Does All Humanity Have More In Common Than In Difference?

We can learn so much from observing and interacting with animals.
A pet doesn't know your political affiliation, or your religion, or your sin.
Unless a pet is mistreated, it has no reason to fear your or mistrust being near you.
In turn, you don't suspect your animal of being politically aligned with 'the other side'.
In this we can surely be more like the animals when considering the nonsense men have made up.

To answer the title question: Absolutely.

Siblings growing up in the same household may have sharp differences of opinion.

They may disagree on certain details, yet they likely have much more in common.

Common being their heart's desires for themselves and for others.

Obviously, they have parents in common and such things related.

How about one's neighbor?

Looking at a neighbor, whether near (next door) or far (next country - other side of the world), is it possible to have more in common than in difference with such neighbors?


If we look past and beyond the noise, we will likely see ourselves in them.

But if looking through the noise of politics and religion, a difference in language or dress or tastes (the outside) may convince us that what is on the inside is also different.

When looking past what is on the surface, or what is assumed / presumed, all mankind speaks a common language.

Have you noticed that any side of a political divide claims to desire what is best for themselves and for others (or you).

But why is political language is so different, and the rhetoric so hostile?

Why if they claim to know what is best, do they speak unkindly at the ideas of others?

Likely because their view of others is layered with hate and fear, either on purpose or by conditioning.

Notice that politics (or politicians) rarely talk of love... or what is really going on inside them.

Rather, the poli-talk (much-talk) is mostly slogans, or empty promises, or attacking others, but never being honest about what is going on inside.

Politics desires to best manage people, yet they seem to do more instigation of people in order to get their way or push their ideas.

Instead of managing people through love of people, love of truth, love of what is right, they love themselves and their own ideas.

If we peel away much of the nonsense we've been taught from the place of fear, we may be able to see ourselves in other human beings regardless of what they look like.

When the human begins that journey, they attract those who also look beyond the surface.

While those who are fixated on all things visible are often times pushed away.

Not pushed away on purpose, but in ways unintended.

Those who love are brought near to one another (and easily identified), and those who hate also brought near to one another (and easily identified).

Notice certain religious circles, or political circles, and the actions of their associates.

Consider that every human being desires love.

If they can be honest about it, everyone desires to be loved and to be able to love others.

I am not talking about just 'feelings' either.

Those honest with themselves, and if remembering a decent childhood (or time of innocence), can fully attest to this reality of desiring to be loved.

If we can remember how we so desired to be accepted, either by other relatives or by other children, why can't we acknowledge this fact as adults?

This is a common desire from the hearts of mankind, full stop.

It is, I dare say, a basic mechanism of our nature (from Above).

It is in our DNA... it is how we have been made (in His likeness).

It is also scary to consider such things, since they bring about a vulnerability not everyone is accustomed to.

To love and be loved is, I dare say, instinctual for the human being.

Yet, as we grow older and experience this life, the clarity of loving and being loved is muddied.

With more words, more experience, the ideal of love and of being accepted, can become tainted.

Have you noticed often times it is those tainted, those who have been hurt and not put back together, that are the most pessimistic?

We see many of these popular voices proclaiming that love doesn't exist, or that the world is a hopeless mess.

To them, in their eyes, it likely is seen that way.

They always notice (or point out) the darkness and shadows instead of the light that allows for such shadows and darkness to be revealed.

They look to the objects that are casting the shadows, instead of the light bringing clarity to those objects and things that cast shadows.

They, through uncomforted pain, somehow convince others that love is nonsense... or child's play.

Child's play love should return to being.

Oh if only to love like a child loves (without fear or restraint).

To speak again like children speak (of simple and uncomplicated things).

To see only what is simple, and often times, most important... as a child often times sees and can sometimes express.

I speak of children who have been taught to love, to share, to be accepting, and to be kind regardless of how other children act.

Children who have been so loved are able to reflect the love they've received onto others.

Thus the battle is primarily within (being honest with ourselves, and secondly on the outside.

If / when hurt, it is difficult to once again allow others to love us or come near.

We then learn that not everyone is capable of love, or loving us, maybe just for the moment (but hopefully able to one day).

Through the eyes of pessimists has love been misunderstood and explained in ways twisted.

Love can sometimes be a feeling, but it is not always or only a feeling.

Feelings sway and slide according to events or words misspoken.

Does love sway like that?

The pessimist would argue it does.

Those who interpret the world solely through feelings as the best interpretation of reality are tossed about like a small boat in the sea.

This world rocks back and forth because of people's bad choices... yet the closer people come to love (and loving others), the sea becomes calm and stable like firm ground.

Love is elusive for those tossed about... until they explore further what love really is.

Do feelings always define reality for us?

Of course not.

When feelings take the lead, we see moments of rage that may lead to bad words (words spoken outside of love), or in the most extreme cases criminal activity and murder.

However, when feelings are interpreted through love, instigations can be best managed and overcome.

What, then, is the proper definition of love?

'How' is it possible to love?

Read chapter one on love, then chapter two, then chapter three, and finally what is truly the greatest love (obviously not a feeling, but a choice).


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