Beyond The Looking Glass
There is evidence of God's fingerprints in all things human.
Yet not all that humans have pondered is from God or God-inspired.
Philosophies have aimed at finding out what is difficult to clearly identify according to human perception.
What is behind the front of this world?
Many philosophies have greatly served man’s understanding and conceptualization of God’s omnipotence and omnipresence.
Some philosophies expand concepts, while others constrain them.
Religious ideas also expand and constrain.
Through them we can find similar, complimentary, and important concepts.
As we discover complimenting concepts, we can also those that contrast.
Men, through their identities, tend to claim a particular legacy as unique or preeminent (out of pride).
Whether stemming from ancient Greek, Persian, Asian, Indian, Egyptian, etc., it is typical of a man to desire bringing glory to himself (or to what he perceives himself being a part of).
Consider how man’s philosophies, although labeled ‘religion’ at times, are realities already mentioned in the Old Testament.
One could argue that this, too, is an attempt to bring glory to one people, or a group of people.
Thus it could be argued the Hebrews have a philosophy as well, and a desire to proclaim their concepts as 'true' or 'better' or 'clearer'.
But what does the Hebrew testimony say about that notion?
Everyone who is called by My Name, whom I created for My glory, whom I formed and made.
- Isaiah 43: 7
In the Light of Christ, the legacy that God started through Abraham (the first Hebrew), is to include all other peoples regardless of their background.
Thus no man, or group, or identity can take pride.
This is why Christ didn't teach a Hebrew ideology, but something very much beyond what men usually focus on.
Thus no man, or group, or identity can take pride.
This is why Christ didn't teach a Hebrew ideology, but something very much beyond what men usually focus on.
Philosophers, when expanding their minds to consider things not physically seen yet evidenced in nature, have simply used different terms / words in speaking of like dynamics.
Things God has somehow made clear to their hearts, minds, and eyes.
As man’s ideas continue to be consolidated and made submissive under Christ (He who is Truth - the aim of man's philosophy), notable past concepts will be found to have revealed how God has always been working through mankind in all places and all times.
This is one way God brings glory to Himself.
It is through mankind and through things not initially perceived to be inspired from God that God brings about His glory... and reveals His fingerprints quite clearly in all things.
It is through mankind and through things not initially perceived to be inspired from God that God brings about His glory... and reveals His fingerprints quite clearly in all things.