our perceptions.
Much how financial security is misinterpreted as actual security in another person, and so on.
When I met my wife, hearing her voice was what triggered a holy notion in my heart.
It was as if the timbre of her voice resonated with the soulful strings God had formed my heart out of.
Her beauty became secondary, although it initially made me notice her.
I had prior experiences confusing outer beauty as inward goodness.
And after several dismal experiences, I began to imitate the cynical world.
Do after the initial wonder seeing and hearing my wife-to-be's voice, fear was the initial culprit that tempted me into doubting God would grant me one of His daughters.
I thought I only deserved more pain, more deceit and more stone hearts covered in beautiful flesh.
I had chased after plenty of daughters from this side of heaven.
The faith it took for me to believe His heavenly gift to me was to become the greatest challenge to my man-fashioned character, after the most impressing challenge of being holy in a fallen and deceived world.
I had fashioned a character initially after the Perfect Man, Christ Yeshua the Lord God of Israel and heaven and earth...after breaking to pieces the first man that I imitated (the sons of this world).
After falling from grace (an expression that poorly describes a time in the desert, for His grace was still all encompassing but not perceived by my fleshly eyes), I went back to building upon the slippery slopes of earthly sand.
It seems I had to go back to eating pig slop and dog vomit to once again appreciate what was good from bad.
Bitterness in order to taste what is true from false.
Emptiness after being filled once again with innocent Truth from the false gods of this world.
Those gods that men desire to call 'God', and easily submitting to...while not submitting to the Living God.
Easily is dismissed the reality that a man died and rose to life, for a semblance of spirituality that is void of anything filling the void in the heart.
When men throw to the ground anything that is strikingly true, like our mortal manners compared to His Holy Way, men are apt to think that they do not sin any longer, or than sin no longer exists.
It was death that was vanquished, but sin is still a constant for all of mankind.
It is this grip of denying His eternal Word, which would otherwise resound in all hearts the world over, willingly by both men and God.
It shall resound by His will and Way, and shall play a beautiful song in those who have been brought into His will, while sadly shattering the hearts of those who have denied His Way...which is Yeshua Christ....and called their ways righteous while mocking His Way as religious.