Is That What You Think You Are?

Is someone any 'thing' simply because they call themselves that 'thing'?

Man has a knack for giving names, labels and definitions to practically every 'thing', even the unknown things.

People enshrine themselves around identities built on a sandhill of words defined by earthly ideas.

Lots of less-than-perfect identities exist, all but one lacking a complete image.

The plethora of identities are a learning point, but also a dividing reality.

Consider the thousands of identities derived from the names of things people have made up / invented.


Ethnic groups.

Political parties.


From this short list, possibly a thousand varieties existed from the past, with hundreds still existing today.

Thinking of this, what is a Christian?

For some people, when they read or hear the term Christian, they are repulsed / disgusted.

They think of a religious person who hurt them in the past.

They think of crimes done in the name of a 'Christian' organization.

Their thoughts pay gravitate to what they perceive as 'limiting' rules attributed to Christianity.

Perhaps they think of the things their parents, religious group or friends have said about Christians...and they automatically hate the idea and those who represent it.

They may see Christianity (or Christ) as a cage, a locked room where no fun exists.

But is a Christian really a Christian simply because they call themselves a Christian?

When it comes to people on earth, all human beings share a mutual physical origin (we are all literally related by blood).

The way people treat others, despite similar or different ideas, is what defines whether a person is united to others by the same spirit of love and peace, or by opposed spirits.

People's manners, actions and words (whether kind or not, aside from misunderstandings), is what reveals a mutual spiritual origin, or one opposed.

Words and the ideas behind words are a cause for division and difference, when indifference should be our approach.

These differences lead to different activity, with people hypocritically speaking of love and peace while shedding blood and blindly forwarding hate and death.

If we were to try and decide on what would be a good, acceptable and appropriate identity to call ourselves by...or the best example we can identify to be identified with...what or who would that be?

Has someone ever existed whom all of mankind can confidently emulate?

Hasn't all mankind been less than perfect?

I proclaim the answer is Christ...Christ's love...Christ's example.

What other man in history was found to be perfect in word and deed, and also proclaimed to be holy, blameless and righteous?

Christ is always the answer to all questions, problems and challenges.

Some people really hate this reality...quickly advocating for their favorite historical person, or someone living today that better blends modern ideas with ancient ideas.

The bridge bringing people's differences together is what Christ has already achieved.

The same spirit working in different peoples, directed and inspired by the Holy Spirit from Above, continues to achieve this great purpose...despite people's lucid opposition.

The Spirit from Above has already triumphed, while the spirits from below continue in rebellion.

This is why some people on earth are revealed to be inspired by the Spirit from Above despite their current identity crisis (regardless of what they would or would not label themselves).

Other people are revealed to be drifted by spirits from below, or earth-bound spirits.

The driftwood spirits very much agree with one another, as the spirits inspired by the Holy One from Above agree with one another.

I don't think a Christian is one by label or even one self-identifying as such.

Haven't we've seen plenty of false Christian examples throughout history?

To blame Christ for the crimes of people who have called themselves Christians is blaming incorrectly.

Christ was from Above...and not all those who claim to follow Christ are actually His children.

Impostors abound.

Despite fakers, the world is saturated with “spiritual Christians” (people who live like and follow Christ's example)...but much of the time such people are not easily identifiable.

These are not perfect people.

Although Christ was perfect in thought, word and action (perfectly and always acting in love), some of those He inspires are frail in their humanity, others more triumphant.

This is why many people on earth call themselves by the Christian label, but are very far from Christ's example.

Hypocrites and confused people also abound, chasing after ideals, ideologies, identities and ill-conceived labels that are very opposed to the Christ ideal.

These confused people are not only in conflict with others, but are in conflict with themselves, currently unable to decipher between spirits.

What is holy and perfect is not always easy to identity when earthly definitions are used.

I point to Christ as the Perfect Man, the Perfect Example, the Highest Ideal, the Correct Identity for humanity.

Notice I am not pointing to Christians as being perfect examples.

To be like Christ is something more mysterious and not easily perceived, for the Christ path is an inward journey that sometimes spills over into the physical plane.

The factual Christian (one who not only believes in Christ, but actually reflects Christ from the inside out) are not easily perceived by others.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will. 
- Romans 12: 1-2

The children of God are identified by their words and actions; their lives is a living testimony.

It is sometimes difficult for the zealot (whether secular, atheist, new-age spiritist or ancient-world religion adherent), who is incapable to look past their doctrines and dogmas, to see an actual Christian, or an example of Christ in the flesh.

I dare say some “Christians” exist who wouldn't call themselves a 'Christian', yet they live their lives very much how Christ exemplified, than some people who call themselves Christians.

How is this possible?

This mystery is explained here:
All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Yeshua Christ, as my gospel declares. 
- Romans 2: 12-16


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