Molded By Inner Struggles & Outer Manners

Job 8: 8-19
When discussing economic and political ideas with others, typically the solutions to any given problem is simple.

The answer is very easy and universal.

I think people are so accustomed to complicating things, or hearing complicated methods to what can be quite simply resolved, that a simple solution seems unrealistic or unattainable.

For example, when certain individuals conspired to gain from the demise of thousands of people during the economic collapse of 2008, the people of Iceland convicted and jailed the top culprits.

The purpose of the law is to hold all people accountable, not only those who haven't the friends or financing to corrupt justice...but such was not the case for Icelanders.

The simple solution: punish those who trespass and break the law.

Regarding the economic collapse, the trespass was major and caused widespread harm and misery.

The 'crime' was not a small matter like an expired parking meter ticket without an injured party, but people losing businesses, homes and in some cases their sanity and lives.

The greed and justification of certain individuals caused great pain and trust in the system for everyone.

In politics, navigating the waters of policy and rhetoric can be quite confusing and frustrating, especially since the masses are encouraged to think in a binary fashion instead of a more objective and logical manner that roots out fallacy.

Most people are typically aligned with one of two sides of any issue or topic, similar to cheering only for their favorite sports team.

People align themselves with a personality, or a 'team' like a political group, and identify with certain elements of a politician's character or their pandering.

When politicians break the law, it is very difficult for their fans to make a logical judgment of their favorite politician's actions, because they practically worship that person and see them as a savior of sorts.

Not sure how things work in other countries, but in some instances in the United States, unless a major and obvious crime is committed by a favored and high ranking politician (or their crime includes too many people to convict only a sole individual), such crimes are typically pardoned.

It seems part of the nature of the system to forgive those who, if matters were reversed, are obliged to pardon you.

Forgiveness and grace is a part of a matured life and civilized society, usually accompanying a confession and effort to make amends at any cost.

But expectations of pardon justifying the actions (impunity) is like encouraging activities with few or no consequences for trespasses.

Such hypocrisy only benefits people in those circles, possibly causing a recoil in the rest of society promoting criminality, or lying, and other grievances that would otherwise be punished in other demographics of society.

This may be one reason why a movement has been growing in the United States where the common citizen asserts their rights in desiring to be 'equal' to those who leverage considerable influence and power according to their economic and political standing.

The aim is a level of sovereignty where the reality of being legal subjects has been realized.

The effort to correct a perceived second-class status has gained little influence outside of intelligent court maneuverings and learning how to properly address grievances by highlighting systematic mistakes and rights violations.

When looking at economic and political issues, one doesn't have to look beyond their reflection in the mirror.

It is the inner struggles that each human individual has (or denies) that is magnified in economic and political circles.

When such struggles (or their suppression and ignorance) are stratified into society or close circles, then such social manners are the norm and the conscience is diminished or outright ignored.

The inner struggle of an idealist who lost his mind and went on a murderous rampage is a key example.

It seems this individual may have had a predisposition to be a violent criminal, but their initial aim was to do what was right.

When they found out that the ideals they learned to live by were actually being ignored, and the conscience to obey and follow the law was hypocritically contradicted by his peers, madness exploded.


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