Early Politics Confusing The Holy Nation...Yet His King Speaks

It is very clear the Example of Christ is wholly about love, peace, and submission to all authority.

Having hope and faith in God as Protector, Judge, And Savior leaves no room for the believer to take matters into their own hands.

Thus why no New Testament source, nor anything written in the three centuries after Christ rose from he dead supports violence or an aggressive manner for the believer.

Not even self defense!

This Perfect Example of Christ was only contested when the ancient Church triumphed over the kingdoms of men...and politics began to appear in the Church.

(Although His holy kingdom had already been established when Christ appeared on earth, I’m referring to the obvious historical point in terms of things physical.)

Only when political intrigue began to sway certain ‘leaders’ in church hierarchy did human traits begin to redefine the faith... a way to accommodate the flesh.

The transition of a spiritual kingdom (kingdom of God within) to a temporal reality (Rome abandoning state-sponsored pagan worship for the worship of Yeshua as Lord and God) was not without issue.

But it is a great significance how the transfer of power to the Church was done through martyrdom, not through war.

This is unique in the ancient world.

As hypocrisy grew, so did solidarity with God's Spirit and the Way became still clearer.

Although some high religious positions can be argued as 'corrupted', the Way continually was exemplified in the common believer.

Thus the meek inherited the earth as they continue to, while men drunk with power and lust over power pass away with the wind.

I have found this hypocrisy in practically every church organization Today.

As men entrusted to preach a Holy Nation built on love, peace, and submission to all authority, what we find is something different.

Still there is an accommodation for armies.

Do armies have a place in God's kingdom?

Only those headed by Christ the King and enlisted by His army of angels.

This is why, I think, earthly kings continued into the New Age (New Testament).

This is why an earthly king, regardless of his belief in Chris the Lord thy God, or some variation of Him as the Holy God of heaven, or no 'god', makes no difference.

The priesthood also continued (royal priesthood).

The problem is when a priest / disciple of Christ began repeating political or secular rhetoric.

Thus, when a ‘Christian’ used violence or some other beguiling manner against another human being, they were reflecting man’s nature and not Christ’s nature.

The issue was (and continues to be) faith.

When men have their eyes on the things of this world, they justify their bad manners (regardless of their religion or their position).

When men have their hearts set on things Above, they gladly go to their death and ask others to also be at peace… and place their faith in God’s Right Hand.

It is possible for the Church to keep its hands clean while still presiding over the secular state and its hypocritical laws.

The clarity showing God’s will over things secular shall be resolved (or shown wanting) with regard to abortion, capital punishment, and usury - to name just three).


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