Ideas & Words Change The World

The Breathing Under Water Idea Changed The World... Go Read Ephesians 1: 10

What would be the result of a deeper alliance and greater unity between secular states and legal fictions currently labeled “countries” and “nations” and “states”?

Imagine “Russia” and the “United States” and the “European Union” coming together as a unified legal entity.

Over two centuries ago (late 1700's), there was a sharp divide between the colonial states (what eventually became the United States) and the United Kingdom (England).

One came out of the other, rebelled over a variety of reasons (political and economic mainly), and over the years have forged a unity along political and economic lines.

Politics and economics led to war...and politics and economics led to peace.

Time and similar interests have left the previous sharp differences (and war) in the past, and unity has been the aim since peace treaties were signed.

Power, taxes and a pecking order was at issue (defined through politics and economics), and currently both countries (political and economic interests that form policy) understand that unity and friendship is of utmost importance; more important than being at odds.

It is financially beneficial to be at peace, not at war.

A human argument can be made for peace.

It is similar to neighbors resolving to always work out their differences and be at peace at all costs, since the reality they live very close to one another won't change...unless one of them moves away.

Countries, however, cannot 'move' away to another place on earth, at least not as a whole.

The ideas that form countries (policy that manages people), in contrast, can and do move from place to place.

What, then, is an agreeable policy that could be a means of unity, or something that can be adopted by a people / country that currently does not reflect such policies?

This is the aim of politics.

Could you imagine Russia being included in the U.K. and U.S. ideological unity?

I think there are more similarities than differences today than in previous history.

It is an issue of identity, pride, power and pecking order I think.

The same question can be asked of the countries currently labeled “Iran” and “Saudi Arabia” and others having an Islamic national identity?

These share more in common than in difference, I think, and if perhaps the ethnic pecking order can be put aside (as also seen in 'western' nations), a peaceful unity of sorts can be realized based on current similarities.

What about all of Europe (east, west, north and south), Asia, Middle East, Africa and the western hemisphere (rest of the world)?

Humanity, I think, has more in common than in difference.

The resolve of any evident difference will be realized through deference.

How would, or could, the world's peoples realize their common humanity, common plight and common ground that goes beyond the differences perceived through our limited perceptions and outer identities?

What about our inner identity; the dialogue between our hearts?

Perhaps identifying factors like similar religious beliefs and secular concepts stemming from our ancient pasts can be something to built dialogue upon.

Consider how some ancient peoples were bound together for a time, or had similar values despite their apparent external differences or violence opposition, eventually building a unifying basis.

The United States reflects much of the ancient Greek culture that eventually cast a broad shadow of influence throughout the world.

This influence continues still today.

Ideas last longer than military engagements.

Ideas can be adopted when they are better than current / previous ideas.

Through language, learning and linguistics – beyond military might – the Greek influence (which became the Roman influence, which became...etc..) continues to echo through the American influence of today and beyond.

One obvious influence is a common language.

Today's common language dominating the world is English.

The same residual influence through language was realized in the Middle East for a time between the empires of Assyria, Babylon, Sassanid, etc..

Despite how power and other ideas flexed and swayed into one direction or another, the lasting impressions of language and ideas made their mark...and those marks are still evident today.

Learning was, and is, in terms of media (written ideas in history, philosophy, imagery, religion, etc.).

Within learning we can find and define identity, with historical and philosophical ideas being products of religious beliefs (whether based on God, a pantheon of 'gods', or purely philosophical sans divine notions...yet they all bleed similar notions when objectively considered).

When peace treaties have been signed, lessons have been learned.

When some argue war was inevitable, another can argue war could have been avoided and never being a solution or a resolve to conflict or difference between people.

It would be highly unlikely that the U.K. and the U.S., as their current ideologies stand, would find themselves in a war conflict in the future...but ideologies, identities and ideas are in flux (always changing).

The east vs west divide (whether it is eastern Europe with western Europe), or the U.K. / U.S. vs Russia, or east vs west in terms of the religious perspective of Christianity vs Islam, can be formed into similar semblance by building upon what is common to humanity.

What is our least common denominator?

I think most humans desire to be at peace, with neighbors both near and far.

I think most humans desire to be respected and shown dignity despite superficial differences.

I think most humans have an innate desire to be loved, and to love.

I think most humans desire to get along with all others.

I think these obvious desires have already been mentioned in some of the world's cultures, and in some have been realized to some extent.

I think this effort initiated since the very beginning of humanity...and will soon conclude, like a child becoming a mature adult.

I think ideas and words such as these are contagious.

Will you catch the contagion and be transformed for the better, or will the contagion cause you sickness?


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