Let It Be

A heart-shaped leaf that God purposed to be found and made in this shape...for this post.

John 1: 12-13

I was reborn in my early twenties.

At the time I was pursuing an entertainment career; music, acting, anything in that direction.

A cousin of mine was making his way in the music industry and such a career path was more attractive to me than a regular job, or even running my own business.

It was sexy, unique, rebellious and decadent.

Everything a wayward young man may want.

I didn't get too far.

Something developed inside me that I couldn't deny, no matter how attractive and alluring the thought of possibly being worshipped by millions (and making million$$) was.

I didn't understand that idolatry was what I desired.

I thought I was choosing a path that was going to be fun...yet the fun part was escaping reality.

Drug abuse, illicit sex, and an attitude fit for a scoundrel who desired to be a prince was that calling for me.

But however much I filled my heart with these things, the satisfaction was momentary while the guilt, pain and heartache lasted much longer.

Some people would blame my Catholic upbringing, but is that the proper culprit for a conscience that couldn't be sapped with a sinful lifestyle?

I knew better, and began to know more when a search for The Real was sparked in my heart.

The holy life wasn't attractive to me, but it resonated peace and calm...two things a 20 year old in America may care less about.

In a culture saturated in depravity, the senses prodded towards sensuality at every turn, the holy life seems like a farce...but it is possible.

It begins on the inside, responding to the calling, and followed by decision built upon decision.

In due time, as events in my life unfolded and better friendships flourished, the quick journey to god-like status seemed more like a manufactured effort than the process God had intended.

So it is no surprise when a particularly popular young man has decided to pursue the matters of the heart over the matters of the flesh...and I applaud him.

May our Holy Father bless Mr. Bieber with the understanding of His immense grace...the grace that held a wayward young man prior to his rebirth, and also holds this young man and so many others from eternity...now hopefully abundantly being made known to this time's Justin.


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